~,. s ~, .~..- Vandals Hit Orono Schoo'lAgain, T£he Oronio Public Sehool was àhroken into for the third time in ,is maay weeks last Wednesdy eveaing or early Thursday mora- in.The vandalism was similar tu that of the first break-in whea water- taps were turned, on and left runniag. Damiage due to flooding waters is estimated to be greater on this receat break-ia. The OPP are in- vestigating the rash of break-mns Now PIay For Championship The Kendal Eagles Basebal Clbbouanced back inito conten- tioni for the riltermediate 'D' ïChampionship on Saturday la endal The local club defeated Dashwood convincingly by a 11-1 score. Raipli Kennedy was in top forin for, the game taking 14 strike-outs and allowing only six bits. Hc gave up only two walks n the ful aine innings. On top of- biis performance on the mound, Ralph took three hits in his four tImes to bat. It was Ralph's game tbrougbout. Dave Batz wvas the loslng pit- ýchr wit h two strike-outs and, no waljçs. ýRelief came froin Bob ifalpli Kenn~edy -Webb witb one strike-ouit and no walks. Frank Sawyer was another ýsouind itter for the Eagles with a 3-4 record Don Mercer follow- ed with two. hits in fîve trips to the plate: Kendal batters collected elevea bits la al* and commtted only one error. Dashwood rang- up leour errors and took only six hits ofKennedy. Their lone rua came iný the top of the niath ihaing with two batters already out. The third and final game will b.ýe played la Dashwood on Sunday Otober lth. Buses are being, ar- ranged and aayoae wishing to arvlby bus may make arrange- ments by phoaing Mr. Charles fleidt, Orono, 983-5914. Sponsoring benefit T'le Board of the Orono Youth IIQatre is to hold a Hallowe'en Masquerade dance la the Orono Tow-,n Hall on Saturday, October Sqtb. A fifty-fifty draw will be beld la conjuaction wtb the dance _q an effort to belp pay off the debt încurred this last summer in ojperatiag fthe Youth Theatre. Mý,rs. Roy Sawyer is coavenor of thI'e dance for which an excellent ýocbiestra has alrecady been hired. Przsare beiag Ioffered for the bes cotums s well as a number of oher anc pries.The hall 1i) e deo ate nad individitial fables wll be set up- Bar privil- eges will also be available. Ticke ts arc now on sale aad ïivailable atl the Orono Timies, llaxilton's Insurance, or any nember of the Board. No Political Rallies During School Hours 111gb ,sehools la Northumber- land and Durham are not going to be used as a forum for any political party, W Frank Thom, director of education said 'recent- ly. Siace the vote for 18-year-olds was only- announced recently, the board of educatioa bas not yet established a policy on party pol- itîcs la schools, but according to Mr. Thom, a policy will be con- sldered if one is requested. "While we hiave no policy, it would be my opinion that al campaigniag by political 'parties %sbould be held outside regular -school. heurs," hie said., Mr. Thora said that if the can- didlates wanted to go into the sebools, he wi,ýould prefer fo see themù there ail at the Sam-e timec. "I am not anxious about one Candidate addressîng the stud- ents", hie added. "For election purposes, I don't care what party it is, I don't want it to be done on scbool time." Rteferring ýto the visit of Prem- ier William Davis to the Port' Hlope High School, Mr. Thom said, (Oontitmed page 3) at the Orono sehoiol but as yet have madle no arrests. The water tap in the upstaiýr% grade 6 room was again turaedi on and left running. Water sec down into grade 5 room and fia- Kirby H &SMe -Kirby Home and Sehool first nanual meeting for 1971-72 was held Tuesday September 28 at 8 pin , a "Meet -the Teachers" even ing. Our staff bas several nqw members and everyoae was given a few minutes la which 'to outline their progranm and teachiag goals for.this year. Progress at the la- dividuals 6wn pace seemed to. be everyone's aim. Mr. Ian Golder comçmented our staff at Kirby was indeed a team, and their en- thusiasm and cooperation should certaialy benefit our children. Mr. Golder and the staff have invited any parent who