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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Jun 1971, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEbDNESDAIY, JUNE 29th,.1971 ?UDLICATION ACCEPTED ' UNTIL5:00 p.L TUESDAY P9NEORONO 983.5301 Pe g8ifls.. Insura.nce Agwm'cy fer M classesof personal Sand Commercial Coverares Offlee: Main St., Orene 983-5031 R..983-5754 bof-dSimpson] PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIR Interlor Exterlor CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed -' Mectloneer and Valuator Upeclalize ln Farm and .1Furniture Sales (C<sult me for terms and dates PIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments, and Family Memorials Om quality and service leaves âwethlng to ho desfred A& te.peruon Who bought troui w, a selghbour, friend or relative lb. RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Lai-goa dlsplay lni Southeru Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orone Phono 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobiles XcCniloch CHAIN SAWS Repaire to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUErrE SNOWMOBILES PLJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phono 78-3558 Clarke public LIBR ARY Monday,, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tbursday and Friday alternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m, BYAMS TLUMIENG and HEATINO a" s ud Uerlee 14 ROUE RUiNER SEEVICz GUL FIFNANCINQ Orville Chatterton ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECI'RIC HEATING AND SERVICE phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO ELECTRIC Bei-b and Gerr" Duvail "83-.5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELEC7RICAL APPLIANCES, T.V. - COLOUR T.V.- RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE RCA ELECYROBOME GUARAX[TEED SERVICE FOR SALE Hay 35c Bale; StraW 30c Baie. Good quality. Terms cash. Pick up tili 6 p.m.. Monday through Saturday. Wanless Farms, 2 mlies east on Sommerville Rýd., from- 115 at Orono. t-f ORONO TRAILER SALES AND RENTAL Truck Campers liard and Soft Tent Trailers This week we have the AUi- Canadian Trans-Continental Coach 30 feet long, fifth Nvheel, for the haîf or three-quarter ton truek Chas. Stapleton, Phone Orono 983-5974. b-21-c FOR SALE Fresh eggs- 5 dozen for $100 and 4 dozen for $1.00. Larger sizes 40 and 45 cent_ a dozen. A Van Hattum, R.R. 2, Orono. 300 yds. west from Hwy. 115 and 35 on Leskard Road. t-f FOR SALE 1958 Plymouth f or$59,Q0. Phone Orono 983-ý5915. a-c HELP WANTED Cleaning woman wanted, onc day a week, north of Orono. Phone 983-5191. a-c RIDE WANTED - Girl wants ride to and £rom Toronto weekdays (hours 8:15- to 4:30) Write Box 400 c/o Orono Week- ]y Times, Orono, ýOntario. a-p WORK WANTED Marshman Bros. Floor Co. Specializing in Machine and Hand Trowelled Dustless Concrete Floors Phone 885-6493 t-f NOTICE Caill Orono Landscaidng for sodt1ng, plantinig and seeding, tiree removail and gardeniin'g. Phone 983"598. - tid Box 133 Ph... «8-M58 Stafford Brothers1 Cemetery Memurilo aie Daa hun" Haut m WHIT, ONTAMI I Buiding a bumse? Ior remodeillg your proeuat one, thon contat iFloyd ýNcclIson jphone98ls UN FOR SALE Fresli Home Grown Strawberries for sale, ready picked or pick your own., Turn north at The Acres Rest- aurant, second place.. Klaas Reitsma, phone 263-2754. No calls from 8 to 12:30 noon and no Sunday sales. b-27-e FOR SALE An eight foot truck Camper fully equipped.