090NO WEEKLY TIllS WDEDAAUUTllth, 1971 Paktario, Prime;-Minister Davis, fe ýQ#m ' Park1,50days s Prime Mnister of the Province, has already created a ncew image of goverument which Report might be termed "«Eniightencd Free Enterprise." Alex Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham TEE NEW WAVE Blazng a new course for his Party and fo-r the people of on- Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIItS Phone 983-5249 Orono UNITED CHURCH S Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Bey. B. E. Long Places of Worship for the Month of August AugusC 1 - Newcastle United Church August 8 - Newcastle Anglican Church August 15 - Newcastle United Church August 22 - Newcastle Anglican, Church August 29 - Newcastle United Church S T, S AVIO UnR S ANGLICAN Establshed 1869 Regular Sunday WersblP Service - 9:30 a.m. Holy communion- First and Third Sundays Mforning Prayer- Second and Fourth SundaYs HoIy Baptism by appolntment w'Ith Retor 9874745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne,, B.A., L.Th. Septic Tank Service GENEBAL PU1WPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-57.8 or 983-5266 SMechanical Contractor who selfs, installs and guarantees PLUMUBING AND E IN ,Avoidîng the SmOthering en- croachment of the socialistic philosophy of the NDP and the centralist policy of the Federal government, the Prime Minister isplacing the empthasis on people, their environment, their wellbeing, their culture and their right to engage in useful cmploy- menlt., The "New Wave" which began as ar ripple, ended after exactlY 150 days from the time Mr. Davis assumed the mantie of Prime Minister. The Legislation that passed during that period might have been termed "window dress- ing"l were it flot for the fact that the bis introduced were flot simply promises, but as of JulY 28th, were proclaimed into iaw in the Province. The session will be remembercd not only as one during which a recoidamiount of significant ani vital legislation was approve d, bue, also one during which some very firm and important decis- ions were made. The décisions which will leave their impact on the future society of the Province included- (a) The launching of a $35 million iawsuit against Dow Chemical for- the polhition o1 Lake Srie and the St. Clair river. (b) The cancelling of the Spad- ina FÊxpressway, ushering in a new era of balanced transporta- tion facîlities for Metropolitan Toronto. (c) The prevention of a take- over by outside interests of the Publishing Industry in Ontario. (d) Action to restrain easy wel- fare handouts, particularly. to young people leaving home. (e) The. closing of Quetico Pro- vincial Park to Commercial Log- ging. (f). The conversion of Killarney Provincial Park to a Primitive environment. (g) The agreement with Ottawa to turn a vast tract north of Lake Superior mno the largest National Park in casteru Canada. (h) The establishment of a De- partment of Enviroument. (i) The reduction of the age of majority, granting for the first time, 18 year olds and over the right to vote and assume the other responsibilities of adulthood. Some 400,000 new voters will, as a result, be eligible to vote in the coming élection. These decisions together with a large volume of legislation whîch will be consldcred separately, are people oriented and reflect the change under the Davis leader- ship from the pragmatic policy of the past, when emphasis was placed more on the physical needs of society. CITY 0F OSHAWA POSSIBLE RACE CENTRE Mosport Park and Oshawa civie officlals have hcld one meeting in hopes of establishing Oshawa as race headquarters for Septcm- ber's Playcr's Grand Prix and an- other meeting is set for ncxt weck. Harvey Hudes, manager of Mosport, said things are looking 'pretty good." "We are holding a meeting with another group in the early' part of the week. This group will be very mucl 'i involved la the race promotion in Oshawa," he said. The race wilI feature ail 24 regular Grand Prix drivcrs, and ail the Formula i factory teams. One rumor ln the arca is that the race will have a Canadian driver, although no entry has been received by race officiais as Leferrte Editor R.R. 1, Kendal, July 26, 1971 Editor, Orono Weekly Times I)ear Sir: I have just rcad a news re- lease issued by Durham's M.P.P. Alex Carruthers. lu this article the member expresses grave doubts and feelings of worry and anguish over the course of edu- cation. My, how nice! 1 amn sure that we shall ail rest better