ORONO WEEKLV 1MES, WEDNESPAY, SEPTE1WBEK 8St h, 1ir OJ'RONO WEEKLY TIMES, Second Clms Mail Registration Number 0368 Jlmbiished every Tkursday at the office of publcatioi main Street, Orono, Ontaio. Phone 983-5301 LET'S GO TO THE FAIR May we urge our readers to take a few hours this week-end to v isit the Durham Central Agri- cultural Fair in Orono. Tt is reputed as one of the best fairs in the district and we believe this to be a true statement. Hours upon hours of plannihg and organizing have been spent in the promotion of the 1971 ed- ition and you will surely find something of interest within the wide scope of exhibits and live enter- tainnient. Be part of the fair this year... the action starts Thursday evening and, continues until Sat- urday evening. CÔULD WELL BE EXPANDED The project "Opportunity For Youth" spon- sored by the Federal, Government to create youth employment during the summer appears toë have been a successful venture. Tt flot onlV provid- ed additional employment but also provided an ou- portunity for those involved to extend their creat- iveness in an endeavour in which fhey had an in- vestcd interest. Further the projetK did', in most cases provide an extension to some of the social needs of the county. The suecess of the projeet bas p)rompted nth,-r sectors of the population to seek an extension of the programn to include their particular age groups or particular circumstances. The Senior Citizen Association have suggested that they be given the sanie opportunitv as that of youith and their point is well taken. Why not aowthem to organize projeets within their circle of înterest and to be able to organize and conduet these projects themselves. Tt has been suggested that those on uneni- ploymcnt or welfare aiso be given the sanie chance to do something for themfselves and others. Again the idea warrants consideration by ail levels of government since welfare costs and unemfpioy- ment costs are increasing at a rapid rate of growth. Under the seheme, such as "OpPortunitv For Youth" the individuai is given the-opportunity to express theniselves in their work and organization. Tt aiso provîdes the outiet to do somethine for someone else or.to provide a needed service to the conimunity or the country as a whole. Certain- 'y it allows the chance to express a desire, to be creative and to serve others. Tt is not a çold. ini- tangibie handout. At the present time in Canada, industry is un- able to provîde ail the needed jobs for its residents. Thus costs of unemployment and welfare are in- creasing at a goodly rate.; Why not direct some of this money to a project such as Opportunitv For Youth but extend the ternis to include those on welfare and the unemployed and even Senior Cit- izens. Tt would give these people the opportunity to provide for themselves and we believe most people would grasp at the opportunitv to hnv work and at the sanie time be creative and of ser- vice to the community. We might also say that some nionies now dir- ected to job retraining, for jobs that do not eyiqt. could also be resdirected to an opprtunîty progarm The word "Opportunîty" is weIl taken and descrip- tive of the idea behind the projeet. As before, we say, that ail levels of 5overn- ment could weli afford some tme to investigate this new outlook in keeping everyone gainfully enipioyed and happy. Enmen nressI Enroiment in most schoois in the district showed an increase this term over the iast term. While some showed consider- able increase others were rather smail and Kendal school had a de- crease 'over that of iast year. Three hundred and twenty-one registered for classes at the Or- ono Public Sehool which is an in- crease of 21 over that of 1970. Two new teachers have joined the staff at Orono: Mrs. Mary Bunting teaching grade 2 and Mrs. Grace Moores teaching grade 8. Mrs. Cowan rejoins the staff on a permanent basis as remedîal teacher. Enroment at the Kirby Cen- tenniai Public Sehool on Tuesday totalled 304 an increase of one over the last terni. Clarke High Sehool notÈd a reg- istration of 501 up to noon on Tuesday and this number is ex- pected to increase further a.q stu- dents leave summer jobs. The enrolment at the school in June of 1971 was 437. The increase to date is 64. Clarke High School now has seven portables in full use at the school and a staff of twenty-nine teachers. Eleven new teachers have taken positions on the staff this year, Lockhart Public Sehool enrol- ment' on Tuesday numbered 122 which is an increase of six over last years registration. Newtonville Public Sehool also noted a slight increase with a to- tal enroment of 138 on Tuesday. Newcastle Public sehool enrol- ed 494 on Tuesday which is up from 450 in June. 0f the 494 six- ty-five were registred in Kinder- garten. The increase in enrolinent at Newcastle -also refleets, the closing of the two-room sehool at Browns this year. Enroment at Kendal Public Sehool dropped by 15 wit" i "9 enrollîng on opening day. AT TUE FAIR In Orono WE WILL HAVE ON DISPLAY FROM OUR DECORATING DEPARTMENT A FULL LINE OF Draperies - aits Agents for BOWMAN VILLE CLEANERS Dry Cleani.g Enjoy orne o1 sur MILK SHAKES ICE CREAM 13.vthe Corne or Br"c BILLIARDS Three Modern Tables MATTS BILLIARDS and Barbershop Orono, Ont Oroii Bulding Contracter St«O oWrk Carperntry - cabiet Woit L441 kWOZONO REAL' 21lKin Ë Owil 623-3393 Ilont servIce FRANK ESTATE, Realter niz St. W. manville Toronto 923-9174 Office 885-4548 courteouji, efflol- when buyig or selng and for the largest se&- eetlorn or properties itheo ares Contact Orono Area -Representatives Roy Poster 983-5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Pimije 277-2280 (Bethany) Dane Pound 623-3966 A.ndy Sutch 983-ý91 I Betha~w Floor Co verings INDOOR - OUTDOOR as wel as BURLINGTON FLOOR COVERINGS Eniter our Free Draw Toms and Sons carry a complete lime of decorating needs TOMS &SONSLtd NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO Yardley Aerssol SPECIAàLa For HMm: Dglack Label For lier: Sort MISt Save 31c only (5 oz. sîze) $11 9 JRNOTROPOE9350 ORONO CAO DEPENDABLE SERVICE DAY or NIGHT FULLY INSURED LOCAL OR LONG DISTANT TRIPS COUTEOUS SERVICE Albert Munieke, Prop.