- ORONO WEEKLY TIMME, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMiBER Sth, 1971 FAIR RACE ENIRIES ORONO RACEWAY SEPT. 10 lst Race- Captain Craig, L. Collacutt; Princess Little, A. Nichoils; Wil Lor Clipper, L. Brethour; Centen- l Stormn, F. Gillian; White Light- ning, J. Cochrane; Donnie Spang- 1er, E. Brown, 2nd Race- Quinte Magie Mac, P. Stewart; Tackmaster, T. Riley; Stevies Lard, R. Powell, Shelley Dawn, G. Irwin; Nancy Cail, S. Brown; Giggle Water, E. McKay; Debby O'Brien, M. Samons; Sir Edward Pick, K. West. 3rd Race- Herbie Riddell, J. Durham; Lovely Demon, E. Langen; Suni- crest Marlene, R. Hie; The Little Baron, L. Dixon; Chips Demon, L. Coiiacutt; Portage Star, W. Brethour; liernel1 Billy, M. Boni- steel. 4th Race- .Hr. Boyd, R. Gydman; Quinte Tonya, P. Stewart; Topheel"Pen- ny, L. Mosher; Brown Kid, 'R. Brown; Niagara Betty, C. Hie; Meadow Il Peg, S. Brown; Snob- bisbi, R. Westgarth. 5th Race- Moorelands Jean, S. Moore; Fabers Penny, A. Nicholis; Libby Beau,, J. Durham; Happys Mac, R. Staples; C Gai, R. Stiner; Moorelands Alice, N. Cochrane. Gth Race- Oro Lee Herbent, G. Sheldon; Penny Rice, C. Hie; Debonair Prince, W. Brethour; Ann B Ar- bitor, W. Givens; CÇhief Clyde, R. Bird; Range Idol, L. Collacutt; Ontario County, C. Leggett. 7th Race- Jîm Dusty, M Brethour; Cavan Mary, S. Brown; Stonmy Coast, G. Robinson; Zephyn Billy, Jr. West; Eastwood Game, R. Hiekes; Mca- dow Dno, L. Mosher. 8th Race' - Stake Final 8A- Stake Consolation 9th Race- Waltzing Matilda, R. Bird; Doc- tor Kirk, R. Gassienr High Triple, R. Johnson; Elva Magie, G. Dolley - Lorraine Hal, R. Rahm; Yankee Ncik, Jr. West; Rag Time Gal, F. Conlin. 1Oth Race- Tom Liner, S. Brown; Canal View Way, A. Nichoils; Mary Bing, J. Cochrane; Single Coin, E. Givens; Wil Lor Aandy, R. McQuaid;. Moorelands Kay, S. Moore. Post positions drawn Newman; G. Farrow. by D. ORONO RACEWAY SEPT, il_ Saturday Races lst Race- Stars'First Son, R. Brown; Quinte Queen, P. Stewart; Kristi Mc- Grattan, R. Rahm; Lord Valiant, R. Armitage; Homeland, Jr. West; Lelands Ezra, G. Robinson; Sandy Coin, D. Newman; Pronto C., J. Hughes; Tennessee Mac, L. Staff. 2nd Race- Molly Haw Lea, R. Brown; Dan- ny D Dale, G. Robinson; Topheel Special, 1. Thaékray-, Bonnies Way Dale. M. Moher; Johnnys Poy,,B. Howden; Harwill Princess, J. Wil- liams; Picko Liomar, E. Lagen; Indesicion, M. Brethour; Home- stead Stan, C. Leggett. rd Race- The Little Hobo, M. Samons; Quinte Lad, P. Stewart; Swinging Sam, L. Collacutt; Carman Chuck E. Givens; Guy B Scott, F. Conlin Doc Lindsay, S. Brown; Mighty Betty, F. Gilian; lena Von, R. McQuaid. 4th Race- Kelly Todd, C. Sheppard; Betty Frost, H. Stiner; Vans Pride C., G. Robinson; Peter McNab,_ E. Givens; Ricadel, N. Cochrane;, Iloot Valley, F. Alexander; Hie- land JimmSy, C. Hlie; Riddell Goid, L. Mathison. Post positions drawn by D. Newman; G. Farrow. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmn McKen- zie and Michelle of Aylmer visit- cd onthe weekend with Dr. and Mrs. A. F. MeKenzie and attend- ed the MeKenzie - Allin wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and Mrs. Harry Bailey visited on Mon- day with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wat- son, Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and Warren spent iast week'at a cot- tage at Gore's Landing. Mr. and .Mrs. Everett, Couvier are on a motor trip to Cape, Cod and eastern points. