OILONO WEEKLY TIMES. WEDNEgI)A-Y. IUVV 28th. 1971 Orono Sports Front OROýNO BANTAMS SPLIT GERALD ROBIINSON NAILS WEEK WITH WIN AND LOSE TWO WINS AT RACE MEET Ilie local club was defeated by, the Cobourg 'A' club whlle later ia the week the Orono boys dîd talle a win from Port Hope at the Orôno diamond. On July 20th the Orono 'D' el1ub played in Cobourg when the borne club took a scant 6-5 vic- tory. Don Martin' pitched 'eight 'of the nine innings for Orona- 'wth seven strike outs to his cre- Ait. Keîth Powell came in in re- lief in the ninth., Keith Powell scored two of the Orono runs with Don Martin. Mark Carman and AI Pears hit- 'Ung out for the other scores. A] Pears hit a home rua with the bases empty. On the home diamond at Or- eno the local Baatams drove out a 7 to 3 -win over Port Hope *A' team. Keith Powell went the full distance for the Orono, cub and struck out tea Port Hope fiatters. AI1 Pears scored two of the O,)rono ruas with single cou)tnts by Jim Moffat, -Gerald Veleke, Pete Campbell, Don Martinanad Steve ,Men.' The rono Bantams are devel- ~oping into a fine bail club and have this year been making a znark for themselves both at ioue aad away. Gerald Robinson of Oroi ed up somie driving poini Orono harness races last evening when he drove wins ina the tep races 'of th Hjs first win came in, t feature of the night when *Chris Wana across the head of the pack. This fourth wia this year w. horse for Robbie. Placing la the thîrd was Inspir Sir Edward Pick drivenb West. Junior West finhis awith Lee Bud. * Gerald took his second the eighth race with *Coast. Junior West fouI second place with ZephI with uigh Triple takingt The openiag race won tLindsay la a time of 2.10, aumber of local horsesa *ers. qordon Irwin of Or. ing his own horse. Shellb piaeed fourth whie Bi]l driving a Newcastle ho] Set Portage placed fifth. West followed with E Scott. * Nancy Caîl, a horse ov John Hooey of Orono won cond feature. Entainer pl cond with Junior West ta] with Hom eland, owned b James of Bowmanville. Fourth race finish,J NE W FASHION STORE, In order to gdive you full varjety and FASHION VALUE in TEENS - JUNIOR- MISSES and the MATURE WOMAN, we hiave postponed our children's departmnent until a later date. OPENING SOON Barbara Long Special Newcý Bulletin Mosport Resta ura nt Under New Management ~C~TALf~ANT Servîng DeUcious Italian Pizza SpagettiandLasgti Open For Vour Convenience 7 Days a Week - 7 a.m. to Il p.m. Situated on Highways 115 and 35 Phone 983-9231 no pick- s at the ;t Friday Sin two ;he night. the third an he put wire a- was thev with this g second Hall, Johnny Jqy and Chief Clyde Doctor Kirk won the sixth race with Jack Wilians driving Bud Gist to the second place finish. Waltzing Matilda placed third. Seventh race finish; Mary Bing ie Batties and Gerald Robinson la third place with lis own Ixorse Van's Pride C. Ninth race finish: Tom 'Liner, Swinging Sam, Fearless Falr. Tenth race finish: Mooreland's Dan, Our Castle driven by Junior West and Tony Batties. ORONO RACEWAY JULY 30 xed; 3rd lst Race- by Keith Gais Heel, G Gordon; Buckeye hed 6tli Tim, T. Riiey; Miss Norma Jean, E. Adams;, Victoria Creed, R. 1Hbiks; Miss Twîggy Dean, 0. Bur- I win lf rison; Mighty, Duke, E. Langea; tormyin lIomeland, Jr. West. .owed il2nd Race- yr "lY Elva Magic, G. Doiiey; lena third. Vocn, R. 1\IQuaid; Waitzing Mat- iby Doc ilda, R. Bird; Lorraine Hl, R. .2 saw a Rahmi; Mighty Betty, F. Gilian;, and driv- Debonair Prince, W. Brethour; ,ono driv- Portage Aine, M. Vyse. 3rd Race- Il Hooey Sir Edward Pick, K. West, In- rse, Off spired, K. Johns; Zephyr Billy, [i Junior Jr. West; Checkiate, P. Simon; Eastwood Golden llarvest C, W. Hamai; Doc Lindsay, S. Brown; Captain Craig L. Calacott. )wned by 4th Race- ýn the se- Panelin Fln, W. Langeile; Bar- Iaced se- ney Herbert, Dr. Findiey; Mr. king 3rd Meadowv iew, C. Hie; Wil Lor by Allen Dixie, 1. McEachera; Nanvy Cail, S. Brown; Abbergaie Herbert, R. Given; Paul Putney, H. Walsh; Lorrine*Norwin Express, J. Strauss; Ter- Lorie if fie Atom, J. Lester. 