Orono0 VOLUME 35, NUMBER 31 Weekly OBONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28th, 1971 Seek Departument Approval 0f Orono School Work Plans The Northumberland and Dur- hiam Çounty Board of Education ~directed that application be made Ifo the Departnient of Education for Approval of Workzing Draw. ings for the new public scliool to -be bulit in Orono. Foïloxving this approvai the B3oard will have fin- ai Plans drafted for the cýI tenders, The plans are for the building only and do not include any work for the playgrounds. t was decided on Thursday nîfght, last week, to handie this portion, the pi aygrounds, separ- ately from the building contract. Mr Carman stafed' that they vewere now back f0 wliere they starfed -and thaf if sliould not hËave been cousidered as ail one projecf. He was also concerued of the deiay and that work on the ,playgrounds sliould start as sooný as possible. t was pointed out that the Cost of developing a playground to the east and uiortli of flie new sehool could amount to a figure ýn 'the nighbourhood of $40,000. The, new sehool and parking lot is expected to fake Most of the present sehool ground now in use. The Dial-A-Thoughf service fromn the Orono United Chunch wvill be suspended for the month of August. t will again com- ,nience -in September. The service, whicli has had ex- 'ftensive use and resulfs is being suspended duing August due f0 liolidays of 11ev. Basil Long. Past Wardens Tour DurhamCollego The Past Warden's Association of the United Counties of North- umberland and Durliam enjoyed a bus tour and hincheon last week as their annual outing for the vear. Mr. Roy Foster, president of the Association, reports that the group, including past wardens and their wives, were condiv±td through the new building at Dur- ham Community College by Dr. G. WilIey, president of the Coll- ege and Mr. R. Smith,' Adminis- trator. A liglit lunch was also served. The group also enjoyed a tour of the McLaughlin Gardens which, Mr. Foster states was out- standing. The trip was concluded by a dinner at the Acres Restaurant. FMS To Be Shown ThurdayThis 1Week Thc Clarke Public Libnary filmi sliowing wiul be lield fIls weck on Tliursday evenîug 'rafler' flan Wednesday evening. As usual flic film wiil commence af 9:15 wifl flic cli'ldren's feature.' Films f0 bc shown anc "The an imai Movie," The Accessible An- tic" and "Black Cneek Pioncer Village". Total showiug time is slighlty under one houn. Asks, Orono Orone's Calvin Is Stili Missing A lieavy atmospliere- of gioom liangs over flic Orono Anena. The members of flic '71 Orono Youtli Theatre Comipany are bnaveiy carrying on in tflii prepanafions for flic 1971 scason., But - flic heant lias'gone ouf of flien. One of fliri stars arc missing. One niglit iasf wcck, Calvin flic Crocodile, Wlio plays a key noie in Peter Pan, disappeaned. Advcnflsemeuf s in local news- papcn liave faiied f0 turnuUp Cal- vin. Youn lielp is urgentiy requin- cd lan locafing fhIs beioved licast wiflouf wliose presence flicre eau be no production of PETER PAN. Uce is aiso being considercd for a noie lu TUE TAMVING 0F TUE SHREW. If you sec Calvin, plione us immediafcly at 983-9334 Mr. and Mrs. Hartwcll Lowery, Kirby, welcomed 'hundreds of guests on Saturday last when fhcy celebrated their fiftieth- weddiug anniversary. The well known couple, life-long residents of Clarke Town- ship, received besf wishes from Federal, Provincial andi Municipal leaders and governmenfs. Mr. Lowery was presented wifb a life mem- bership in the Past Warslen's Association as well as a congratulafory Seroli to the happy couple fnom the Towuship of Clarke' council. A landscape paiuting of an arca north of Keidal was also prcscenfed tp the happy couple by members of the family. Attempting To BlockDuhPPCrtes Rock Festival .Madoc, Towniship lias lannchcd a new court action in an aftempt fo block a rock festival sdhcduled for August 6 - 8 on a farm ln the municipality, north of Belle- ville. Reeve Ccci] Woods said a xrif lias hç'en served on the fesfival promotens despife tbe 'township's failure to obtain au injunction barring flie festival. 11e said flic basis for the new court action is I lie towrnsliia's, land-wse 'hylvaw whldli was pass- cd luJiu-e and approved by the Ontario Ilnc a.Board. Hc said the by-law freezes township 1l<and fo its preseuf use. Mr. Justice Patrick Galligan said last weck lu ruling the fes- tival could go ahead that lic dou- bted the legal validity of flic municilpail by-law. The festival is being staged by James and Margaret Quinlan and their sons on the family farm. To Cease Burni ng Garbage In De atee On Education Lu heeding the minority cics for reform ln education we miglif be flirowing ouf the baby xith flic bath waler, Durham NIPP Alex Carruthers' suggested at Quecu's Park during debaf e on department of cducation isti- mates. Hie said beliesil 'ated and al- mois apoiogized for parficiet-ating iu the debate because on cduca- lion le was of the "old school"l and "Ouf of sfep with flhc times", but ýomefhMng shouid be said from flic point of view of an ex- educafor like himsclf. Lie worried, lic said, wliethcr "'oîr iheral formi of education eau fit our youug people foýý.the, competifive world lu which -they are going to have participate."l To 'somne dcgnee the removal of exams. standards and other formis of compefition lu favour of a- "permisive systemi of educa- tion", was a good thing, lie said. "But human nature is compe- titive in forn, and, in my opinion cvery individual lias an inrerent desire to achieve, to accomplisli and fo compete wifli lis feliow liuman