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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Aug 1971, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1971 VINT AD§ FOR WEIDNESDAYI PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO98-S Mullisen nsiùrauclî. Ml classes of personal and Commercial Coveraoees Office: Main St.-.Oreo 983-5032 'les. 983-5754 'Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontarlo PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING *GENERAL REPAIRES Interlor Exterlor CHARLES REID *Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales (Jonsuit me for terms and dates PIIONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments and famiIy Memorials Our quality and service îeave j nothlng to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a nelghbear, friend or relative 1%ie RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display iu Southera, Ontario Rt. C. SLEE Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-333 WATSONS Marine and Cycle Oromo Phone 9835343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Mlwouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloeh CHAIN, SAIVS Repaira te ail makea of Lawn mowersannd 2 andI 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PIPING OUJT MEPTIC TANKSý Bert Tomupkius Poo786-811 Clarke RPubolic1 LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thuraday and ffiday 6:30 to 8:30 P. Thuraday andI Frlday afternoons 2:-30 to 5:00 p.m Saturday ý10:OQ te 12:.00 a.m. BYMS I PLUMBENQ .«d HATINO 1 l1 es1 ana" Servie. Mt BOUM BUINDE IEEYKB IGULF FINANCINO Lew lutereot Rate Tyr*", U.NU Orvifle Chatterton ELECFRICAL CONTRACIN'G ELECCRHEATING AND SERVICE Phon. 983-5546 or,983-5940, ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO E1.ECTRIC: Rerb and G erry Duvail -1 983-5108 ELÉECTRICAL CON4TRACTINe ELECTRIC 'HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE8 T.V. - COLOIJI T.V. RADIO - ni-Fi ICA ELECTROHOME GUIJANTERD SERVICE Hamiltons Insuranco Service AUTO Fm£R, PACKAGE POLICIM FIDEL=TYBOND MAI STEET, OR ONO Jima Hars For Depeudable ServIce After Hoursanad Week-ends 983-9330 B« lu8 Phono 666-3m5 Staffo'rd Brofinrs Cemeat.ry Mumsulal sis DMM4.. weut I Buiding a bise? or remodelllug 70W promeu eme, thon contait Floyd Nkh1sonl phono 983UMom SAVE, AS MUCH AS $600.00 OFF THE NEW PRICE Used trailers that have been on rent ORONO' TRAILER SALES and RENTAL Phone 983-5974 Orono, Ontario FOR SALE Second eut baled hay and soine straw. 1 Phone 786-2425. a-p FOR SALE Fresb eggs -- 3 dozen for $1.00 Larger size 40e per dozen; 45c, per dozen and 50e per dozen. A. Van Hattum, R.R. 2, Orono, 300. yds. west from Hwy. 115 and 35 on Leskard Road. t- FOR SALE New Woods, 8 x M0 Tent Double Ski1-Doo Trailer. Winchiester Cen- teoniial :30-30 Rifle. Cal 983--5050 alter 7 p.m.- a-p FOR SALE Fresh eggs- 5 dozen for $1.00 and 4 dozen for $1.0e' Larger ima 40 and 45 cents a dozen. New potatoes at market price. A Van Hattum, R.R. 2, Orono. 