-ORONO WEEKIV TIMES> W.EDNe$DAY,,SEPTEMIý,Rlst, 1971 WANT AJ) VO$i WEDNEODA PUBLICATION ACCEPTE» UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 S.. Milison I.suramce, Agency f«r Ml classes of personal and Commercial Coverazes Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Ëtes. 993-5754 ,Gord Sinmpson PHONE ;983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS interîor Exterlor CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Âuctioneer and. Valu ator Speialize in Farm and Furiniture Sales :Coiuullt me for terms and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914 Monumeànts and FamiIy Memoriqs Our quality and servic -e leavet 1 nethlng te be desfred As& th. poron who bought front ma, a melghbmar, friend or. relative The. RUTTER GRANIT COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Lai-gest display in Southera, Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmanvifle, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orane Phone 983-5e343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mobl«, McCulioch CHAIN 8AWS, Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mdowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engiues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PIJMPI.NG OUJTi 5SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Ph eue 786-3558 Clark. public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesdny, Thursday and Friday 6:30 to 8:30 P.m. Thnrsday and Frlday aiternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 arn. BYA ms PLUING and EEATIMG Se"..and Servi.. BO4I HOEURNBR sEIvIoe GULF FINANCING Lew bmteret Rate« Tyrene, 263-2950 Orville .Chatterton XLECTRICAL CONTRACTING ZLECTRC HEATING AND SERVICE Phono 983-5546 or 983-5946 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO ELECTRIC gçrb and Gerry Duvail 983-5198 BLECTRtICAL- ,CONTRACTING ELECI"RIC JIATING ELECTICAL APPILIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO -1HI-FI WESTINGHOUMSE ICA QUARAXTRED SERVICE; Hafiiltons Insuranco Service AUTOb rnE, PACKAGE POLICIM FMELTJTBDo LIABILET MAIN STREET, ORONO Sadi, Nanutea MM Rare For Dependable Service After Hours and Week-ends "3~-9930 B o x 1 3 8 P h . . . 9 6 0- 3 5 S'tafford BrtIers, 318DM". sirem lNa Buldi*ng a lieuse? wr remedoelllg yeu' priefft *»e, (hem entaet FIoyd :Nic Ison FOR SALE Fresh eggs- 3 dozen for $1.00 Larger size 40ec per dozen; 45e per dozen and 50e per dozen. New potatoes at market price. A. Van Hlattum, R.R. 2, Orono. 300 yds. west from ilwy. 115 and 35 on Leskard Road., t-f FOR SALE 1964 Park Lane Mercury 4-door H-ardtop,. A-1 condition. Boyd Wood', phone 983-5937. FOUND German Sheiaherd Pup, frni-,'. Phone 983-5692. a-c AN OPPORTUNITY For-a]ert high 'ýschool student in the Retail Food Business. -After school and weekends. Apply Red and White,.,Orono. HELP WANTED $1.75 per, hour and Bonus for full or part-time. For Information eall 885-4302; 74 Dorset St.' Port Hope. c-37-p H ELIP WANTED- Fuli-time help wanted, kitchen and waitimng. Appiy Mosport Res- taurant, p. hone 983-9321. ,a-c NORTHUMBERLAND AND DURHAM COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION Applications will be received for Supply Teaehing for both El- ementary and Secondlary Sehools for the Eastern, Central and, ~-Western a]reas for the sc'hool term 1971-72. Please apply in writing, stating qualifications,.and Ievel yoti wish to teach, olrgt r g secondary 11n(i area preferi, 4, fuis az)y other fied- of'ineret to:'-G, 'A. àMac- Leod, St:Peri <ldélt of nrue- tion, Box 