ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAy, JULY l4th, 191 CORNISH'S, RED,& WHITE Bradford Growu No. 1 HIEAD LETTUCE Crispi Firm, Large Branded - Boue Removed Tender, Juicy, Boston Style Salnd Dressing 32 oz. jar Bla de Roa'st lb. 59C Butt Pork Chops IL 59c Mircle Whidp 63c Fresh Sliced Swift Premum Swift Premium, Fuliy Cooked, Boneless DIanoer,lHastslbo?8e Wagstaffe or Straw. or Raspberry Bolgna6 zpkgs 4foW $1 o aeTiewt rmadPieAye on 9 Tender Jucy Perfect1 for tihe Barbecue oSaeTi wtTrmndPc Ay r ms4' ]RIb Stealkslb '* SHORT RIS ROASTS lb 65c FIOag 2o,-pl 8-z Fruit Juifres 39c Feature! 24 oz. bottle CRISCO OIL 69c, FuUy Baked - Butter Cru st Swift's P'remium Skînless Wleuers lb. 590 Fresh Minced- Burger Blend Ground Beef lb. 65c Swift Premium or Lazy Maple Bacon Rindless keiodoil News Students from Lindsay are working under the supervision of Mr., Alex Little and clearing a- -way the former fences and build- ing sites on the new Xrovincial Park formerly owned hy Harper Carscadden, the Kennedys and the Wannans. A fine new home is being buit k. south of the former Roy Mercer farm by Mr. Barrie Little, son of the late Mr. Wilfred Little of Kendal. Mr. Dick Wilson is back again in Bowmaýnville Hospital. Mrs. Ethelda- Williamson of London and her family, have been staying for a week at their family home, in the Sam Searle bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Veinot have sold their home on the sixth Une and moved to Tyrone., Mrs. Ethel Geary bas returned to Kendal on Monday after spend- ing a week in Toronto. Stray'dogs are running the far- mers' cattle near Kendal. The Archer family are holiday- ing at their home in the village. .Kendal girls that have attended Quin-Mo-Lac Camp are Donna RESTAURANT Eighway 115 and 36 %mile Southx ef Orene, PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WXEK Spoelal a. h Pizza - Meals MAl Week-End Speciais ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Worký RemodeMlng Kitchen Cupboards W. build from the foundatien Up. Imported from Denmark Tulip-Braud l?914 oz. tIng Luncheou, Ment 3 for $ Rose or Tulip Coloured Parchment Margarine I lb.packs 4m41' lb., 59cSIuced Choit@ Peuches 39c Sara Lie Pies 69c Cooper, Debbie, Weyrich, Teresa MacDonald, Debbie Langstaff'and Cathy Dennis. Mrs. Annie Fournier of Perth spent the weekend with' Mr. and Mrs. G..eCathcart. Ur. 'Harland Elliott is building a new house forth of Mr. Joe Smith's farm. The United Church Women met at the home of Miss Catherine Stewart on JuIy 7. The meeting opèned with the hymn,1 "Dear Lord and Father of mankind for- give our foolish ways"; Mrs. R. Elliott read the scripture, Mark 10,verses 1-12. Theu a prayer was read.,"Fortwo about to wed". Mrs. -Elliott read a story% entit-, led. "Cane is bitter." t was a* story of a family in Trinidad who lived in a verY primative way. depending on bhe one crop sugar cane. At harvest time tbey worked veryv hard and received wages. The rest of theé year was spent in idleness and' extreme 'overty. The littie childr nra around niaked, there were -no schools and the large families were often hunigry, the woman beat tbe clothes with stones to get them dlean in tV muddy, pond. However this family sent their oldest son away to' school in 'Port Of Spain. 1He came home with LAST CALL Summer School C lasses at the OSHAWA BUSINESS' COLLEGE commencing July 5 to August 13, 1971 ACT NOW! Ouiy a limited number can now be acconmodated CHOICE 0F CLASS SCHEDULES 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. -or 10:30 a.m. to 12:00, p.m. -or 9.00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CHOICE 0F SUBJECTS- Typewriting - Bookkeeping Filing - Shorthand - Accounting Business Machines -Engllsh Spelling- Mathematics - Pen- manship -Office'Procedures and others, FREE BROCHURE Avalable Begister by phone, mail or lu 1person 18 Simcoe Street North Dial 728-0052 Malcolm C. Barnett, Principal "bigz' ideas for them to change their ways. These ideas were re- jected by his family. On bis 'next ,vacation he worked vcry hard in the cane field but failed to change any of the customs a nd PovqrtY of bis people. Then fol- lowed a discussion on questio ns sucli as, "Does tbc scbQ('ol this boy attends have-any relation to the life lie bas led? Does bis school