ORONO WEEKLY TIMlES. WEDNESkAY, AÇÇGVST 2th, l91ý TENDERLOIN PORTION FOR ROASTING Lean. Mëity - Inmnnrtp,1 Vrozn7Pn ShazMe LEAN CHUNKY for Barbecue ~ RIBS Country Style IL. 79 Lamb Chops lb. Burns Mild Seasoned- Beef or Pr 59C DOLE - Packed in its oiwn juice Sliced, Cushed, Tid Bits, Chunks 19 ounce tins Pio n- - 3-fo 99 TNDER, JUICY Sausage Smal Link ýlb. 55< okBadReosiue Rib Steaks Branded $11*15 Kratutterth28 oz. rag Mil Sesoe - Lv the icera g , uc 39c Buris Belogna Burns- Fresh, Sliced l38cFIr APPLE or RAISIN . E. O.'Smith, 7 'ponnd bag Bread 'N Butter Supreme 69c Pickles 15 oz@ 29c Cooked Ham 6 oz. pkg 5.5c, PIE FILLERS 19 oz. fin 39c Pizza Mix Y9c You save Twiee with Trim and Price FINE 50 lb. hag Mitchell's Fancy 14 oz. tins LeinPerk Chops L 89c, SUGAR,,Granulated $5.49 Apple Sau ce 2-39c Up And Dow@ The. Book Stacks NEW BOOKS AUGUST 24, 1971 ,Adut- Forts of Canada by Leslie F. Han-_ non (an illustrated History) ,Spy by Clifford Irving (the story of modern Espionage) The Merry Month of May by James Jones (Recent French history that parallels what is happening in America today) Charity Girl by Georgette HReyer Mad's Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions Jlunior- Social Worker by Mrgaret Wil- liamson (a Human relations book) A Story a Story by Gail E. Hailey (an African tale re-told) Lonesome Traveller by Weldon Hill 'The Marvellous Misadvenitures of Sebastian by Lloyd Alexander.. Olga Beauchamp VENEZIA RESTAUR ANT Hlghway 1lis &d 8M %mile autli ef Oren. PHONE 988-5«l OPEN 7 DAYS A WHUK Pizza - Meals MAb Week-End Speelals RO'Y THOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpentry Work Remodeiling Kitchen Cuphoards W. buil from the foundatien Up.> HOPE DELAYS ACTION ON BATTERWOOD Hope Township council took no definite actionon the question of re-zoning Batterwood Estate to al- low the establishment of a treat- ment centre for emotionally dist- urbed children. Instead a resolution was passed referring the mater to the town- ship planning board for considei- ation. A report ýon the findings is' to be made te a, joint meeting of council and the board tobe caîl- ed by Reeve Howard Quantrill as soon as further information is available from the applicants, Browndale International. The resolution, moved by Coun- cillor George Stapleton,' stated that strong representationi on the matter of re-zoning was made by a "fairly large nunAfer of people." They questioned the wisdom, of chan ging the présent zonmng on the grounds that the identity of the principals involved in the pur- chase of Batterwood was neot clearly stated by thé representa- tives. They also questioned the exact nature of their proposaIs in re- gard to their method of opéra- tion and the number of extra buildings that will be constructed, and their location and size and the possibility of future use ef the estate was also not clearly stated. Lindsay Bond To Play AOrono Fair Mr. Carlos Tamblyn, a director of the urham, Central Agricul- tcral SocietY, stated Moflday even- ing that the Fair Board had hired the Lindsay Kiwanis Junior Band to play, at the Orono Fair on Sat- urday, September llth. The band bas a compliment of 40 members and according to Mr. Tamblyn provides a.fine program of music. The band has played at Ontario Place and cornes to Or- ono well recommended. This is only the second time, ta our knowledge, that the Orono band has net been a feature at the Orono Fair. Taming 0f Shrew The Taming of the Shrew cast from the Orono Youth Theatre group and being presented on the Orono stage has many fine char- acteristics which should compel everyone to catch one of the few remaining p erformances. The play staged on a, bleak, bare stage is used to great effect. Human props by' some of the cast at one point, exemplified a fire with greatreality including