to. night knowing that the goveru- ment is worried about what it1 has done. May I remlnd Mr. Carruthers, through your newspaper, that his government bas been in pow- er for nearly 3 decades in this province. If our education system is in trouble (and I question the membcr's diagnosis of the ail- ment) surely the wrong people are being blamed. If you read the article you will sec that by inference the teachers, students and the schools arc aulted, A few facts would seem worth mentioning: No. 1. Mr. Carruthers was for quite some time the chairman of the standing committee on cdu- cation lu the legfisiature. In the position of chaîrman ample op- portunlty is provided to investi- gate fully ail aspects of education lncluding its goals. No. 2. The present Premier (W. G. Davis) was minister of education while most of the most radical changes lui education were made. No. 3. Mr. Carruthers supportel Davis for Tory leader. No. 4. The opposition parties in the legîsiature, particularly Walter Pltman* of the N.D.P,, have constantly pleaded wlth the Departmenit of Education to est- abish a statement of direction or phîlosophy so that teachers wil know what the department ex- pccts of them. Currently it's "do your own thlng"l and hope to heaven that you are right. Fromý the. above, Mr. Carruth- crs, it is clear that even though you now would like to oppose the moves in education, your position and actions lu the past have sup- ported these changes. Which is it? You cannot be the govern- ment and the Opposition at theý Clcaring ail of our Ladies canvas and cotton terry. I gronp. Sizes 5 to 9 but no for the best choice. Regular $8.98 Regniar $7.98.. Begular $6.98 Reuer$59 Begular $.98 sane ie re. If you areinterested in finding out what really does go on in the schools. I invite you to visit and talk to the students in the school where I am principal. Things are not as you paint them. Your final complaint in the press release was that you receiv- ed a letter from a universitv stu- dent, which was fillcd with speil- ing and grammatical errors. If you thin k about it, you will real- ize that this person was bcyond eiementary sehool BEFORE most of the modern educational chang- es. In ther words there were students out of the "old sehool" who had problems with writing and spelling. I have a suggestion for the member, Mr. Editor; After the ncxt election, return to the class- rooni. You'll be able to make some of those changes backward that you now seem to want. Vours sincerely, Doug Moffatt, N.D.P. candidate for Durham, Locel Nw The Clarke Library Board this Thursday wdil feature a film on Quetico Provincial Park which has been much lu the news of late and re cently declared by the Province to remain as a natural park. Also included lu the program is a comedy "The Magiec Horse" a travelogue-~Egypt - A Land of Pyramids" and an educational film on the operation and use of a library, "Know Your Library7 Mrs. C. spent the Mrs. Carl A. Cumming, Toronto weckend with Mr. and Billings. A group of SWEEP students from the Ganaraska wcre busy one day last week when they travelled the county road cast of Kirby plckîng up debris from the road-side. The garbage mainly consisted of pop and beer bottles but did have other assorted items such as mufflers to window sagh. It requlred two trucks to haul the garbage away. TENDER. Change os Closlmg Date Sealed Tenders addrcssed to Mr. M. A. MýrLeod. Busi-' ness Adminsitrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham Conty Board of Education, P.O. Box 470, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Ontario, will be reccived until 4 p.rn. (local tume), August 24, 1971, for the construction of: ORONO PUBLIC SCilOOL, 0ORONO, ONTARIO Plans rnay be seen at the Peterborough District Con- struction Exchange, Quinte Construction Association, Belleville, Ontario, Oshawa Builders' Exchange, Oshawa, Toronto Construction Association, Toronto and at this office. The Quinte Bld'Depository, Bellevill .e, and Osh- awa Bld Depository, Oshawa, will be used for Mechani- cal and Electrical Trades, bids will be received Up to 3 p.m. (local time) August 20, 1971. HOVITCH AND BIELASKA ARCHITECTS. 1200 Lawrence Ave. East, Don Mlis 403, Ontario. ile 0f Shoes 9 Suminer Shoes. Soft glove leather, n ivory, white, navy with white in the ot ail sizes ln each style. Shop early. .-.... SALE PRICE $6.25 .........SALE PRICE $5.95 .......SALE PRICE $5.25 I. . SALE PRICE $4.50 ......SALE PRICE $3.75 ....... - - - --------