ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNE$DAY: OCTOBER 2th 1971 H1ARNESS RACING ENDS AT ORONO TRACI< Harness racing at the Or'ono race track came to an end for the 1971 season on Friday Iast. , acc resuits in the first three positions were as foilows: 1st Race- Frosty Su.,an driven by IL. Plm, lu second place Harwil Shirley ownedl and, driven by Jack Williams, Orono and Lovely De- mon drivea by jE. Langea. 2ud Race- Hlempstead Stan: Sir Ed'ward Pick driven by Keith West, and Mighty Betty. 3rd Race Penny Rice; Rag Time Gai; JLesota's Girl. Mr. Harvey; Meadowbrook John andl ("bief £yde. Vans, Pride C owned aud driv- ea by G. Robinson; Pine Acres Scott; Hicland Jimmy and Haupy's Mac driven by B. ay Staples, Orono. 6th Race- The Enfertainer; Molly Haxv Lee driven and owned by Ross Brown, Newfonviile, and Debon. air Prince. 7th Race- Gentry McKi3o; lena V on and Nox thwood Iris. 8tli Race- Jaco Chef driven by Juniior West; Ac Hall and Just Jn 'lime. 9th Race- t ap' toxwn Sheiiy; Gene Tex ji, Doctor Kirk owned bv Frank rtaceyc vid n'xi ani of Orono diove bis horc Wil Lor Beni1 ' a fii4t plac' fini h iin the t ,nth race registering ifs fourth xwin la the iast sex on tand.P]'cing second M7 a, ilar 17) Kdl West fin- isfi 'LIi r1 i ithi1N Wann. 'lime of the e 2.09. TI4nk07ingî 'Wd'in, St. Jamnes Anglican Churcli, Or- illa, was flie settiag, Sept'emler 18th for'ý the weddiîng of Donna Elaine Tingey and. Richard Ter-, rance Black, Tliey exclianged wedding vows when Rev. J. R. Fralick officiated at 4 p.m.ý Fol-ý lowing 'lie recet,)tion the bride and lier attendants placedt their bouquets of flowers on tlie grave of the bride's faither-. Tlie bride is the daugliter et KenalNews The wonderful- Indian Sum mer weather is stili wiith us and the soil is very moist and mellow, perfect for planting_ tulip bulbs and for the fali ploughing. No frost yet as the tomato, vines are still green in the garden. 1 be- lieve this is a record for no frost by October 2th. Mrs. Wm. Mercer attended the funeral of her brother, Mr. Arth- ur Grant in tixbriclge on October Mrs. Clara .B, Tingey of Orillia anu flic late W. W. "Bud" Tingey !1il- e hi id Iroem i isthe son of "IC. and ELJi ý. obert Chiarles Black of Orono. Wedding music wasiprovided by erCiaid Death' of Oriliiia. Civen in marriage. by lier uncle, Robert Davin Kelly of Kemptville the bride wore a full-length gown of white peàu-de-soie with lace bodice and train. The bride madlelier own gown and two of tir'ý dresses sîorn by her It ants. A floral lieadpicce held her bouffant veil. She carried a bou- (quet of orange sweetlieart roses, %vhite carnations and green ferns. b laid of honour, Deborali Ting- ey of Orillia, si.Ar of tc;xi:i1 mxri o full-Iengthî dress of print- et georgette fý,aturing mauve a(1blue ci r~ x OÂ i, orange background over mnauve ining. Ilîidesmaids, Susan oi~ f Wila i deanîd E i.mai d o f l iar hda Tingey of Orillia, sister of tlic bride, wore identical gowns over yelioxv lining., They cretlarge cliry anthcmums tintcd with Peeglack cf Orono, broflier cf -i roomi, x0as ring bearer. JuuIst Vleming of Ori lia' was !*a hý- t ancd h ushers xx1,'re EdNi thercoitt fC ie.cu(sin ")f t[' bid' d i"N fe of Tueý reeto vas flîcld ath,' Sundial Restaurant, Orillia after wàihci gne'sts we're inited hack to thie hômle of the bride's niother toCý vie licgifts. Foiwxga lhoIîxînioon trip lx points iiprth, durîng which the rpie ade a surprise visit to the bride's grandmother, and te AichIigiiic, the couple are residing in Orillia. 141h. He has been ia failîng liealth since lie 'suffered a stroke over a ycar ago. Sympathy is ex- tended to Mrs. Mercer and lier family. There xvas g- fine Anaiversary Service lield in Kendal United Churcli last Sunday afternoon. A local choir of aduits and young folk sang as their special anthem, "Carry fliy burdea to Jesus". Mrs. J. Fonk, gave us a beautiful contralto solo, "It is no secret xxhat God can do." Rcv. 'Norman Mackenzie spoke on "The Churcli anid Canada's First Citizenq". In his dynamic way lie gave, us a part we must play with illustra- dans taken from personal con- tacts with the .Indian peoqr1e. The, atteadance ;of our own people was dî'sap joiating. A social hour was spent at thie close of the service. The United Churcli Womcn met in the Church scliool on Wed- nesday, October l3th. This was an open meeting so tliere were four. teen present. Mrs. Stevens opcned the meeting with a prayer of Thanksgivîag. Then we sang 'Now thank we ail our God, with heart and hands and voices.' accompan- led at the piano by Mrs. K.' Wood. The minutes were read. Mrs. R. Elliott gave th e fiînancial report The balance on liand $162.00. It was moved by Miss C. Stewart, seconded