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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Oct 1971, p. 9

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ViNT Affl Foi WWNDSAT PUBLICATION ACCEpTED UNTIL 5:40 PuM. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 See fer in classes of personal and Commercial Coverazes Iflee: main St., Oren, ens-unz Ee.983-3754 GedSimpson PHONE 983-SS Oro» noOtad PAINTING CARPENTRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS Intelor Exterloýr CHARLES R'i-ID O0rono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Uýmuult me for, terms and dates PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 monuments and Our quality and service leaves nethlng te be desired the peruon Who bought frem ,ê a mlghbur, friend or relative, The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE La-gest display in Southera Ontario R. C. SLEE Bewmanville, ont. Phono 623-3383 ,WATSON'S Marine and Cyle. Orze Phone 983-5343 PR1INCE CRAFT BOATS Miseuette Snow Mobiles * MCuleh CHAIN SAWS Repaira te al makes' of Lawn Meweru and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PIJMPING OUTf SEPTIC TANKS D-ert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 ORONO WEEKLY'TIMdES,.WEDiJESDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1971- joli .- - BYAMS I PLUMBLN anz ATING Sales and Service GULF FINANCING Lew Interest Rates Phoect TyYene 2632650m Orville Chatterto. IL*CIECAL CONTRÂCMGN WRLECIIC HEATING AND SERVICE Ph... 983-3546 or 983-SM4 ORONO, ONTARIO ORONO ELECTRIC Hérb àind Gerry Duvali ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELEC (TRICI-ETN ELECTRICAL PLINE rCA ILECTROHONE GUAilmeTrED SERVICE Insurance Service AUTO PACKAGE POLICIN FMILITY ,M LIABILHT LIT£ MAIN STREET, ORONO sadi. Hamilton .fl lBare Frer Dejiendable Ser-vice After Heurs anid Week-ends Boxz 138 Ph,,, 665-amS Stafford Brothers 1 Llinted I Manuf acturera ef Iceetery Memoerials f318 flundas Street East Building a leouse? Ior remodellhng your present one, then contact FIoyd 'Nichoson I Ph... 918-5049 91»40 FOR $ALE Fresh eggs - 3 dozen ýfor $1.00 Larger size 40e per dozen; 45c per dozen and 50e 'PeiÉedzei.- New potatoes at market price. A. Van Hattuni, R.R. 2, Orono, 300 yds. west from Hwy. 115 and 35 on Leskard Road. t-f FOR SALE Guitar, Ampi, Mike and Stands, $264.00 takes ail. Also Child's Guitar, Records andý Stand $9.00. Tape Recorder and speaker $78.50 Contact. Carol Ordonez, phone 983-5485. a-c Lady's size 8c. FOR SALE gold shoes, iiever worn, Reasonable. Phone, Mrs. R. Hancock 983-5256. a-c LOST IN ORONO Lost in Orono, Main Street, south, Saturday morning, October l6th about 15 8-track tapes. Re- ward. Phone 983-9210. a-c INTERESTED IN EARNING. XNORE MONEY?ý If you are interested in working with- high class livestock and you have a farm background, you may Kemptviile Coliege of Agriculltur- be eiil frspe ci tra;inling at ai Techný-oiogy uixner an AD Canaa Mnpowr RtraiingPro- Successfui gracîuates sýcure jobs in SouLthe'rn OGntarýo that 1pay fromn $309.00 to $400,00 a ionthi plus mlany otherbefis Contfact yourcleste office of- the Ontarlo Departlmne if Agri- culture and Fqox1'.i r fuil infor- Initerested ithe 'bctober El- eetion? If you would like to work with Doug Moffatt and the New Dem- ocrats eall 983-5328 to-day e-43-c WOERK WANTED MIarthnmnBrou.loor Ce. Spechawnlg lu Machine aud,,Had Troweiled Dustieu Concrete Floors Phoee$85-4M : W Galor*," Ladseapg fo treca-emovai md gerdesxdag. pheme M64»8. t- W ant.d D.d or Crippk-e. Farmsto'ek PICK» UP PRIW,ýïTLY Toeqlepeo Cllee« 168-2721 MmrgwiR F!ur Patin Lieene. Ne. 32«.C-70 ÏRFA LTOGR 99 King st., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buying orS elling eau WILFHAK YOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIV 9.3-174 ximbeR f1ofslaWa aad Dis- *W enom" Bae Srd NEW Appl'ES anîd Macîntosh Apples BARTLET PEAIIS Free Pumpkin with every bushel of apples purchased FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Hlighway- 115: South of Orone Madnutsoh Apples $2.00 per bushel Five bushels or more Less