ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,ý JULY l4th, 1971 WANT AffS FOR WEDNESDAYi PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAV PHONE ORONO 983-530~1 Milison Insurance Agen-cy for AMl classes of personal and Commercial Coverazes Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5154 Gyord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPALRS Interior Exterlor 11"H-ArLES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Speclalize'in 'Farm and F'urniture Sales- (Jom.ult' me for ternis and datefl PIIONE R ONO 983-5914 Monuments and family Memorials 6% quality and service leavez nothing te be desîred the peu-on whe bought- fren mreghbeur, friend or relative hIe RLJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Lau-gest display ln Southera Ontario R., C. SLEE Bowmanviile, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WTfATSON'S Marine and Cycle Ou-n. Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobles McCuiloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englue. ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES P PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins pliee 794-255u Clark. Public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday afternoons 2:30 to,5:00 pm. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. BYAMS PLUMB1N<G and IHEATINS Salzs and Service 34 HOUM BURNER SEUVI<jm GULF FINANC ING Lsw îaterest lRates Pheuei Tyrone 263-2660 Orville Chatterton ELRÉTRICAL CONTRACTING KLECTRIC HEATING AND SERVICE Phono 983-5546 or 983-590 ORONO, ONTARIO O0RONO ELECTRIC. Heub and Gerry Dvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECPIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCEI T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RLADIO - HI-7I WESTINGROUSE E CA BECTROUO" GUAZRAXTEED 8=R Haînltons Insurance Service AUTO PACKAGE POLICIES FIDELIT ROND LIABILEfY LITE MAIN STREET, ORONO Sadi, atl@ Jimu Bar. Fer Dependable Service After Hours and Week-ends 9M3-9330 Slâtafford Brothers Cemetoey Mri«au 318 DmsdamstIkuelMm Building a lieuse?J oremodeliing yow preseut one, then contaet WORK WANTED Fresh hnome Grown 'Young maie lookîng for f arm NTC wvork or generai labour. NTC Phone 983-5927. a-c Strawber rinda FOR SALE An ight foot truck Camper fifly epuipped.. Also a 8' and a 101 Truck Camipers. Orono Trailer Sales and Rentais t- Beltone condition. 983-56M9 FOR SALE Gutitar and amp. Good Best offer. Contact a-p For Sale or Pick Vour Own Also Fresh VEGETABLES FEED'S FRUITr MARKET OuL Highway 115 South of Orono RECEPTION Tbe famiiy -of Mr. and Mrs. H-artwell Lowery invite ail rel- atives, friends and neighbors to a reception in honour of their parent's 50th Wedding Annivers- ary to. be heid Juiy 24th, fromi 6:30, to 9:30 p.m. at Kirby Cen- tennial $chool. Best wishes oniy. a-c TENDER Applicatioi2s; will be received by the undersigned until 4:00. p.m. Juiy 19, 1971, at the Board.- Office for a1 School Bus Transpoir- tation Poute The successfui ap- pîkant vei.I1 be required to transi- port 'pupiil: from the village of 1,~tng o Roseneath Centen- ýâa1 school. Specifications regard in.g the proposed schlool bus route niay be received from thie office of Al. A. MacLeod, Business Ad- niinistrator and Treasurer, North- umberlaind and Durham County Board of Education, P.O.. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontarlo a-c FOR SALE Freshi eggs at the farmi. A. HolI~~swoth:786-2425. b-30-p FOR SALE Fresh eggs - 5 dozen for $1.00 and 4 dozen for $1.00. Lar ger izes, 40,and 45 cents adozen. A Van Hattum, R.R., 2, Orono. MO0 yds. west from Hwy. 115 and 35 on Leskard Road. t-f FOR SALE New type liay Rake for sale. Phone 623-7840. a-c DICTIONAIRIE& WEBSTER Lîbrary sîze 1970 edition, brand new, stili in box. Cost new $45.00.. (WILL SELL FOR $15) Deduct 10% on orders of 6 or more. MAIL TO' NORTHÉ AMEP.ICAN LIQUIDA- TORS 58, - 158 2nd Ave N. Dept. 0 - 354 Saskatoon, Saskat- chewan. C.OUD orders enclose $1.00 per volume good will deposit. Pay balance plus C.O.D. shipping on delivery. Be satisfied on inspec- tion or return within 10 days for full refund. No dealers, ecd vol- ume specificaily stamped flot for resale. d-32-c NE WfON VILLE AUCTION BARN We Buy and