ORONO WEEKLY TIMiES, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1971 Wâ" AU -ngFOR WEDNUBDAY PIJULICATION ACCEPTE» UNTIL 5:00 p.n. TUESDAY PHIONE ORONO '9835301,- Milîsen Insurance Agsncy fer JO classes of Dersonal and Commercial Coverazes office: Main St., Oreno $83-5032 Les. 983-5754 Gord Simnpson PHONE 83-.58" PAINTING CARPENTR'Y REMODELLING> GENERAL REPAIRS Interlor Exterlor CHAR LES REID Orono's Licensed ÂuctiOneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales C ,uit mie for ternis and dates PHONE ORONO 983-5914. monuments and FomiIy Memorials Our qùality and service leaves nsthing to be desired Ukthe person who bought from «&. a uRelghbour, friend or relative Th1e RUTTER GRANITE .COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southera Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmnanville, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSOuS arine Aand Cycle Orie Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow Mlobiles MceCuilch CHAIN SAWS Lopair. t. ail makes of Lawn Mswerm and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PUMPING OU SEPTIC TANK', Bert Tompkins Phene 786-2552 Clark. Publc IPLUMING and HEATING sales.and Service J4 ISOUR RURNER IREVICE GULF FINANCINS Lew, luterest RatesQ Phoet. Ty,-.i. 263-2m5 Orvillo Chatterton, IELECI'RICAL CONTRACTING ELECMiC HEATING AN» SERVICE ?ho". 983-3546 or983-SM4 ORON0, ONTAIO :ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE 11ICA PiLECTROHOME GUAR ATED SERVICE I amiltons Insuranco Service AUTO FIRIE, PACKAGE POLICIRI FIDELITY BON>D LIABILITY LIFE MAIN STREE T, ORONO Saie Hamilton Jhn Mare Fer Dependabis Service 1983-5115 Aîter Hours and Week-end& 983-9330 Cemetery iwcmorialm 318 fluadas.Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO i Building a flouse? Ior remodcling Your presentf oie, then contact Flohyd ,,Nkholson Freshi eggs - 3 dozen for $100 Larger size 40c per dozen; 45e per dozen and 50e per dozen. New potatoes at market price. A. Van Hattum, R.R. 2, Orono, 300 yds. west fromn Hwy . 115 and 35 on Leskard Road. t-f FORRENT Three or four ruoms with priv- ate bath. Low rezit for Pension- ers. Phone 987-4985. a-c BALE PACKING The Orono U.C.W. will be pack- ing a bale of good used dlean clothing on the afternoon of Oct- tuber 28th. a-c NOTICE Orono Figure Skating Club Reg- istration Thumsday, October 14,, 7 - 9 p.m. at Aena. Fees: Tuesdays $6.00 for helpers Thursdays $8.00 for helpers $15.ÔO for non-helpers' Power Skating $5.00 (non-help- ers) Boys Figure Skating and Power Skating are separate. If they wish to take both, the twQ fees are added together. Ail parents and senior members are we]eome bu attend the meet- ing following registration at 9 p.m. in the Arena. b-c "M9vtherýs Da1y01ut" Group will mneet in the Main al of Oronlo Unî'tedý Churchi on Wednesday, cter13, frum 9 C:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. AhM othes th pre- sehool children are -welcomne. Cilidren will be eamed for during,1 Mothers' mreeting.a- NOTICE Intcrcsted in the October El- ection? If you' would like to work with Doug Moffatt and the New Dem- ocrats cal 983-5328 to-day e-43-c WOIK WANTED Marshman Bros. Floor Ce. Specializngi Machine and Hand Trowelled Dusties.Concrete Floors Phone 885-43 t-f SOTICEC CMIi Ori. LandscaM« for eoddisg, pîauting mid s..dtg, fre reniooal md gardenhag. Ph...613-598.t-Ê Waited D" or Crippaed Farm Stock PICKUU UP PEOM"TLY Teisphen. Ceileet 269-2721 >argwil i Fur Farmý Liceee.Ne. 21-C-70 JACK 1ICAliRkDIý 99 Kig St., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying sr Selliung cll WILF HAWKE YOUR ORONO AIEA REPRESENTATIV 9u3-174 K.mb.r e shawa Mmd D. NEW APPLES and Maclntosh Apples FRESU CORN and FIELD TOMATOES and other Vegetables BARTLET PEARS Apple pickcrs needed (aduits only) App]y at Fred's Fruit Market. FRED'S FRUIT MARKET ilighway 115: South of Orono Fancy Grade '$2.00 a bushel ais. available second grade R. Rienstra Phone 