SECOND GRADE - $100 te $1.50 Also available LaSalle, Tolman Sweet and Red Delicieus R. Rie'nstra Phone 983-5081, Orono Ont. HELP WANTED Lady for office: and hostess duty weekdays also part-time waiýtre\ýses, short..order cook or. woman for kit 'chen ýduty. Dutch Oven Restaurant, ,phone 983-5001 or appiy in person FOR RENT Apartment for rent, secon- tandlarge two berom part- m tnt, eiectricaliy beated, fire- place, patio, in picturesque set- ting. Ideal forwrkg couple or school teacher. Phone 983-5226. a-e TRENTIVY TOURS IUD, Special to~ WWlVvA JAMBOREE Whieelin,, West Virginia NOVEMBER l2th to l4th Show stars 'MERLE IIHAGGARD For further information contact TRENTWAY TOURS Mt., Box 77-2, Peterborough, 743-8181 -- -- - . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . - --- - -- -c4 3c STOCKER SALE Selling Monday, October 25 at 1:00 o'clock, approximately 300 to 400 head of stockers, yearlings, two-year-olds, at Durham_ County Sales Arena's l4th annual faîl fStocker Sale. Be sure to attend this sale where buyer and seller meet each year. Charlie ýReid, Auctioneer. The Sale of The Year l4th Annual AlI Black' BREEDER and FEEDER SALE 600 HEAýD 500 Feeders, Steers and Heifers 50 Breeders, mostly cows and Bred Heifers; 50 Commercial cows bred to calve in March or April; 2 servicable age buils. and Two Complete Dispersais >t Peterbosough Sales Barn South of Amber Light on llwy. 7 SATIJRDAY, OCTOBER 30 at 11:30 a.m. Sharp Sale commencing with Breedin Cattie Lunch availabie. Gordon Riley and Ross Bailley, Auctioneers. Malcolm Baiiey, Manager. Phone 985-7583 Uxbridge, Ontario SATTENTION ALL ODDFELLOWS Installation ceremonies of or- ono, Lodge, No. 436 wiil b e held October 20ti at, the, Oddfeliows Hall at, 8:00 p.m. AIl members are urged to attend, b-e AUCTION, SALE OF OLD SCHOOLS 1.rpïyknownl as Crooked Creek School - 1:00, Part of -Lot .9, Concession 3 Townsbp of Clarke, County of Durham Location: 3 miles north of New- tonville on the County Road. From llwy. 401, exit at inter- change No. 79 and travel north through Newtonville. Lot size - 1 .51 acres - attractive Building: Brick, one storey with- road.* Bulding: Brick, one storey with. full basement, septie tank sys- temi and weil. 2. Property known as Clarke Un- ion School - 3:00 p.. Part of -Lot 35, Concession 5 TowvnshiçP of Clarke, County of Durham Location: 2 miles west of Orono on the County Road, known as the, Taunton Road. From the, junction of Hwy 401 and 35 (interchange Np. 77), travel nor 'th 7 miles on Hwy M3 past Orono to the Taunton Rd., then w1fsl approxiaý-nateiy 2 miýes to sehool. Lot size - 1.035 acres - weii treed and attractive. Building - Brick, one story with smnaii basement, . septic tank system and wrell. IMPOÔRTANT INFORMWATION: These properties have no encum- brances on tities. Suirvey plans are on file. Approval has been obtained from the Ciarke Town- sbipj Committee of Adjustmient to convert each building to a single family dweiling. Permnits may be obtained fromn the Building In- spectr to renovate or enlarge. The buildings may be inspected on Saturday, October 30, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. CONDITIONS 0F SALE 1.Saie by auction and subjeet tb a reserve bld. 2. Deposit 10% cash, with pur- chase. 3. Balance liayable by certified cheque to The Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education on or before Decem- ber 15, 1971. SALE 0F CONTENTS BY AUCTION Large quantity of used sehool desks, tables,, chairs, old school text 'books and other miscellan- cous items. Auctioneer, Charles A. Reid, R.Rl 1, Orono, Ontario Telephone 416-983-5914 Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education P.O. Box 470, Cobourg, Ontario SA1LES and SERVICE Newi ModeLs oni Display CaR i u t W>NTYPÔOO L GAR- AGE for SPECIL PRICES Now Telephone 983-5161 Phone Newcaatle 987-4240 ÀAn day Wednoeèy MsaSt.urdY laBr.APubli Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6:30 te 8:30 p.m. Thursday and PrIday erneMons 2:-30 te 5:00 pa. Baudy10:04 to 12:00 ami. il 19 1

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