----.~ - VOLUME 35, NUMBER 29 .W eekly Tines GONO, WEEKLY TIMES, WEIDNESDAY, JULY I4th, 1971' Six. Ontalrjo'SchoIars Graduae At Clarke Higk Chamber Barbecue, Was Township Advertise Bigger And Better For Clerk It was hot bcdf off the spil and hot: baked beans out of a mon- strously large pot last Wednes- day evening when the Orono Chamber of Commerce he]d their Annual Beef Bar-B-Q in the Or- ono Park. Also inpluded on the menu, were baked potatoes, relishes, cole slaw, coffee and donutsý. It is cstimatcd that around 350 were in attendance which is an in- crease over the previous, year. Gross revenue on Wednesday ev- ening in connection with the Bar- B-Q amounted to $780.00 compar- ed with $640.00 in 1970. Along with the Bar-B-Q, enter- l.ainment was provided by a sing- ing group from the Orono Youth Theatre which was' enjoyed by those present. The evening's activîties were concluded with a fire-works dis- play which was postponed from May 24th. The display was held at dark witb the sky being light- cd with the numerous colourful aerial displays. These were lit by the Orono Firefighters. Another event of the evening which brouglit much laugbter was the auctioning of roasts which had not been served. Mr. S. Mather 'conducted the auction. WINS $165.00 Mr. Max Bemrose of Division Street, Orono, 'was the winner of the 50-50 Draw held in conjunc- tion) with the Bar-B-Q. Total sales amiounted .b o$330.00 with the winner taking haîf of the pro-' ceeds. Btterwniood Hlouse, the home of the late Vincent Massey, the country's first Canadiani-born gov- ernr-gnerl as been sold for $420.000. Robeýrt Marten, the Port HTope propcrty owner, who purchased Battcrwood in 1968, announced that he sold the 300-acre estate to John Brown, director of th e Warrendale Institution for Ment- ally Disturbcd Chidren. Only tlree weeks ago, Mr. Mar- ten announced that a luxury home for senior citizens would be open- ed at',Battcrwood at -the beginning of July. 11je had already started to ad- vertise in both national and local newspapers for senior citizens wishing ta enjoy "the luxury liv- ing of a rural estate." "lWe .worked on the senior citi- Bownie Mother - Dughter Picnic On June 7t1 at the Clarkçs, a Brownie Mother and Daugîler picnic was leld wlien badges and 23 Golden Bars were prescnted 10 Brownies who lad earned t1cm in Ileir first year of Brownics. Ka ren Atkins receivcd 1cr Golden Ladder, second year in Brownies. Kerri Lyn Grady' reccived ber Golden Hand and 1er Brownie Wings, the 'highest award in Brownies. Shelley Lycelt was e- into the isI Orono Pack. .Mrs, Snelders. tle Conre er was Ilere to présent ail of the badges to tle girls: Skalcr Badge: Jackie Mercer,, Dcbbie Murce, Mari Lou Powell, Bannie Harris, Barbara Harris, Paisley Stutt, Tammy Boughen, Michelle Philp, Michelle Major, Brenda Green, Lisa Green, Nancy Madili. Karen Alkins. Home Maker Badge: Karen At- kins, Healllér Nixon, Debbie Mil- burn, Tammy Baughen, Karen Quanîrili, Mari Lou Powell, Bar- bara Harris, Brenda Green, Jackie West, Debbje Murce, Bannie Har- ris, Kalhi LycelI, Nancy Madîli, Kerri Lyn -Grady, Lisa Green,, Paisley StulI, Bell Nixon, Mich- elle Major, Nancy Tregunna. Observer: Kerri Lyn and Kar- en, Gardener: Karen, Pet Keeper: Karen.' Jester: Kerri Lyn and Kathi Ly- cebl. Toymaker: Kerri. Book lover: Kerri. Arlist: Kerri. zen home project until Thursday" he said, "when the final contract of sale with Mr. Brown, was sign- Batterwood was listed on the real estate market for $580,000, but Mr. Marten pointed out that in any property deal it is rare to get the asking.price. Reports are that Mr. Brown who operates Warrendale Institu- tion in Newmarket, Ontario, is planning to make his headquart- ers at 'Canton. Mr. Marten believes lie will es- tablish a school to train