fit him to deal wvith, the problems of bis people? Do par- ents always feel happy about what their chidren are learning in scbool?"g We learned that one third of the population of Triniidad i1s East Indiants. T7hey have two sea- sons: the rainy season and the less rain.y. Tri.nidad is tbe home of Calip-so muIsic. There is an as- phaît lake in Trinidad. LIt was decided to donate ten dollars to the Bursary Fund- to help finýance Young ministers and Christian students. S The 1next meeting will be a pic- nic at the home of Mrs. T:- Stev- ens in August. The meeting closed witli hymu 545 and lunch was provided by' Mrs. Stevens, The Port Hope Juniors played a. bal] game in Kendal on July 12. The score was 'Port Hope '7, Keýýn- dal 4. Mr- Doug1 SinI'.%son and ï-is men are busy painting the inside "of the churcli now. 1kirby News .Mr. Raymond Cliapman return- fed home from, Oshawa Gencral Hospital on Sunday. Mr'. and' Mrs. H-.artwell Lowery attended Decoration Day at Mc- (Jrea's On 'Sunday and were sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirks in Ponty.pool. A number of local Orangemen attended the orange Parade in Peterborougli on Saturday. Mrs. Athelda Willianisan and Mr. E. Williamson of London, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell LoweryV, on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Stanley CAapman lias re- signed as one of the Trustees of Kirby Unitcol Churci. AMr. Don- ald Hamm is replacing him.1 ,Miss Karen. Lowery of Bob'av- geon is holidaying at home 'this week _ O.PP.Report, "Hitelihiker Information"ý- Recent years bave seen a sub- stantial increase in the number of people walking and hitcbhik- ing on niulti-lane controlled ac- cess highways in Ontario. Their presence lias been found to con- tribute' to, and in some, cases cause, inotor vehicle collisions resulting in deatlis, injuries and property damage. Legislation prohibiting pedest- rians on certain sections of con- trolled access bigliways,, includ- ing the ramps, bas been in effect since 1967. Enforcemnent of this law bas bad Positive resuits. TodaY, however, a. summer spent hitcbhiking lias becoine a w'%nay Of life -for many young Can. adians. ManY of these People, of-, ten unkn owingîy, contravene the law by soliciting rides on higli- ways wliere pedestrians' ar l. hibited.ren- In an attempt to furtber in- form the public of the prohibited areas, bbc Ontario Provincial Pol- ice have Publislied a pamphlet grapbically illustratin"g bhc hieh- Ways on which pedestrians are not allowed. These Pamphlet are available, free of charge at al O.P.P. Detacliment offices and at inost Provincial Tourist Inform- ation Centres. Bol8 YEOMANS PLUUnNGA" aBEATINOG 24 H ur Serv ie 1 1 1 w KutaIatous Aiertiu apfda1uzi, laMWtWater Fereel Air IHeatlng- SePtlc Ta"k Work IE. 1 Orgo 9 83-5624 D. ROGERSON, >OCONO, ONTARIO ANTIQUES WE BUY A'N» BELL 011 Glass, China, PNu. Aricles Teys and Oddttle IF IT'S OLD ... CALL US WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 aller 6, pin. e e - rl7rW£Ç 1/ IKE 5NA/<INS ICA TSUIPFROM IA ou,~ 6rT TOo MUCIi Elmsr's Garage TEXACO SERVIC MRI f, Neeth, Ovine PhMe»»S-au DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: - Premium Quaiity Products At The Most Reasonable Prices Any quantity per gai. -St ove _O(it Z 20, Pb.n l-415 for, 39c' Died GILBANK, Ernest' L.- Suddenly at Oshawa General Hospital on, Wednesday, July 14, belovcd hus- band of Thelma Freeman and' dear father-of Mrs. G. Nagarajan (Anne), Carol, Donna, Bill and David.' Donaticns to the Orono United Cburch or a charity of your choice would be gratefully appreciated. Funeral will be from Morris' Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville. GIraut C. W ad. Insurance Agency GENERAL IN5URANHC Box 82 Newtonfflie, Ontari6 Telepheae 78&=!" Box 61, Port Hope, Onutre Telepixone 8852M Leskard Weldi.g ANlDIFABICATION a"d LATHEWORE Wvonday through Saturday PHONE 98340 Oxford JflUCKLAYERS STONEMASONS STONEWORK aMd We als, de chimuav ]epuaire Dr. W. RKent DDs m23King st.IE.. Saite lof Office Heurs: Weekdays: 9 te 6 Eept Wedgeàday Afterness Trelephone 623-7349 Mr. Freeze They are fun to make and economical too The kids wiIl enjoy these giant pops direct from your own freezer 24 GIANT POPS ONLY 95C Assorted flavours as un jeAIN