983-,5081, Orono ont. Newcastle - New Subdivision 3 bedroom bungalow with Ère- place in Living Room. Finished basement with new r ec room. Pri- vate drive Just move in the dec- orating, and landscaping is beau- tiful. $6,000.00 first murtgage 61/4%. Orono - New Homnes 1300 sq. ft. with broadloom thruughout, walkuut patio. Large lot 100'xl50' custom . built. Country living has many advant-_ ages. Act now and choose your home and lut. $24,900,00. Termis. Cal David Allison of: SCHIOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 623-4403 .. l'he Sale of The Year lth AnmiaI AUBlacëk BREE DER and, FEEDER' SAIý.E 600 HEAD 500 Feederts, Steers and Heifers 50 Breeders, mostly cows and Bred Heifers; 50 Commerbial cows brcd to calve inMarch or April; 2 servicable age bulis. aid Two Complete Dispersais >tt Pcterbosough Sales Barn South of Amber Light on Hwy. 7 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 30 at 11:30 a.m. Sharp Sale eommencing with' Bmeeding Cattle Lunch available. Gordon Riley and Ross Bailey, Auctioneers. Malcolm Bailey, Manager. Phone 985-7583 Uxbridge, Ontario ACT FAST! Are you looking for a solid fu- ture? Are you a self starter, con- scientious.and bard working? Then join the Dominion 'Automnobile -As' sociation team. As a Dominion Automobil e As- sociation Representative you will have guarante.ed renewals., Earn high commissions, meceiv e on the job trainiing, with' group insur- ance benefits, andi pension. Act now and find out how you can join the Dominion Automobile Association team. For a confiden- tial interview write today. Mm. W. Staplcy, Dominion Automobile Association, 201 King Street, Lon- don, Canada. Tracter Demonstration bu Introduce from Poland new _Ursus Tractors on the farm of 114Lloyd- Lowery 11miles north of Kirby on highway 35 and 115. Turn west at Ontario Sports Store and go,, Smile wcst Thursday, Oct. 7th Corne sec - Test Drive Demonstrated through the faci1*- tics of.-the Ontario Farm. Mehl- incry Agency NOTICE Kendal United Church TharCk Offcring Service, Sunday, Occtýb- The Rev. Normian IL. MacXen- zie M.A. D.D. at 2:30 p.m. 'b-40-c NOTICE Dr., A. F,. McKenzie will be cm~ holidays September 29 to October il inclusive. b-40-c NOTICE You are invited to attend St- Saviuur's A.C.W Annual Bazaar-, Penny Sale and Tea, Saturday,, October l6th in the I.O.O.P. HlIi Opening time 2:30 p.m.' "Note the change of location." b4i-e- BIRTH HU1TTON-Donna and Jim are happy.-ý to annuunce the birth off their son, "Todd" Robert, on Sep- tembe-r 29, 1971, weighing 7 lbs_ 33/ oz. A brother for Brent- Grandparents ýaÏ'e Mr. and- Mm. ,E. A. Couvier of Oronýo and M.r- and Mrs. Charles Hutton of Hope, British -Columbia. Special thanke, to 'Dr. 1{ubbard' and Maternity Floqr Nursing Staff, a-p DIED SMITII, John Edward--SuddenIy ton Thursday, September 3Oth, 1971 J Edward Smith beloved husband of Maude Edwards ancl dear father of Charles, of Norfa Bay; Mabel (M\rs, Prescott)' and4 Roinald of Coîborne, Ross off Pontypool, Minniie (Mrs. W.ý Mor- ris) and Blanche (Mlrs. R. Tay- lor-) of Port Hope, Doris (iVIrs. R. Knapp) (Yf Oronio, Williamn off Everett, Ont., and Patricia (Mrs- J. Feltmat) of Torunto and Hais old deceased He is the dear bruther of Perey of Coîborne and Lluyd of Bon- manville also Cecil,' Gordon aid Alice May ( Mrs. R. Campbell) deceased. He is also survived by fifty-six grandchildren and six great grandchildren. Funeral service was held at the Blacklocke Funeral Hiome,. Grafton on Saturday, October 2nd at 4 p.m. Interment Fairview Cemetery, Grafton.a- IN MEMORIAM CANTRELL-In loving j)nemory of a dear wife and muother, Coma May, who passed away October 11, 1965., Preclous forever our mnem9ries of Today, to-morrow and aill 11e through. Alwvays rem-em ibered by bus- band Henry and family. a-P Box lu1 Phone 59-Uft Stafford Brothers Limtei Manufacturer@ of il,- - ---et w - -1 William c. Hall, B. Comm. Ntuffe Newcatle 987-4240 AIR day Wednuday mmd Satu."my mi