470,,4c>nbdu1Ëg, Ontario. - a-r NEWTONVILIj AUCTION BARN~ We Buy and Seli Furniture Conhlgninent and Estate Frank Stapleton,. Auctoaeer Phone 786-Z244 WORK WANTED. Marshman Bros. Floor Co. Specializng in Machine and Iland TroweUled Dustiess Concrete Floors Phone 885-6493 t-f NOTICE 'Cail Oroao Landocapdug for soddià<, planting aaid eeedtmg, tre. removai and gaa-denng. Phono983~598.t-f M arwll Fu Fw Dience Ne.r-C ?0 ICA U R»BTL REALTOR LOWMANVILLE When Euylg or S.mng eaU WILF HAWKE TOUR ORONO AiA "3-5374 of o3 t sbsa"aiM>b NEW APPLES PEACIIES FRESH CORN and FIELD TOMATOES and other Vegetables FRED'S FRUIT MARKET ilighway 115: South of Orono in the field Cut last week. Any quantity. Terms cash. 25c a bale WANLESS FABMS Sommerville Road; 2 miles east from Hfwy. 115 at Orono. Phone: 983-5525; August Speclal ALOUETTE suow VVmobîle 20 hp $5956,00 WATSON'S MARINE and CYCLE Orono, Phone 983-5343 HELP WANTED Full and part-time ýaitresses wanted at the Coach and Four. Phone 983-5560. b-35-c VOLUNTEERS URGENTLY NEEDED Age 10 to 90 to participate in Orono Sigma-C 'Dunk-A-Person' at the Orono Fair. For time' allotment please phone 983-5623. b-36-c WORK WANTE D WilI baby sit, 2 or 3 pre- schoolers in my own home, 5 days' a week,, days or evenings. Phone Orono 983-5516 after 5 p.m. b-35-p WANTED Baby sitting wanted around the flst September. Phone 983-5329. b-35-e SPECIAL TOURS (o MARITIMES September llth to 24th BOSTON and CAPE COD September 25th to October 1 Ontario - Michigan Colour Tour October 3rd to 8th CALIFORNIA October l6th to November 7th For details contact:- Trentway Tours Ltd., 131 Charlotte St., (P.O. Box 772 Peterboro, Phone 743-8181. THANKSGIVING SPECIALS October 8th to Ilth (o STOWE, VERMONT and LAKE PLACID) NEW YORK CITY NASHVILLE, TENN. For details contact: Trentway Tours Ltd., 131 Charlotte Street, (Box 772) Peterborough -Phone '743-8181. d37c- MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN AS SEMI DRIVERS Train now to drive Semi Tractor traîlers local and over the road. You can earn high wages ($8,900 to $13,000) after short training. For application and inter-view write: Safety Department, Trans Canada Transport Training 207 Queens Quay West, Suite 315, Toronto, 117, Ontario or call 416-864-9381. NOTICE The Senior Citizens meet on Thursday, 'SePtember 2nd with a Pot-Luck ýSupper. a-c WANTED TO RENT On-e-bedroom apartment. uin- fu rnished on or- before Septèe- ber 24th, Bowmianville, NeWeastle or Orono-ara Phopie,,983-5357 ýor 623-5959. ýa-c OGFOUNI) M a ny thanks for help in fin&- ing Poodie Charlie., -. a-p T-he Millirugtons. ORONO U.C.W. ANNOUNCEMENTS There will be an Executive Meeting of Orono U.C.W. in the Main Hall on Thursday, Septem- ber 2nd at 2 p.m. on' Thursday evening, Sept. 16, at 7:30 p.m, Orono U.CW. will hold a combined meeting of al Units and the General Meeting in the Main Hall. Meetings of the "Mothers' Dav Out', group will not begin until October. a-e Do It Vourseif DIVORCE GUIDE As described in National Maga- zines. For further information write. LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Box 5138, Station A, Toronto a-c FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr.' Robert Hazelden of Orono wishes to announce the forthcom- ing marriage of his daughter Doreeni Anne to J7ohn Paul Hughes son of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Hughes of Orono. The wedding will takef place on Saturdlay, October 3th at the Penticostal Chureh in Bow- manville at 3:00 p.m. a-c All day W.dauday md Saturday