ORO NO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNMSDAY, AUGUST 25th. 1971 Orom o'FlowerShow Marks, 5Oth Anniver "Golden Anniversary" buffet arrangements were a feature of the Horticultural Flower Show on August l9th. titis being lte Soci- ety's 501h year celebration. Iu spite of hot, dry weather many beautiful specimens were on dis- play with dahlias and having less entries titan A good attendance vi showing prior to lte pi of al lte prizes. Mis.1 and Mis. E., Touchburn musical interludes durin, sur, I gladi iusual. dewed1 resentat1 E. Br<, iprovid ng the ery. Ling Ious Len- Ions rth ening. The President, Mis. Couvier, announced the Junior Gardener's Show for Thursday, August 26th from 7:30 to 8:30 P.m. ln the '> Main, Hall and hoped there would 7y be a good, attendante le encour- age the chîldren. dioli An invitation was extended te 1. the Bowmanville Show in Mem- the orial Park Club House on Wed- tion nesday, August 25th. "wn The lunch convenors served ided pink lemonade from a lovely ev- punch bowl whule Mr. E. James was photographing many of the first, prize entries for our pictor- - a airecord. Many thanks to ail the donors of special prizes which were awarded as follows: Special Prize Winners- "Best arrangement" -, donated by Mr. and Mrs. C. Tink - Mrs. D. Tansley. Best H.T. Rose "Peace" - don- ated by Mr. and Mrs., Hesper Dean- Mrs. E. Milison. Best Dahlia - donated by Mis. Gamey - Mrs. I. Farrow. 1 Best Giadiolus,- donated by Mr. and Mrs. Tink - Mrs. W. Wood. Most entries in show- donated by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - Mrs. Zegers. Most points in, show- donated by Eatons of. Canada Mrs. E. Millsoni Best Gold coloured Rose don- ated by Mrs. Fairbrother- Mrs. U H.Dean. -. Roadside Bouquet - donated by Mr. and Mr.s. G. Buckley - Mis. Tansley. Most ýpoints'in Vegetable sect- ion - donated by'Mr. and Mis. Buckley - Mr. E. Couvier. Special for Golden Annivers- ary arrangement - donated by Mis. R. Waddell - Mrs. K. Schoen- maker. SWindoy box competition - don- ated by Mis. F. Westney - Mr. C. Biilings; Mrs. R. Chapman; Mis. W. Wood. Planter Competition - donated by Mrs. Westney - Mrs. T. Fair. brôther; - Mis. H. Allen; Mrs. G. Atkins. PRODUCING MONTREAL PLAY Madame Jeanine Beaubien an- nounced in Montreal that the next attraction at "La Poudriere" wiil be -the classie Amierican Folk fantacy "Dark 0f'The Moon", with La Poudrielre apprentices. Direct. ing the production will be the briliant young Canadian director and, head of the apprentices Roy Higginm Mr. Higgins pîoduced this play inu Orono last year. 1He wili bc, working pîofessionaliy in Mon- treal during the winteî. Ganaraska -Authority Tbld To Spend More Money The Ganaraska Conservation Authority with an estimated $61,- 006 budget in 1972 is one of the lowest spenders among conserva- tion authorities across the prov- ince. At a regular meeting of the authority held in Cobourg, Mrs. Barbara Smith, secretary-treasur- er, told the members tliat the province is urging the authority to get ini lime and to spend more. "On a provincial basîs our levy was .06 milîs, which places us lied for 34th place out of the 36 authorities. This is based on pro- vincial cqualized assessmcnl which is the only true basis for comparison," she said. Mrs. Smith reveaied that some authorities have a per capita ex- Town 0f Port Hope To Seek Annexation Port Hope has nmade a more towards the annexation of 427 acres of land in Hamilton Town- ship, but only at the îequest" of the property owner, Walter Frank. A resolution was passed by town council August l7th sup- porting the îequest of Ocean- front Delevopment, of which Mr. Frank is president, to annex a parcel of land ln Hamilton town- ship 10 be' used for industrial purposeýs. The land, on Highway 2, is just beyond the Port Hope boundary line and cxtends from the' Gage's Creck valley to the lakeshore. Oceanfront requested the town to initiale action 10 annex ils lands in the township so Ihat il could gel the nccessary services installed for industries wishing 10 locale Ihere. The property company ap- proached Hamilton Township council in May titisyear, but iii. dicaled in lte letter 10 Port Hope council, Ihat il had received no îeply. Mayor Michael Wradyka, said' Oceanfront Development have had one indusîrial- inquiry after an- other for the land, but could do nothing because of the lack of services. penditure of about $3.00 or more whiie the Ganaraska's is only 50, cents. By not spending more money.. the Ganaraska Aulhority is losing out on government subsidies whici- are budgetcd 10 lte authority.