ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES, WEDNESDAY, JULY,Ï4th, 1971 Scripture. Luke 5: 1-11; 2932, Taken from a sermon preached býy The 11ev. Basil Long. In days past the challenge, "Who goes there?" was given by ~the sentry on guard whenï an un- ýýdentified person made bis ap. proach. When we ask them in 'relation- ship to the church we mýigIht.get a ',arietY of answers. Wlio goes ¶here? The good the suiccessful -~the hyprocritical- the sinners? One minister, Arthur V.Mur- reli, tells of bis experience when caled to be chaplain for the arm- ed forces.' Upon arriving at the base he, immediately set out t0 look up bis own qu arter s. H1e 50011 found a sîgn which 1 -id "Chaplain's Office and C hape]". Hie also noticed a sign whîch he mîstakenly read as "For Sinners." H1e was astonished that this sign should be over the chapel. Upon lookiug doser he nealized that the sign was flot over the Chapel, but above a large marquee which Who Goes There? was the theatre and that it was acvertising their latest attraction "Four Sinners."1 The mistake' opens the door- way of one's thinking about, the ci-%i~i How much more, a, sign "for sinners", would be to the matter -at1 hand than an anemic, taken-for-granted, "welcome.". If the church is for sinners -for thos-e who, ln one way or an- other, have failed to live up to the highiest they .know - would flot such a sign more accurately des- cribe the churc's, atmosphere, aims, and purpose. Would it flot enco,;rage the, vast horde of peo- pie who have the mistaken idea that the church is a society of saints - rather than a hospital for sinnern - or a regroupinç , for another attack on a common enemy? Jesus the founder -of the churcli invites -sinfutl men to join him in a GCod- inspîred drive to draw ai] men to a heavenly destination. Charles Ciayton Mýorrison once wrote: "the church is not a soci- ety of integrated Personalities, or even good people, It is a society of broken personalities. of, men and wornen with troubled .minds of people who know they are flot good. The Christian church is a society of sinners. It is the only society. in the world where mem- bership is'based upon the single qualification that the candidate shall be unworthy of membership. In'any church one wili - er the neariy Perfect - the far from perfect - the generous - the selfish. One wll .aiso find tie- fcw doing the rigi4t things for the right reasons ancV the many do- inig the night things for the wrong reasons. Thene wii be growth and stagnation, love and hate, pettiness and magnanimity. There will be persons in varîous stages of development, some improving rapidly, some, if growiuug almost imperceptibly. In any case none "has arrived"ý at Christian perfection. Al are, at lu stages, of "becomingi". All are sinners - fromn the pillar in the Pew tot be minister lu the'- Who goes thiere? The Christ- ien is not one who lias gone al the way with Christ. None of us has. The Christian is one x found th~e right road. In the scripture lesson w<p r'ad where "afterwards Levi heid a big neception in bis housefo Jesus: among the guests was a large party oftax gatherers and others. The. Pharisees and the lawyers of their sect complained to Jesus' disciples: 'why (1 eat with tax-,gatherer s and sin- ners?' Jesus answened them: 'Tt is not the healthy that need-- or, but the sick; I have not corne o invite virtuous people, but to ail sinnfirs to repentance." Who goes there? The answer is, si, nels. W'e ight, in keepinz MWitî& FWARMER'IS NOTE The Durliam County Office OF The Ontario Department 0f Agriculture uadi'Food î RAVE MOVED TO A NEW LOCATION AT 234 KingStreet East, Bowmaînville, (A white brick bidn on the north side of No. 2 Highway across from the Brewer's Retail and Dominion Stores- OUR TELEPHONE NUMBER 18 STILL 416-623-3348 Orono Youth Theatre Pancake rAiNCAKES- SAUSAkGES - SYRVP- COFFEF AT THE ORONO FIRE HALL Safurda YI, JulIy 17e Serving fromn 7 a.m. on PROCEEDS IN AID OF ORONO YOUTH THEATRE t Breakfast $1.00 'Thursclay, July 8th the Orono 1) Bantams vs. Oshawa A.A.M. k1antams in Orono. Oshawa 12, Orono 1. Keith Powell was the starting pitcher and struck out 4. Don Martin came in the fifth ;nning and had 4 strike outs. or- ono's run was by Don Martin -left 2 on base. ORONO LADIES DEFEAT ORONO GIRLS The Orono Girls Softball team have had no0 league to play un this year with very littie action until last Friday when they took on an Orono team of ladies. The ladies proved, too much for the Orono Girls taking a 20- 18 vitcory. Mr. Nick Van Seggelen, coach of the girls, picked Mrs. Ben Ma- dii of the ladies -as their star of the gaine- and gave ail the ladies a plus in the hitting deparment ment. EAGLES FAIL AGAINST PORT HOPE FLYERS The Kendal Eagles lost to the Port Hope Intermediate Club Sunday 7-5. Five errors by Ken- dal put the club under eveLn t ' ough Kendal out ht Port Hope and even though Terry Carleton 0on the Kendal mound and Raiph Kennedy behind the plate turned in a stirling job. Kendal had Port Hope on the Jesus' teaching, go so far as to say that the church is for sin- ners oniy. ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE?' DX 011 POLAN'TO ,ATTEND., Biowma nville's Third Annlua, TH«URS'"DAy -FRIDAY SATURDAy JULY "cb22-23-24' BIG GRAND PRIZE VACATION WEEKEdND FOR'TWO BY IRTOMO.,NTREj\L. CASH PP .IZES FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! FREE MOVIES FOR THE KIDS - Sat. - Town Hall Spoiisored by the Bowmanvile Chamber of Commerce ropes but were unable to pull off the win. Terry Canleton put on an- im- oressive show on the Kendal rub- ber as he pitched to part-catcher and fellow pitcher, Ralph Ken- nedy. Kennedy's strong arm and exact aim proved to be a factor in keeping the Flyers pinned to the bases. Five piek-offs were en- gineened by Kennedy, three at second and two on first. Ted Lane was the big itters for Kendal with two hits in three trips to the plate. Pete Maartense sent the bail out of the park while Fraser ,Wallace, Bill Robinson and Ter- ry Canleton ail connected for two each. One of Terry's bits was a stand-ue triple. BATTERWOOD SOLD (Continued fnom page 1) over by Mr. Brown will be bene- ficial economicaliy to 'Port Hope," he said. The one catch in the deal is that Batterwood is zoned for agri- cultural purposes only. Application was made several days ago to Hope township coun- cil to baye the area re-zoned in order to estabiish an 'institution for mentaliy 'disturbed children. Townshipý council received the application, discussed it briefly and paseed it on to the Planning Board for study. Mr. Marten said that Mr. Brown wiil take possession of the estate Orono Sports Front SAE ON Prenium -Quality GASOLINE DIESEL MlOTOR OJL Farm tanks, and pumps available CALL COLLECT 668-13341L For Immfediate flelivery