> Orono Trailer Sales and Rentais t-f Wanted Dead or Cripld >Farm Stock PICKED UP PEOMPTLT Trelephone Coli 808-811 Miargwill F'ur Farm Licence Ne0 81-C-I REALTOR Smu gkSt, E. RO WMAN VILLE Whon Ruyng or Sfllng eau WILF HAWKE TVOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 9U-9274 Member of Oshawa and.iMs- t-et Real Nate Board -StrawberriEs For Sale or Pick Your Own Also Fresh VEGETABLES FRED'S FRUIT MARKET On Highway 115 South of Orono TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Written applications will be re- ceived in the office of the under- signed up to, and including July 5, 1971 at 5 p.m. for the position of Building Inspector, By-Law En- forcement Officer and Zoning Ad- ministrator. Applicants shouid state age, cd- ucation, experience, marital stat- us and other personal data. Salary open to negotiation, Full range of fringe benefits in effect. Successful applicant to com- mence duties as soon aspossible. Alil applications will be treated in strictest confidence. Applications should be distinct- ly mnarked "Applications." IL DeWith, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Clarke, P.O. Box 219, Orono, Ontario. COMING EVENT Wednesday, July l4th 2 to 6 p.m. Alil welcome to a "Garden Tea", sponsored by Unit 6, Orono U.C.W. at "«The Shiellng," Holmes' residence, Leskard. Corne to sec the miles and>walk beside cool Wýimot Creek. Admission, 75e. ::27-c RECEPTION T.he family of Mr- and Mrs. Hartwell Lowcry invite ail rel- atives, friends and neighbors to a reception in honour of their parent's àth Wedding Annivers- ary to be held Jully 24th, fromn 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.i at Kirby Cen- tennial Sehool. Best wishes only. a-c NOTICE Wanted to buy old furniture, dishes, crocks, chairs etc. Phone 983-5167. 1 d-29-c NEWTON VILLE AUCTION BARN We Buy and Sei Furniture Consignment and Estate Frank Stapleton, Auctioneer Phone 786-2244 NOTICE Junior Gardeners' Flower Sale. foi Decoration Day, June 27. $200 per flower arrangement. For advance orders phone Mrs. F. Zegers 983-5490) or Mrs. G. Atkîns 983-5608. b-26-p CARD 0F THANKS Olive and Ed Milîson an«~ daughters wish to express their sincere àppreciation and gratitude to the >ir many friends and relatives Who truly made their twenty-fifh -Annivers 'ary such a very lovclyý and, mernorable occasion. SpecliaI thanks for the most eni oyable, dinner party a'nd to the members of Ileather Rebekah Lodge whe so capably served rcfreshmeft at Open House. a-e, FIVE DOLLARS OFFERED Five dollars in merchandise i&. offeyed to any adult reader of this paper that eau find ourplace of b~usiness in Bay Ridges. This is, a houa fiçle offer and you can take advantage of this offer by present- ing thîs page to any of our cal- ployees at our huge furniture warehouse opposite the Don Be cx- Sports Arena during regular bus- iness hours., Offer is limitcd to onc person per a family and ex- pires oneweek fromi the date car- ricd on this page,' If you are a person of averagce intelligence it will'taiçe you three trips beforeý you finally find us in, the southeru part of Pickering Township on the- way ta the rut- cicar pawer plant here. Wc caTi ourselves brackway furnîture him- itcd and our address is 936 Dii- linghami Road. This scldom seems. to. help people wha are looking for us and we often receive fraut- le appeals for hclp from scarchers who tcleghone us at 839-1332. We try to help but, if they, find us, they are gencrally exasperated byç the trne thcy arrive., It is with the hope of mollifSY- ing this exasperatian that we are sweetening our appeal, with the offer of a five dollar credit note. Suuday is a good day to play ibis game because we are open for browsing frorn 1 to 6 p.m. Once you do succced lu finding us, though you will be pleasantly surpriscd at thýe quality of Our stock of furnîture and apppliances our prices' are hard to beat. Go- and we thînk you will agrec that ing to take us up on that five dollar offer?, Ipays to advertise in., the Ti nes For Tour CAR OR TRUCK In Various Sizes and Many Colours Orono limes Hamfltons Insuranc e Service AUTO- VIRE, PACKAGE POLICIES FIDELITY BOND LIFE MAIN STREET, ORONO Uladte Naunito., JIm Rare For Dependable Service Aîter Hours and Week-ends 983-9330 phome Newcastle 987-4240 AUl day WednesdaY and Saturday

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