- The excess subsidies are in lurn, handed -over t10 olter authorities. who are spending more. Elmer Scott, the representalive for Hope township, said that a check with lte head of the Con- servation Authority branch would reveal Ihat the Ganaîaska Auth- ority is losing out on government subsidies which are budgeted toýý lte authority in lte province. "We are flot squandcring oui money, we neyer did," he said. Roy Fosler, Kendal,, who, is chairmafn of the aulhorîty, said there is not a dime in lte budget for any frîli or for anything ltat is not necessary. Edwin Haynes of -Cobourg said he lhoughit it may be a case of "ýpenny -wise and pound foolish" in the 'long run. H1e asked the secretaîy-treasurer 10 get a chaît on the spending of the other au- thorities. across thte province. "I arn paîticularly interested in what. the Lower Trent Authority- spends, since they tried te steei Cob ourg in there," he said. While the Ganaraska's total, est- imated 1 972 expenditure is- $61,- 000, te levy te the member municipalities, afler goverument grants, is $36,000. Mrs. Smith; said thal whiie the budget hbas not doubled, te levy. has.1 This is because oflte fact titat in 1971 ltere wvas a 'surplus frorn 1970 of $17,700 which came off- lte levy lcaving a smaller amount for the member, municipalilies bo pay- The total estimated cost of ad-' ministration for 1972 is $26,800, an increase of $10,500,ovqr 1971.- Next year $3,000 is te estimaI- ed expenditure for the Garden Hill1 Conservation Aiea; $500 for- Sylvan Glen; $1,500 for the Port Hope Conservation Area; $2,000 for Cobourg;, $5,000 for Ball's Mill in Baltimore, lte authority's most recent acquisition. Payment on the purcitase of Ball's Mill is $10,000 in 1972.' This brings te total expenditure on conservation areas 10 $22,000. Maintenance Mon Good knowledge of mechanical and electrical machine Abiity to service and maintain plumbing and heat equipment, electrical equipment. Must have previ( experience ini general building and equipment maint, ance. Apply in writing stating experience and, qualificati( on or before August 27, 1971 to: M. A. MacLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durhamý County Board of Education. P.O. Box 470, D'Arcy Street, No: COBOURG, Ontario. Department of Transporation and, Communications ONTARIO Notice To Equipment Owners For "Whiter Maintenance Operations 1971-72 Season" the follewing equipment is required: Inquiry No. 717- TRUCKS-With, a minimum G.V.W. 27,000 pounds (single axIe)- or 34,000 pounds tandem axle> for mounting power sanding units ar e required, at the following locations: 1 Truçk-. Jct; Hwys. 121-649; Sebright; Head Lake... 2 Trucks - Norwood; Youngs Peint; Codrington; .Roseneatit; Bobcaygeon; Lorneville; Coboconk. 3 Trucks - Jct. Hwys. 401-115; Jct. 115-28; Lindsay; Bloomfield.- 4 Trucks - Grafton. 5 Trucks Jet. 401-28; Pontypeol. Inquiry No. 71-7-7 TRUCKS-'With a minimum G.V.W. 42,000 pounds tandem axIe) for mounting power sanding units are required at the following locations: 1 Truck Grafton. 2 Trucks - Brighton. Inquiry No. 71-78. TRACTORS-Tandemi Tractors minimum G.V.W. 82,000pounds for hauling 15 cubic yard T1railer Sander. 1 - Tracter - Newcastle.- Inquiry No. 71-7-9. LOADERS-with 3/4cubic yard bucket without operator 1 Leader - Jct. Ilwys. 121-649; Seabriglit; Head Lake LOADERS-With 1 cubic yard bucket without operator 1 Leader - Lindsay; Norwood; Bloomfield; Jct. Hwys. 115-28; Jet. 401-28; Jet. 401-30; Pontypool LOADERS-With 1 cubic yard bucket, four wheeî drive or crawler with operator. 1 Leader - Graflon; Jet. Hwys. 401-.115. Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Department will be îeceivedby the District Engineer until 12 'clock noon local time, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1971 Specifications, tender forms, and envelopes may be ebtained un person or by mail fromt the District Office un Port Hope. When requesting tenders please specify location. The successful bidder must have P.C.V. License or apply for same within 7 days of being notified. The lowest or any tender, net necessarily accepted. D. P. Colins, District Engineer, Deparîment of Transportation and Communications, Ontario, 138 Hope Street, North, Box 150, Port Hope, Ontario., Telephone: 885-6381. COURSES FOR ADULTS Check this list of fuil-time day courses sta rting September 7 at Durham Coliege's Re- training Division. Completion of one -of them will improve -your job opportunities. ACADEMIC UPGRADING COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 7 GRADE 9 -................... ...... ..16 WEEKS GRADE 10 ................ ............ ........ .. 16 WEEKS GRADE U ...................... ............1.... 16 W EEKS GRADE, 12 ~......................... .......... .........116 WEEKS COMMENCING OCTOBER 4 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COMPLETION..... DURATION VARIES SKILL COURSES COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 7 COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHIC ..................... 40 WEEKS COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTANCY ...-................. 40 WEEKS ELECTRONICS .................................... 48 W EEKS COMMENCING OCTOBER 4 APPLIANCE SERVICING .................................... ....40 WEEKS DRAFTING ...... ....- ................................... 40 WEEKS COMMENCING NOVEMBER 1 ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS................... 24 WEEKS DID YOU KNOW YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR TRAINING ALLOWANCES FOR DETAILS CONSULT VOUR LOCAL CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE If you are not eligible for Canada Manpower Assistance you may enrol lu a 16 weeks course for $48; a 40week course for $120. F or further information please contact: MR. R. MALONE THE RETRAINING DIVISION DURHAM COLLEGE 0F APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGYý SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 576-0216 LOCALS M-2,246.,227