ORONOWEEKLY TIMES,,WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBEIR SUi, 1971 Lecal News Mrs. Mîinnie Saunders celebra- ted lier 95th birthday last Satur- day, September 4th. M iss Rutli Mutton invited sev- eral fricnds to a very enjoyable aftcrnoon tea. Mrs. Saunders re- ccived many gifts, flowers and cards. Tlie deliclous cake xvas decora- ted and served Witli fresh Straw- berry ice cream. Mrs. ' was in good form and enjoyed the afternoon just as mucli as lier friends. BARRABALL'S SUNOCO CHANGES OWNERSHIP 'Barraball's Garage in Orono lias, been sold by Mr., Sid Barrabal with, the new owner now having possession. Mr. C. W. (Clem) Rahm of, Ajax is now the owner and operator of the Sunoco Gar- age and Service Station at Sta- tion and Main Street. Mr. Rahm lias worked for Roy Nicliols Garage and for the form- er D. Hodgson Garage in Bow- manville. WIN TOP ilONOURS AT ROYAL CONSERVATORY 0F MIUSIC EXAMS- Two pupils of Mrs. R. D. M-or- ton, Orono won top honurs in the recent Royal Conservatory of Vii- sic exams in the district of Bow- manville, Port Perry, Oshawa and Uxbridge. Mr. Jim Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs.'Gus Wilson won the top hion- ours in grade 8 while Miss Kathie Lycett, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Lycett won the top honours for grade 2. The two winners will play, at a Prize Recital at McL,-ý Library on October. 26th. They were presentcd prizes by the On- tario Registered 'Music Teacher's Associa tion 'for their accmplisli- nients. (C ti.tinued on Dage 6) per cenc, "In addition," lie said, "the milk producer's -labor costs have continued to increase. From May, 1968 to January 1971, average mionthly wages on Ontario farms, including board, have increased by 23.6 per cent and other signif- icant increases have occurred in interest rates, feed, farm machin- ery, gasoline,, oil and grease."i As the Ontario' Milk Marketing Board lias no control or authority over the retail price of milk, it cannot predict what effect thiŽ, producer increase will have ou the consumer mi-k prices. Retail prices are establishced by individ- ual processing of dairy plants and stores. On assuming that al milk is sold lu containers of sing- le quarts, which lu effeet is not the case, then 20 cen ts per hue. dIrcdwe iglit te the farmer is equiv- aient of, about one-haif cents per quar t. The~ Onta~rio , lik Marketing Board is a farmer organization w hicli represents ail milk Produc- crs in Ontario and is totally fin- anced by tliem. WE SELL Rubber Stamps Continuous Forms Counter Check Books Magnetie Signs Personalized Cheuues Orono Weekly Times Consider your hands for a moment. Consider how important they are in your life. Consider how easy they are to hurt. Your hands keep you in touch with the world. Take care of them. Whien you work, work defensively; a littie thought, a littie care, can bring you safely tbrough the working day. kThey'reyourhands. ,Defend them. The sue wuayto saýfetL Self -Cef nce. YourIfWorkmen's - ý Compensation Board a d Tl 7h e SàeyAsoitinOna, Qv i