wisbes to observe them lan actioný and observe their child to eall the school and make arrangements at their coavea- ieace. We were also îi ',troduced to Bev-A-Ready' at thlis meeting. These beverages are packed 'pre- mixed la foam cups, ready for bot or cold water. There is qulte a variety, Hot Choclate, Soups or fruit drinks at lOc eacb The samples were quite tasty, and the Company represeatative explaîned these 'products were prepared by Bordens and General Foods anid distribuited la schools ln every province except Quebec. The teachers are willing- to serve the childrea if the parents are la fav- or'aad a questionnaire to this ef- fect is now la circulation. Our monthly Home and Schiool meetings wilI be held the fourth Tuesday each moath throughout the school year. We are lookin g forward to another year of ax-C_ cellent programs and extend the invitation to ail area resideats. ally reached the grade 2 basement rooîn where it reached a deptia of six inches. Books and papers ia both the grade 5 and grade 2 classrooms wereagain damaged and this in- eluded most of the replacements l)rought to the school foilowing the first break-la., The school was losed on Thur- sday whilc the mess was being cleaned uîi Teachers spent most of the day listing the damage. A n-umber of books were also thrown out of the upstairs grade 8 roomi- to the ground and were damaged to sopie extent. Damage was estimated to be ln the ne-ighbourbood of $3,000.00. Mr. Yio'fat, principal, bas saidi Ihat the water: supply to. the building will now be shut off ev- ery night. This, however, can only be donc until the cold weather arriives as then the furnace will have to be ia full operation. 114 Join Up For_ Orono Hockey' On' Friday evening a total of 114 boys earolled to play hockey this year under the banner of the Orono Amateur Athletic Associ- ation at the Orono Arena. Messrs. Russell Major and Earl Taylor took registrations on Friday at the Orono Fire Hail..j The Orono Athletic will spon- sor five teamns ln minor hockey, HAIL AND HEARTY MRS. ALF. SAUNDERS Mrs Aif. Saunders celebrated ber 95th birthday on September 5th lat the Lintonhurst Nursing Hlome ln Orono. Mrs. Saunders is a iife-Iong resident of, Clarke Township and was bora in Oronoo in the home now occupieli by_ Mr.? and Mrs. Marshall Keast Jr. She enjoys good health and had no effort ia smiling for the cam- era. Congratulations Mrs. Saund- ers. being- Tykes, Atoms, Pee Wees, Bantams and Midgets. The rink is expected to start operations. sometime during mid- November. Ail Three Ca.ndidates To Speak At Orono Meeting Douglas Kemp, Presideat of Durham County Federation of Agriculture, anaouinced that the three candidates in the forth- coming provincial election have agreed to attend a meeting to dis- cuss the f arm polieles of their respective party. The meeting will be hield on Wednesday, October 6th, at 8 o'clock in the Township Hall, Orono. Each speaker will be given 15 minutes to outline their farm a l- icy. This' will be folowed. by a question period Mr. Kemp said the Federation believed it important that farme rs know the farm -policy of each Party and feels that this is an ex- cellent way for them to become informed. Win IBastern O.B.A. Chamnpionship Ia a brief ceremnoay on Satur- day,. September 24th, Mr. C. R Carveth preseated the Orono Tykes Bail club witb the E.Oi. A. Chamnpioaship Trophy, C and D Class and the C. R. Carveth Trophy. The Tykes wish to tbank everyoae who helped during the season! with special tbaaks to Mr. Cbuck Hutton for doaatiag his time to coach, Mrs. J. Kramner for keepiag score and Mrs M. Opoka, treasurer and waterboy. Those pictured above are: Mr. C. Hutton, C R. Carveth, R. Opo- ka (top row of boys) Bilan Allia, Gary Bridger, Stepheni- Clark, Charles Quantrili, Doug, Krammer (middle row) John West, David Hutton, Doug Hancock, Ronn1% Talsma, Duane Major (bottom row) Bob Huttoa, Jim Lycett. Ron Opoka, Tom Gustar. Orono Weekiy Týimes VOýLUME 35, NUMBER 40 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEONESDAY, OCTOBER 6th, 1971 5 Î