by Mrs. J. Stapleton that we donate $2500 to Dr: Mc- Clure's One Day's Pay Fund. It was carried. The offering was taken $11.25. Mrs. Stevens told us of attend- ing the Baptist Sunday School at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia and of the childrea's joy la singing the eaùaîy Sehool hymas' whicli they did to motions. Plans wiere macle for entertain- ing the ladies of the eastern part of' Oshawa Presbytery on Moaday, afternoon October 25th. The -meef ing begins at 1:15 p.m. Kendai ladies will serve the supper. Do- nations of pies are welcomed.Ai ladies ar.e laviteti. MIr. Snelgrovc slowcd Ilis col- oured siidce, on Japain and Hong Kong,. Tiese wvere very colourifuil and gavre LS a heautiful .glimnpse of an entirely different way of life. Sc-hool children in native dress were lieing Up for bus trips Wh( n it rained ail the people had umbrellas of rnany colours. Our president thanked Mr. Snel- grove for sharing bis pictures witli us. Lunch was served by Mrs H. Foster ln Mrs. Mercers ab- sence. Ail ladies are asked to re- meinher Kelidal Bazaar on Nov- emember l3tli. Mîoffatt As a citizen of Clarke Township I have special concera to sec Deug. Moffatt represent us at Queen's Park. Doug Moffatt lives and works la Clar'ke Toxwnship. He knows ifs problcms.- He is well respectcd for fils work as Principal cf Orono Public Sehool. 1 believe that lie will bc able to do even more for us at Quccn's Park. Deug lias the kindofepn ence that is needcd te deal v. 11h Clarke district. Hie bas worked oni ithe problems of tflfast growiag tlic une af General Metors. Hie maises beef cattle. IHe is a wcll re- ,pcted educator. But evea more Ilion fiat lie thinks la terms of the future. 1 am împressed, by flic way ])eug lias raiscd flic real issues iin this election. Hie is ceaceracd aboeut unemployment, pollution and flic destruction of flic family farm. île ,lbas aised Iliese issues and 1 know thaf lie will figlit f0 Srue that 'people get tflicots and thec action needcd. I know that by voting for the other parties I would be voting te kc'ep fhings just flic way tliey arc new. 1. don't like 8 te 105' uneaiploymeat cvery winfer. I loI'f lil(c f0 sec farmers foî'ced, off thecir farms into welfare. 1 111()iii like, to 'see our air, lakes and ivers polluted - only to have the big corporations fined two or flireliundred dollars!, I want a geverament thaI lst- ens f0 me. That's wliv I put up iny Moffatt siga.- That's why I spend heu 'rs vi-Âting nîy frieads ci, behaîf ef flic NDP-. 1 know iYoug "Mofjflatt will listen. and flc cfor- me. I hope you'Il sunpport Dnoug too. I know he'11 do Youliave asked wliy I amn vot ing for Robin- Russell and flie Liberal Party lanflils election, and requesféd that I state tliis la 350 words or lcss. Firstly I would like f0 make one peint clear. I have no grievance or criticism f0 the service rend- cred me personally or toflic municipality by flic siffing mcm- ber, and 1 am not basing my de- cision on sucli flings as pollu- tion, unemploymeat etc., as I be- lieve a lot of this type of thing will be takea care of, la any case. My vote will bc cast for Robin Iluýssel because 1 believe this youtng man lias exceptionat qual- ifications and bis sclioollng and practical' training haxe prepared hlma for this posilton. Further- more, I like what I sec of Bob Nixon, flic Liberal leader. 1 was acquainfed with lis father wlicn lie also was a member of flic pro-' vincial legislafure, and I1liad for hlm a great respect. 1 feel that Bob lias lnlierifed a very sounci and practical approacli f0 polities and if is being manifested*,at ihi's time. Another reason I arn votinig for Robin Russell is beceause I arn grcaly disturbed by flic actions of flic present Conservative gov- crament, whei'eby thcy appear f0 be forcing municipalities, boft large and small, into situations whioli I feel are detrimentai te civic initiative and wliicli, I arn afraid, will have the effeet of des- troying civîc pride and înteresf in local -communifies. Yours truly Edward R. Woodyard a goodl job at Queen's Park, Dick Vandcrsfoop, RIt. 2, Newcastle. Costumne M ASQUERADE BALL Orono Town Hall Saturday, Octeber 3@th -MUSIC by the BOULEVARDS ofiHamilton PRIZES FO13EST COSTUMES OTHER FAVOURS laaid of lie Orono Voufli Theatre Corne outanieoyoreI BAR RIVEEGES$6.00 prCOUPLE IPRESENýITS ITS ANNUAL FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 22nd and 23rd, at 8,:f5 p.m. Bowmanville Town Hall Admissions: $1.25; .75e and 50c. Why 1 WI11 Vote For The -,eA compact NO DOWN PAYMENT until the snow flies! 14 Model-ali packed wîth Performance, dpsIgo and Saftyfatuis hatMaCe Moto Ski Yn!~ ' v 0 'V Over.00 K, Sk O)nl arj osere ynu ROLHARW ARE' Orono, Ont arlo