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ian MeKenzie who were united in marniage on Friday evening in Orono United Cburch by Rev. B. Long. Mrs. McKenzie is the former, Gail'Allun, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, Aluin and Mr . Me- Kenzie is the son of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. McKenzie, ail of Orono. Pte. Paul Todd and Pte. Greg Maker of the Canadian Army, Gagetown, New Brunswick have been visiting in Orono wbile on leave. Mr. and Mrs. A. Jakeman spent the weekehd witb Mr. and Mrs. MacFarland Jr. and family, Sydenham. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hancock were bier sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. J. MacLeod of New Westminster, B.C. NO PRICE INCREASE AT TIJIS TIME Mr. R. Stephens of Glen Rae Dairy lias aîrnounced there xiii be no increase in the price of their milk at this timeIlie said they are holding prices at the present level for the time being. Prices xiii, however, have to increase siigbtly sometime in the future due to inereaised prices now being paid the producer. Mr. Stephens was flot sure when this increase would take effect.- Niorthvmberlaind and Durham Couity B.ard of Education Evening, Cîass Program 1971 -ý 1972 Registraion wil take place on Weduoesday, Sept* 22 and Thuvsday, gSept. Z3 throughout the grea. Classes bogin Menday, Oct. 4 Please contact your local sehool for specific details of the programs being offered ATTENTION FARMERS WHYï PAY MORE? SAVE ON Premium Quality GASOLINE DïIESEL MOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available CALL COLLECT 669-3341 DX DII Fer Immediate Delivryl Du rhamCentral Agrieultural Society -I o I Thursday Evemimmg Pee' ý e.Reo l West show FRIDAY SCHOOL PARADE - HOLSTEIN SHOW APPALOOSA and QUARTER HORSES DOG OBEDIENCE SHOW FAT CALF SHOW Friday- Evening- HARNESS HORSE RACING Pari-Mutual Wagering MAMMOTH PARADE LIGHT, HEAVY HORSES BEEF and DAIRY CATTLE Harniess Racing Wage@ring Privileges SatudayEveingSmiley Bates and the North Star Ramblers Thursday, FrIday, Saturday Sept. Rabbits, Sheep, Poultry Needlecraft, FloWers, Art. Home Baking Farm Machinery and Commercial Exhibits Bands The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE of APPLICATION Licensing District No. 1 TAKE NOTICE that Elizabeth Pararas of the City of Toronto in the Municipality of Metropolitan Tor-, onto will make application at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario to be held at the Royal Canadian Legion Auditorium, 217 Murray Street in the City of Peterborough in the County of Peterborough on FRIDAY the TWENTY-FOURTH- day of SEPTEMBER, 1971, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock D.S.T. in the afternoon for the issuance of a Dining Lounge Licence, for the sale and consumption of liquor where food is available for the following premises: COUNTRY INN RESTAURANT, Clarke Township, Highways 35 and 115, Orono Any person who is resident in the licensing district may object to the application, and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with Mr. H. J. Browne the Act- ing deputy registrar of the licensing district, whose ad. dress is 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, Toronto 2, Ont- ario, at least ten days before the meeting at which the application is to be heard. DATED 'at Toronto this l7th day of August, 1971. ELIZABETH PARARAS R.R. No. 1, Orono, Ontario FA AT ORONO 10 &