beings", hie said. In Japan.flic curriculum was based on keen competition with empliasis ou examînafions, and if is dlear wliere Japan stands f0. day in world market s and world frade. "Oonc wonders wliat fu- ture1 our country lias lu tlie coin- pefifive worid," lie asked His main theme, lie said vzas flic evolvement of mature fliink- ing and flic use of curriculum aud fcxts lu thc process. It ne- quires learning in deptli'in flic early ycars, lie said. Onganized discipline must be tau glf, lie suggesfed, and rlrew on an experience lie lad iusfrucf- ingr a higli sehool to prove "if is fuliereut in al of us to require a, degree of discipline." "If cails for flic commitfing of important facts, places, events and passages of good poetny and prose to mcmory, ye f lils is a forgotten concept today", lic said In t.tle past, considenable cm-- pliasis was piaced ou oral nead- lfig, ycf foday if is a losf art, lie said. Hc did flot tliink a teacher couid know if a studeut 1rcaliy uuderstood wiat lie was readiug wifliout a degrec, of oral reading. "Lu tlie formative years funda- mental principles and facf s whicli have stood tlie test of tlie a9.s must be engralned lunfthe minds of our young. Upon those pria- nies and concepts, the stu dent as lie matures wiil be able to make decisions against a back- ground of more principles and Uius direct liis decisions fowand flic betterment of socief .' i1 But flic trend lu tlie education- ai institutes is to a type of icaru- ing fliaf favours a "general lack of respect for appeanance,ý depont- ment, aufliority and an ordered society," lie said. Lunflic past a student took les- sons lu, "living, tlie building of cliaracter apqd cifizenslip" design- cd f0 promof e a "love of country, (Coutîinued on pyage 5) A letter from fhe Depant ment of Encngy and Resources Manage- ýment lias asked the Village, or Or- ono to ne examine the operaflon of flein dnmp and f0 cease open burning'of liousehold refuse. The letter \vas explicit to flic fact fliaf open burning of garbage was not aliowed aithougli flicDe- partmenf did not object f0 the burning of wood Nýaste wliicl is deposifed lu the disposai area by ,Curvpiy Wood Products. If was also stated lu the letter that appareufly a misuudenstand- Aug did cxist befween tlie Village -ànd flie Depatnient. t was point- ed but that liousehlod refuse bIurued lu conîibinafion witli wood waste was not an acceptable pro- Mn IL R Woodyand stated thaf Af liad beeu agreed upon, to allow ,the comabinafion burning and lie feit fliat it was the best way for flic Village to dispose of their garbage. Land-f iii procedures he said, will only attract.hordes of rats. Mr. Woodyard also pointed ,out that other ancas_ wre sf111 burning garbage and could not, sce why Orono could not coh- the area dlean. linue fo do so. Mn. Nicholson agrced Wif h Mr. Woodyard fliaf burning was flic mnost, satisfacfory means of dispos- ing of the garbage. Mr. Forrester refcrred f0 flic letter and said if was in black and white fliaf flic Dcparfment was asking Orono f0 stop burniug liouscliold refuse and fIat flic Board would have f0 considen sanitany land fi pnocedures. H1e aiso suggested fiaftlihe oi)eration of flic dump was f00 cosfiy f0 keep open Ilire days a weck and recommcnded if only lic open flic day of flic Village pick up as wcl as Saturday uiorning. 11e said revenue from casual users oufside of Orono did not warrant flic op- cratiou of dump for fliese users. Thc Trustees tIen met wifli Mn. Don Tennant asking if lie xouid liandle flic garbage pick- Up lu Orono as well as looking affen flic disposal arca..Unden flic Plan' Mn. Tennant would look af- fer flic cane of flic dumrp, dispos- ing of flic garbage and kccping Ailso flic dump would bc eclosed to general use and would be main- faiucd for flie sole use by resi- dent s of Orono. If wouid be open only ou Tuesdays and Saturday mornings. Mr. Tennant 15 f0 considen flic proposai and report back to flic Police Trusfees. Mn. Woodyard reported thaf Princess Street lu Orono liad nol ycf been iegaliy ciosed as al financial agreementfs liad not been met. If was rcported fliaf flicplant- ing of slimubs at flic Taunery Hill hoi]ow jusf north of Sfafion Sf. was fto le compieted sliorfly. Map- le frees wliich are f0 .bc plant- cd along flic bank are f0 lie leff unfil lafe falfo ensure flaf thcy survive. Mn. Forresten rcc ommendedfliaf wlien flic shrubs wene pianted thaft tc Trustees contact flic. adjacent propenfy owncn, Mn. Sehocumaker, for li s comments on flic project f0 fliat pointf. Trustees Approve Miii Street Paving, New WI To Park On Monday evening flic Orono Police Trustees gave approval for flic paving of MiliSfneet from flic intersectîçîn of' Main Sftret north fo Milison 11i11 Drive. Pric- es wcre submitted by Bennett Paving for flic work. Thc paviug costing $1440.00 is designed fo ]ay a thin coaf and f0, level up bumps and fo eliminafe flic irregular edges. -The Town- slip Road Depart ment ýis also f0 improve shouldens af vanlous sec- tions of flic road. Tlie Trustees set aside a plan to pave a sliallow dit ch from Main St. f0 Dickson Street aiong flic casf side of Miii Street. The estimafed cois of this projeef was $5016.00. APPROVE NEW SIDE WALK TO PARK Thc Trustees approvcd an cx- pendifure of $59500 for a new as- phlat sidewaik fo.bliaid over flic present walk on flic nonfli side of thc Park Hill Road. Tlie noad deparfmcnf is also being asked fo repair flic stone bank and guard fence posfs Intfis arca. Some nepair is also.,to lic donc aiong side flic noad. The work is, nof cxpected to be doue unt il some tîme fhîs fall., times-