5th Race- Fabour Penny, A. Nichoils; Miss Denise Lee, W. Reid; Hie- land Jimmy, C. Hie; Swift Saber, H. Walsh; Johanys Choice, A. Lesebore; Kawartha Belle, J. Graham. th Race- Roliy Dale, G. Gordon; Our Joyce, W. Farr; Barbara Ann, Dir- ect, B. Ciferri; Armibro Liz, A. Hamilton; Boaded Stock, Dr. Findley; Steven R Rick, C. Stev- ens; Bertmar Lad, D. Howden; Moorelands Don,ý S. Moore. 7th Race- Feariess Fair, G. Gordon; High Ž Triple, R. Johnson; Tom Liner, S. Brown; -Stormy Coast, G. Rob- inson; Eastwood Game, R. Hicks; Cavan Mary, A. Nichoils. ~î th Race- Gaietys Jule,. C. Storms; Lee r Bud, Jr. West; Dons Doub, N. White; Meadow H Peg, S. Brown; ~ Miss Sue Parkel' G. Paynes; Don- nys Sister, D. Stevens;, Adios Ripple, L. McPadden; Quinte Magic Mac, P. Stewart. 9th Race- Marian Way, R. Glover; Wii - Lor Cindy, L. Brethour; Silver Tinkie, G. Burns; Tamalac, D. Newman; Northwood Iris, C. Hie; Stars First Son, T. Riiey; Chief Clyde, R. Bird. 10th Race- Liana Hal, F. Houghtop; Hie - ~ Batties, R. Hie; Mary Bing, J. Cochrane; Wii Lor Andy, R. McQuaid; Moorelands Dusty, S. Moore; Swinging Sam, L. Cala- À cott. Post positions drawn West; G. Harrison. by: Jr. TABLE PLANS FOR HARNESS TRACK IN DARLINGTON (Continued from page 5) the complex. Approval from the CTC is required because traffie flows along Highway 401 wouid be affected by the construction of the track. The company has been operat- ing a harness track at Orono, but since last flu, lias been looking for an opportunity to build some- thing bigger and better. Ia the week of March lSth il announccd its intention to put la a track in the Darlington area. Principals ln Oshawa Harness Managemenat Ltc., are Frank Gray of Ringwood, president; Franklin WiIls of Locust Hill, ý7icc president; Bohert Glover of Oshiawa, secretary-treasurer; and five directors, Dr. Peter Zakar- 0w of' Bowmanvi]ie, Cyril Smith of Brooklil, Marvia Preston of Hastings, Edward Brck of Osh- awa and William Reid of Orono. -Canadian Statesman Local News Mr. and Mrs. Joe Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings returned Ilome on Sunday from a three weeks bus tour of, the Western Provinces. Mrs. L. Sproull of Portage La Prairie is visiting her sister Mrs. Ed. Graham and Mr.,Grahaiw., Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn have returned home foliowîng a tour of the eastera provinces with their son Ross, his wife and family. Members and their husband of Unît 6 of the UCW enjoyed a social outing at the summer cot- tage of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cha- tterton on Canal Lake on Suaday Don't forget the free movies at the Library this Thursday even- ing at 9:15 p.m. Curply Wood Products and Nesting Furniture are now closed for a two week period due to hol- idays. SAVE ON, Premium Quality GASOLINE DIESEL MlOTOR OIL Farm tanks'and pumps availahie CALL COLLECT 668«334 1 43 .Apply For Clerk's Position On Monday evening the council. of Clarke Township met in Committee when they considered application for~ the position of cierk for the.Township of Clarke. A total of thîrty-eight applica- tions were received for the posi- tion as advertised. Council has not had time, as yet, to sif t through the applica tions and as a resuit no decision has been made at this time. Council has also reserved its decision in appointing a Build- ing Inspector and Zoning Admin- istrator as previously advertised. Eight ap plications were receiv- cd for the above position. It is expected that decisions oa the twn positions will be made atthe same tirne. DX OII ATTENTION FARMERS, WHY PAY MORE? For Immediate Deivery ilillý ffl o 1-1 MI mémil wà-ýwo .0 1 10.1m,0 M M MOI < 1 v 00, olmw . -00 0 wm el l 000 ol" W lm! 1