person- nel for the institution. '«I arn confident that the take Continued page 6 The Township of Clarke is cur- rently advcrtising for a clerk for the M ýniciPality. Applications are being accepted for this posi- tion until Monday, July 26th, 5:00 p.m. This is thc second position ad- vertised by the Township, having recently advertised the position of Building Inspector and By-Law Enforcement Officer, following the resignation of MIr. I1. R. Bcst. Although Council has opened and received cîght applications for the position of Building In- spector and By-law Enworcement Officer, they have made no pub- lic. announcement regarding the a,,$plicant successful in filling the position. In regards the Cler'k's position, no resignation has been tendered by Mr. Henry DieWith who pres- ently holds this position. Teâ9enaige Girls Body Found In Car 'Trunk The decomposing body of a 17- year-old girl, wrapped in a green blanket was discovered in the trunk of an automobile by a Co- bourg service station operator late Thursday afternoon. ,Harold Chatten of Harold's Gulf' Station, said the automobile had been sitting on the south side of lis lot waiting to b'ý r" Paired since WeIdnesday after- noon. Yesterday the qdor frow. ie vehicle.,wai,'s ostrong that lie 'pried the trunkI open and the body, wrapped in the blanket with garbage bags wound around the, head and fýeet. Police suspect suicide. Reports are that the body had a gun-shot wound in the head whîch inflicted. Toronto Metropolitan Police have laida charge of "indignity to a dead body" against 18-year- old Mary Ament of Langley Ave., Toronto. It is believcd that, she and the de.ad girl, Bridgit John, were room-mates. Inspector Noble of the Homo- cide Brancl, said lie would not identify the body until fingepr prints and dental tests are com- pleted. "The decomposed state of the body makes il difficuit; to' visually identify the person by looking at thc features," le said. Township 0f Clarke Signsý Agreement Wîth Wm. Hale For Use 0f Disposai Area The Township of Clarke through resolution gave authority for signing an agreement with Hale's Disposai, RUR. 1, Orono, to contract the use of their disposai area for residents of the Township excluding th1e Village of Orono. The Township lias agrced to pay a sum of $4,000.00 annually sa thaI residents may use the dis- posai area free of charge from 1 to 5 Monday ta Friday and 8 ta 12 on Saturday. Thc contract witl Hale s is to take 'affect on Auigusî ist, 1971, Council again gavýe, their ap- praval' for the rezoning of an area along the Wilmol for the Clarke I'ish and Conservation Club and submitted furtler in- formation b îlhe Department of Municipal Affairs. This informa- fion included a letter of approval from Mr. Alex Carruthers. Approval was given by Council concerning the purchase, of a new truck from MacDonald Ford Sales (Oshawa) Ltd. in tle a- mount of'$12,673.23. By resolution Cohincil appoint- cd Mr. Sterling Matlier ta the Orono Park Board filling the pos- ition made vacant by the dealli of Mr. A. E. West. Council did support the deci s- ion of the Planning Board in re- fusing applications for rczoning certain lands in the Township. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Angi were re- fused a rezoning application to aiiow the operation of a body shop near Newtonville while Mr. Harold D. Brown was refuscd an application ta extend a garage op. cration. Furîher processing of an appli- cation of Mr. à. G. Stephenson for rezoning from Agriculture ta Rur- al Residential was approved, by Council. Councîl also appraved the fur-, ther processing of an application for rczoning by Michael V. Mal- lori ta aliow the establishment of an Over-night Trailer Camp. Mr. A. Perrin and Mrs. Patricia Vick- erey who met with Council in