Seil Furniture Conigument and Estate Frank Stapletoni, Auctioneer Phone 786-2244 WORK WANTED Marshman Bros. Floor Co. Specializing in Machine and Hand Trowelled Dustless Concrete Floors Phone 885-6493 t-f NOTICE OnU Orowi Landaaig for sodding, plantIng uîd eeeding, tu-eu removai aund gardening. Phono 983-559. -Wolted Dd or Cred- PKME UP PUOMPTLT Tereelo »coum 38-3?M Margwil F'ur Fam ILâiuNe. N. M-C-70 REALTOR " KMa , EL ROWUANVILL Wheu Duylng or -Beilng cma WILF HAWKE TOUR ORONO AIEA Ile"er e' and-wiff *&4.t-Rea ui B r ReemerKeda C..niVal, July l4th to help the bail teams. Travel With TR ENTWAY TOURS LTD. to MONTREAL and see, the Expos Play AUGUST 2lst and 22nd Eipos vs. San Francisco Giants. and SEPTEMBER llth and l2th Expos vs. Pittsburgh Pirates For further information contactý. TRENTWAY TOURS ýLTD., 'Box 772, Peterborough Phone 743-8181 c-30-e ,ÇOMING EVENT You. are invited to -Dairy Night '71, Newcastle Arena, Thursday,, Juiy' 2,-7 ep.m. Featuring DairY .Princess. Competition for Durham and Northumberland .Counties. See' Dairy Cattle being milked with ýmodern equipment; aiso glamoÉous dairy maids. Free Admission; door prizes. b-30-c .HOLIDAY, NOTICE Ray's Barber Shop wili be clos- ed for hplidays from Julýr 25th to August 3rd. a-à ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Sawyer of Orono, formeriy of Oshawa, wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Barbara Gayle to Peter, Harold. son of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Vaughan of Stoney Creek, Ont. The weddmng will--take place on Saturday, August, l4th at St_ George's Anglican Church in Oshawa at, 3:00ý p.m. a-c, ANNOUNCEMENT The wedding of Nancy Jenni-. fer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Barrabaîl, Orono an«, William Terry, son of Mr. andl Mrs. Gerald Fîsk of Pontypool, in Orono UJnited Church, Satur-- day, July l7th at 1 p.m. ac,. CARD 0F THANKS 1 sincereiy \vish to thank aill my friends and 'relatives and ev- eryone who sent cards and f or- otiier expressions of thoughtful- ness to mne. Also for gifts and- mnany acts of kindness which 1 certainly appreciate both whiie 1, was in Hospital aild since I came home. a-p, Roy Barrabail CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to my neighbors, friends' and relatives, Dr. Mc- Kelzie and, Cunningham, nurses and staff of the First floor, Mem- orial ilospital for cards, visitsý, fiowers, enquiries and kindiy care. a-p. a-p Myrtie Wood CARD 0F THANKS 1 amn sorry I cannot thank youl ail personally, our neighbours, relatives and friends, for ail the- Iovely gifts, flowers, cards, let- ters and vîsits-; aiso nurses and medical staff whiie I was in the Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile and Oshawa Hospital. a-p Greta Falls, TENDER Seaied Tender addressed to Mr. M. A. MacLeod, Business Admin- istrator and Treasurer, Northum- berland. and Durham County Board of Education, D'Arcy Street, Cobourg, 1 Ontario, will bc received.until,3 p.m. (local time) July 20, 1971, for construction of:, Building Addition 1971 to. Mon- aghan South Consoiidated Public Sehlool. Tender documents can be ob- tained by General Contracto rs from the Consultant's Office on or after July 7, 1971, on deposit of $50.0 ini the form of a certifi- cate cheque to, the order* of the consultant, or legal money, of Canada. Plans may be seen at the Peter- borough District Construction As- sociation, Peterborough, Ontario, Quinte Construction Association, Belleville, Ontario, Oshawa, Tor- onto, and at this office. The Peterborough Bld Depository will be used for Mechanical, Electrie- aI Trades. Bids will be received up to 3 p.rn. (local time) July 19, 1971. The Deposit will be refunded on return of the Documents lu good condition within 7 days after the Tender closing. To be considered ecd Tendri~ mnust be subnitted on the Forms supplîed by the Consultant and mnust be accompanied by a Bld Bond made payable to the Board, in the amount of* 10% of thc Tender, as specificd ln the tend- er Documents. Thc îowest or any Tender flot nccssarily acceptcd. TOTTEN CIATES STREET TARIO. SIMS HUBICKI ASSO- LIMITED, 1A KING EAST, COBOURG,'-- - -c 70 willia c. aoil,* am Newcastle 987-4246 and Setinday il Carnival.-