the hisses and crackles. Such -in- novations as this run throughout the play to add to the interest of the, spectators. This Shakespear- ian play has corne alive on' the Orono stage with plenty of action and movement. The Play opened in a tavern with Brian Smegal, who was cast in the part of a drunken tinker. Upon falling. into a stupor, a chorus of Young people filîs the stage, dancing and singing in suchi a pattern that the audience had to tell themselves these were am- ateurs, and this, a summer pro- duction. Alan MeLean acted flot only as Lord of the H-unt in the Introduc- tion, but also as Baptista Minola, father of the Shrew. Brian Smegal was, as mention- ed before played the part of Christopher Sly, tinker, also play- cd the maie lead of Petruchio, Kate's (the shrew) suitor and' husband. Both of these parts required loud acting, of a boisterous inat- ure-quite a change- from the Kangaroo he played in the first production of Peter Pan. Kate, also known in the play as 'cursed Kate', was played in~ marvellous style by Andrea' Ew- ert. Uer facial expressions ýand judo techniques: made the part, corne alive from the Shakespear- ean script. Her' sister Bianca, played by Tina Vooys, was apprcîjriately quiet and demure. At one point in the play she performed some simple ballet patterns that were quite becoming to the part, The strange assortment of men that woulgl win her love were played by Michael J., Gilhooly (Lucentio), Peter Lloyd (Greniio) and Murray Twist (Hortensia). sol YEOMANs IPIUNING AN» HREAW"N 24 Heur Service New Iaatliie . -Aiteratiem Repairu 87eeIaIWmng la Net Water Hleatig Forced Air Heatlaqg Septie Tank Work R.1 Oron, 983-5424 SOCESSCOMES BEFORE #4WORK7el EImer's Galragie TEXACO SERVICE MiII St. North, Oreno ?heme tu-bite CORN ISH1S - RED & ;WHITE Oxford B1UCKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCMUAHfL Phone 983-5606 SPeelalizlng hIal hindi <of STONEWORI< and FIREPLACES We also do chimney Revairs Dr. W. IR. KentDDs! 222 Klag st . .-suite 1m Offie Houri: Weekdays: 9 to £ Except Wednesday Afteraee Telephone M3.8 School supplies We have a good stock of NOTE BOOKS - REFILLS PENS - PENCILS - Etc. MATH SETS MARKING PENCILS, Bic ALL COLOURS MAX-PAC PENS_ Reliabie - Good quality 7 'PENS99 Middletonis ORONO, O0". S. W.E.E.P. (Continued fromý page 1) baskets which were filled with stone trucked into the area. The large stone baskets have been so placed along with larger stones to provide a suitable wall with adequate strength to hold the old rail bed in place. This is a great improvement' to the, area and will stop. immed- iate silting of the stream. Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency%, GENERAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtonviile, Ontario Telephone 786-Ml2 Box 61, Port Hope, Ontauio Trelephone 885-2288 Leskard. Weldïng AND FABRICATION and LATHE WORK 9 a.m. - to - 5 p.M. Monday through Satirday PHONE 983-5760 To bc employable Today, you must be a Specialist! Become one at the Oshawa Business College Five "Career" Courses front -whlch to choose -PLUS- placement assistance -PLUS- -individual instruction -PLUS- modern class-room facilities -PLUS- reasonable tuition rates -PLUS- our 30 years of experience in train- ing young people. FALL TERM- SEPT. 7, 1971li Register now -Enrolment is limited Special Courses for HOUSE- WIVES and Other ADULTS Evening Classes commence Tuesday,, October 5, 1971 Get your eopy of "Job Train- ing for Business" Clip and mail this coupon Rush Free Brochure to me Name ............. ........ Address ................ Phone ............... Grade.. No obligation involved --' - - 'DX SERVICE STATION Hlghway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quailty Products At The Most Reasonable Prices Any quantity per gal. -Steve Ou taU 20., Chef Boy-Ar-Dee