op- Position ta the application were laid to attend tle next meeting of the Planning Board in this malter. Councîl gave their support ta a proposai4 of the Diamond Tri- angle -Commitîe af thc Hamilton Township, Port Hope and Cobourg area that tle Province ensure the relention of the lakeshore arca between Port Hope and C obourg as a recreal lonal area. Councîl also gave their approv- ai of an Orono Police Truste resolution in which tley support- cd the sîgning of a contract to lave the Ontario Water Resoure- es Commission to finance and pro- ceed witl, a second well for the Police Village of Orono. Barbara Kordas, 90.6% Philip -Nichols, 84.7% Carol Anne Caldwell, 82.1% Six students at Clarke' Higli School have earned the, honour of Ontario Scholars having passed Grade 13 with a percentage of eiglty or over. Thc six were a- mong 34 who graduated this year from grade 13. Barbara Kordas, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Jakob Kordas, RU 3 Newcastle headed 1er class with a passing average of 90.6%. Theodore Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Becker, RR 1, Orono 86%; Phlip Nichols, son' of MVr* and Mrs. Clarence Nichais UR 3,' Newcastle 84.7%; Glen Wither- spoon, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilherspoon, Bowmanville 83.3%y; Carol Anne Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caldwell, Or- ono 82.1% and Ralph Barnett, son of Mr. and, Mrs. Derek Barn- cît, RU 1, Orono, 81.4%. Other passing graduates are as follows: Grade 13-Suzanne Bunting, Michael Carman, Angela Chard, Harry de Jonge, Linda Downcs, Frank Ciesielski, Donna Cochrane Janet Duvail, John Duvaîl, Darla Farrow, David Gray, George Gray, Heather Hoar, Brent Kent, Katly Lovekin, Hans Luglcnburg, Linda MacDonald, Linda McLaren, Alan Milhendli, Kathy Morrow, Jerry Murphy, Eva Panta, Elizabeth Spry, Karen Stec, Glenda Ten- nant, Pat Watson, Ernie, Wilcock, Marie Yeo. Miss Ruth, Scott was accepted witl early spring admission ta Guelph University. 1There were no failures in Gr. 13. Graduates 'of ,Grade% 12 ,with their, Secondary School Gradua- tion Diplomas are as follows: Marlene Adams, Helen Ade- gecest, Bruce Alldred; Donald Al.-, len, Gladys Allin, Krista '>Batlams, Ann Beattie, Dawn Berry, Joseph' Bczqgiak, Anja Boots, Katly Bridger, John Brink, Evelene Brown, Joan Cail, Deborah Chris- tie, Bonnie Cunningham, Joseph Theodore Becker, 86% Glen Witherspoon, 83.3% Ralph Barnett, 81.4 %/ 1Davey, Ian Davidson, Cathy El- liotl, Darlene Flinloff, Guy Gib- son, Janet Gîbson, Brian Green- wood, Bonnie Hale, Jessica Har- boon, Brenda Henderson,, Carol Hobbs, Fred Hobbs, Cathy Ibbot- son,. Rhonda Johnson, Ruth Jord- an, Chris Jorgensen, Alica Kam- minga, Eridli Kelter, Helen Knapp, Susan Lacombe, Rebecca Lee, Gina Lowery, Karen Lowery, Jeffrey McLean, Leslie Miklos, Marilyn Morton, Arlene Munro, Dan Norton, Peter Obrist, Harvey Partner, Ken Partridge, Mary Paterson, Patricia Payne, Doreen Pelletier, Mike Rienstra, June Robinson, Margaret Santo, Sleph- en Searle, Susan Simpson, Judy Stacey, Lois Stapleton, Judy Ste- plenson, Leona Sweep, Gerry Tlompson. Catherine ,Tschînkel, Ben Vander Werf, Susan Wallon, Steve West, Kathy Wilkins, Wil- lic Woo, Jenny Woudslra, Helen Yates,- Cornie Zegers, Peter- Geg- ers. Ail students of Grade 12 at Clarke HigI School received their graduation diplomas. Fire Depc rtment Answ.rs Cal Thc Orono-Clarke Fire Depart- ment answered a caîl early Mon- day evening la the home of Mr. and Mrs. G., R. Clark, R.R. 1, Or- ono, on the fifth line ceast of Orono. The deparîment was able fo bring the blaze under control with a minîmurp of dam-iage. The fire started on the kitchen stove and entered the exhaust fan and did reach into asection of tle, exterior Wall befare being brought under control.