OIRONO WEEKLY TIMES, lWEDNESDAV, SEPTEMBER Sth, 1971 HYDRO ASKS HOPE TWP. PERMISSION TO BUILD ACCESS 1tOAD TO PLANT Hope Township Council dis- closed, Frîday, August- 6th that Ontario Hydro want to build an access road to their Wesleyville hydro plant site from a new high- way interchange on the MacDon- ald-Cartier Freeway at the Mor- riîsh sideroad, but the township YOU FETONTHE GROUND AND YOUUL NE VER HAVE YFAR TOFALL. Albert's Texaco GENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Oromo UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge Minister Rev. B. E. Long ORONO UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER: 12, 1971 Churcli Service 11:15 ar.. Septen'ber 12, 1971 Church School 10:00 a.m. RIRBV - September 5, 1971 Morning Service at 9:45 a in. Churcli School at 11:00 a.m. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN E8tblshed 1869 Regular Suaday Weruhip, Service - 9:30 a..L Hoiy Communion- First and Third Suadaym Mornlng Frayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Rfoly Baptism by appolntment with Rector $874745 The Rev. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.Th. Septic Tank Se rvice GENERAL PUMPING É4 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontarlo Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 licnsd mani-q& anjuacrateées PLUMEING AND IETN planning board is pressing to have tue access road foliow the present iHope-CiarkIe iTownship bouadary îoad. A copy of a leter froin the plan- ning board to Ontario Hydro con- tended that the only beneficial route to the township was along the western boundary of Hope Township through Lot 35. The township planning board request- ed another meeting with the De- partinent of Transportation and Coammunication and the Depart- mient of Tr~ansport to discuss the matter. A reply'froin Ontario Hy-, dro was that they would recon- sider the western site. Council lcarned that if the new highway interchange camne off the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway at the Morrish Road the township's officiai plan would have to be clianged. Deputy Ifeeve Weston Bannister comnsented. however. that lie couldn't see eny advaatage to the township for the route the plan- ning board were choosing. Deputy Heeve Bannister said lie thouglit the way Ontario Hy- d'îo plaaned the route was the most practical. Coun. Gcorge St apleton said hie thouglit members'of the Township council shouid blinl attendance at the proposcd meeting with On- tario Hydro and the Departmnent of Transpor tation and Communi- cation. "This is a pretty big issue ia the township," lie said, "and I thiak the township council should lie there. Councillor Stapleton, who is sceayof the township plan- ning board 'said Ontario Hydro màdeh two or three proposed en- trances to their property. The one froin Port Hope, lie said. was out becausèé of the low subways. Tliey couldn't brîag their. large equipinent needed in the con- struc' tion of the plant in fromn the Port Hope route. Coun. Stapleton said Ontario Hydro didn't want any' clover- leaves close to, a service centre because of the traffie hazard. "One thing I liked about On- tario Hydro," saîd Coun. Staple- ton, "was they, said that they would give' it to the township once it was completed." Coun. Stapleton said that if the overpass was built near the Mary- dale Park there was the danger that the new road would encour- age a rock festival there. Up And Do wn 1he Book S l'-tacks NEW BOOKS SEPT. 9th, 1971 Adult- The Brontes and Their World by Phyllis Bentley At Home la Upper Canada b4y' Jeanne Minhinaick Paul Newman lis Films by Laur- ence J. Quihk. By the Pricking of My Thuinls by Agatha Christie Like any other Fugitive by Josephi Hayes Junior- The Long Fellow by Jack Steffan (the story of a great Irish Patriot) Man ln Space to the Moon by Franklyn Branley The Music of Africa by Dr. Fred Warren with Lee Warren The Humble Seat Pony by C. W. Anderson Olga Beauchamp week with Beeton taking the dcc- ision 14-7. 11 The sevcnth inning was a dis- aster frame for the local boys when Becton took advantage of some loose play by Orono and drove in seven scoring runs. At the end of the sixth Orono was ahead in the gaine 7-5. John Cornish was the bright spot in the O0rono ineup la the batting department. when lic drove out two home runs. Wîth runners on bases these two'home ruas resulted in five runs out of the seven for Orono. Kevin 1liauglis performed well on the Orono mound and fielded his position well. Beeton was lut- ting well to outscore on Orono. Following the gaine the Pee Wees enjoyed a picnic lunch at the parl jrepared by some of the miothers. Anoiti-Rabies CIini s (Continued fromn page 1) to noon at Hampton Township Garage; and 2 p.m. to 5 pin. at Blackstock Becreation' Centre, Sept. 15: 1i rn to 8 p.m. at Bow- mianville Old Fire Hall; Sept. 16: 2 p.m. to 5 pin, at Orono Hydro Garage; Sept. 17: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Manvers Township Garage ADULI COUNSELLING SERVICE, If you waut to do something about your education . . . you probably can. See Vour Aduit Counsellor EVERT WEDNESDAY EVENINO 7 to 9 p.m. at the BOWMAN VILLE HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free -, confidential - and no appointment is necessary. Ten Highway 35 anud 7A; Sept. 21. 10 a.m. to noon at Newtonville Coin- munity Hall at 2 p.m. to à p.m. at Newcastle Counmunity Hall; Sept. 22: 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Port Hope Fire Hall, Ontari'o Street% and Sept. 24: 10 a.rn. to, nooa at Col. Gilles Fire Hall in Canton and 3 p.nu. 10 7 p.m. at Millbroolc OId Fire Hall. Ien dJ'ae * 2 %o PARTLY, SKIMMED' Now available at your Local Milk Store or your Favorite SupN-mnarket ln the convenient Poucli Pak One quart size IF IT'S ÇIlen é/?ae IT'S GOQD HET KIDS! HAVE YOU GOT VOUR Model 'Cars Ready For the Contest Yet ? Be sure to get them entered for September, 9th at Orono Fair Sponsored by the Saraeas Car Club Day Septena ber Sth to lSth Whisper Panty Hose& Stretch Stockinîgs REGULAR PANTY ROSE - S, M, L, XL Gueen (Reg. $1.49) SALE $1.19 ALL-SIIEER PANTY HOSE - S, M, L, and XL (Reg. $1.49) .... SALE $1.19 DOUBLE MESH PANTY HOSE, S to XL, (Reg. $1.49) ,..... SALE $1.19 NON-RUN PANTY HOSE - S, to Queen Size (Reg. $1.49) SALE 81.19 SANDALFOOT PANTY HOSE S, M, L, and XL (Reg. $1.49) SALE $1.19 SANDALFOOT PANTY 1105E Average and Tali (Reg. $1.39) SALE $1.12 ALL SHEER PANTY HOSE, One size (Reg. 99c) ...............SALE 79e SHEER STIIETCH STOCKINGS, fils 9 to 111/2 (Reg. 79c)..... SALE 63e SHEER KNEE HIGH ROSE, fils 81/2b il1 (Reg. 79c) ....... SALE 63c NEW FALL, MERCHANDISE ARRIVING, DAILY Clak. ym Suits - Athlotic Bot and Shoos