3W0 yds. west from Hwy. 115 and 35 on Leskard Road. t-f FOR SALE Two 3-f urrow Ploughs on rub- ber also Double Dises and a 6-blade Tiller. Apply Roy Ball, phone 623-7840 a-p DOG LOST Lost on the eigýhth fine of Clarke on Auigust 23rd, -a dari, grey miniature Poodle. Ear ta- tooed. Finder contact Mrs. Millington, 983-5990, a-p NEWTON VILLEAUCTON BARN We Buy andI Sei Furulture Co"ngmeut. and Estate Frank StapIet<rn, Auctioneer Phone 786-2244 WORK WANTED Marshman Bros. Floor Co. Specializlng in Machie and Hand Trowelled Dustless Concrete Floora Phone 885-6493 t4f NOTICE cail Or«O Landscaçiw< Ior soddin<., planitng and eeeding, tree reniovai aend gardeùàng. Phono083-595.t4f Wanted ICA U BDmý tREALTOR Wh.. Uuyi « or iu ma WILF HAWKE' YOUR ORONO MA Eolb et ogma and pi- b"itRem Unai. fZOO" NEW APPLES and PEACHES FRESH CORN and FIELD TOMATOES and other Vegetables FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Ifighway 115: South of Oromo Cut Iast week. Any quantity. Terms Cash. WANLESS FARMS Sommnerville Road;, 2 miles east from Hwy. 115 at Orono. Phone: 983-5525 August Speclal ALOUETTE Suowmoâblle 20 tmp $595-0O SWATSON'S -MARINE and CYCLE Oromo Poe983-5343, HELP WANTED Full and part-tirne waitresses wanted at the Coach and Four. Phone 983-5560. b-35-c HELP WANTED Short-ordler Cook and Wait- resses: full or part time. Appl 'y Couintry Inn Restaurant. Phone 983-9315. a-c WORK WANTED Will baby sit 2 or 3 pre- schooliers in my own homie, 5. days a week, days or evenings. Phone Orono 983-5516 after 5 P.m. b-35-p WANTED Baby sitting wanted around the lst September. Phone 983-5329. b-35-c SPECIAL TOURS to MARITIMES September llth to 24th BOSTON and CAPE COD September 25th to October 1 Ontario - Michigan Colour Tour October 3rd to Sth CALIFORNIA October l6th to November 7th For details contact: Treutway Tours Ltd., 131 Charlotte St., (P.O. Box 772 Peterborci, Phone 743-8181. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS October 8th to 1lth to STOWE, VERMONT and LAKE PLACID NEW YORK CITY NASHVILLE, TENN. For details contact: Trentway Tours Ltd., 131 Charlotte Street, (Box 712) Peterborough- Phone 743-8181. d37e MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN AS SEMI DRIVERS Train now to drive Semi Tractoir trailers local and over the road ' Vonu car r high wages ($8,000 to, $13,000) after short training. For application and interview write: Safety Departmnent, Trans Canada Transport Training, 207 ýQueens Quay West, Suite 315,ý Teronto 117, Ontario or call 416-864-9381. 'THE' OR ONO GIRLS BASEBALL . The Orono Girls team play the Mothers ou Friday evening, Aug- ust the 27th at 6:30 at the Orono Park. The girls are entertaining the Mothers ta Hot Dogs and drinks. a-c CARD 0F THANKS 1 would 11k to thank my many- friends and r'elaiv\es also my- family fo)r 1their cards, gifts>, flowefcrs aud visits during rny re-- cent lengtbily stay in Bowmanville Hospitat. -The nursing staff on surgieal loor for their kind at- tention, to Dr. Sprouil my grati- tude also Dr. Ewert and Dr. Syl- vester. a-p Margaret Mercer. OBA TYKE D PLAYOFFS Sat.,Aug. 28 - ORQNO TYKES VS. FENWICK TYKES 1:00 P.M. ORONO PARK OBA BANTAMID PLAYOFFS SAT., AUG. 28 ORONO BANTAMS VS. ELM GROVE BANTAMS 3:30,,P.M. ORONO PARK WIN SERIES AGAINST KENDAL PEEWEES The Orono PeeWee Club were au excited group when they re- turned to town on Tuesday even- ing after defeating the Kendal PeeWees in the final playdowu game by a score or 9- 4. The local club will now travel further afield on their playdown and championshîp quest. Orono pliaycd a good defensive game in Kendal with Keiun Uawes pitchinig an excellent game for Orono takiug key strike-outs. outs. 'This is the first that Orono has been able to subdue Keudal in years. Wiiam C. Hall, B. Comm. 1hem. Newcatle 97-42» AI day W.drmday

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