Jani, 7 Orono VOLUME 35, NUMBER 46 Thiirty-one educators from Reg- ion 9 Media Co-ordintors and Ahe Ontario Educational Commun- îcattons Authority met recently xxx the East Collegfiate, in Cobourg, to discuss a simulation game for- s;tudenit participation via televis- ion. A "simulation gm»plaex thbe students in a set of circum- stances, then leaves themn to choose leaders, to slve problems and, if necessary. to chiange the circumnstances oiven them. In most Weeldy Times' ORONO'WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER l7th, 1971 Recommend One Year Trial For Joint Hydro Management Representatives of Ontario Hy- dIro recommend a one-year trial for joint management fbr thc Orono and Newcastle Hydro sy- stems. This was presented at a meeting on Monday with coin- mxissions of both- systems present. Aithougli nothing was finalizcd at the meeting it is now at a position, when the local hydro zommissions will assesstheir pos- itions aond make a decision on ýhe proposai. It has been recommenided that the two centres share in the use of one manager, one linesman and. one groundman. Office- per- sýone)ll would not be affectcd by the move and the ;two offices -would remain open as in the past. The recommendation also in- cluded the sharing on a fee basis of equipment and. that, a joint plan of purchasinig be instituted. Ontario Hydro has pointed out that small systems do, become costly to operate on a cost per customer basis and as a resuit favour a joint operation with stili mnaintaining local autonomy veithin the respective commissions.- Two Mon Held On Lindsay Kidnapping Two mca wcrc arrcsted follow- ing a massiveé manhunt that start- cd after four, girls were lield hostage at guapaint overniglit Wcdaesday, Nov. lti at Lindsay Ont., about 30 miles norti of liere. About 30 police and a tracking dog were invoived in the searcli which climaxed in anc man bie- ing capturcd aftcr a gunfiglit and anotier beiag arrcsted while hitchhiking on tic outskirts of Cobourg. Police said Douglas Edwin Hughes, 24, af Lindsay, and De- Wayne J. R. Stuart, 24, of no fixcd address, were cd chargcd xith four counts of idnapping and tiree of armed robbery. simulation games there is a strong element of competition. Operatian Moonvigil is unique in that it stresses co-aperation a- mo)ng the entire group. Anther feature of Operation Moonvigil is thie use of television as a major part of the ers. 13r1iefl1y, studenits are dividled jutao space "ýcrewvs". An aborted take-off maroons the crews oni the lunar surface. For seven con- (Continiued on page 4) Blackstock Woman Lawyer Named To Supreme Court Toronto lawyer Mabel Van Camp became the first wo-man an the Supreme Court of Ontario, Wednesday, November 10th Miss Van Camp is the second woman in Canada to be appoint- cd to a senior judicial post, the first being Madame Justice Re- jane I.aberge-Colas of Québec Superior Court. Miss Van Camp is the second up ber partncrsbip in the family law firm of Beaudoin, Pepper and Van Camp, said she assumes she will be addressed as Madame Jus- tice when_ sIc takes on lier ncw duties. The appointment means she will travel considerably ecd year from county- town to county town during thc assizes. Miss Van Camp, 51, a native of Blackstock, where she spends much of ber leisure time, is past president of the Womnen's Law Association of Ontario and the Toronto YWCA. Asked if' she thaught lier ap- pointmnent to the court was token- ism, she replied there haven't been many women in judicial posts until recently, but then there were few women- in the law profession., When she was called to the bar 20 years aga there were about seven women in the class, she said, but estimnated that today there miglit be as many as 100. Miss Van Camp regards as false the notion that clients won't go to a woman lawyer. Plan Family Santa's Christmas Party Mr. Robert 1-azelden, member of a special committee, of the Oronao Chamber of Commerce, reýports that, plans are xell on the% vay for a Fa'nily Santa's Clýristmas Party. The event xiii le held ai the Orono Arena on Saturday, l)ecember l9th from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. The committeç in charge is en- deaourngto extend the annual program to include ail age groups in the- community as xell as the young children. Mr. Hazelden states there xiii le skating, prizes, carol singing and other events to interest the people. Santa will ar-rive for the young and for this occasion the rink is to be decorated. Hlot clocokite xiii bc served for the older citizens with the upp -r floor being reserved for sudh persans. Arrangements xvii also be made to provide transporta- tion for those aceding such ac- commodation. Fran Chilren's Story I Hour At Library- Sale 0 Last Saturday morning the Children's Story Hour came into existarice at the Clarke Publie Library for pre-school , children. Attendance was somewhat low duc to thc television showing of the Santa Claus parade in Toronto Mrs. Beauchamp , librarian, said that the story hour was a great succcss and those chiîdren present did enjoy themselves im- mensely. She was quite, delhghted with the hour which will be held every Saturday morning from 9:00 pam. to 10:00 p.m.. Beside stories other features will exist through the use of films, film strips and music. If' you have pre-sehool children the welcome mat is out for them at thc Library' on Saturday mornings at 9:00 o'clock. Exp.ct New Stores By rMay lst Mr. E. Konzelman, owner of the former 5c to $1.00 Store property, exýpects to start renova- tions at the site within the next few weeks jth work being com- pleted in May of 1972. Present plans incorporate two modern stores with two upstairs apartments. A parking area is also in the works for the- back of the property. At Oromo School The footings for the new Orono Public Sehool are now completed with, some block work also com- plcted.. A report at last Thursday's Board meeting stated that com- pletion of the playgrounds was being held Up due~ to wet weather conditions and the, fact that equipment could not operate on the site. In speaking to Mr. D. Moffatt, principal, he said that' only the sodding remained to be completed on the new playgrounds east of the school. He also said that no inconvenience had existed to this point and that the con struction had not interfered with the oper- ation of the school. Mayor Reveals, Plan To Ainex 800 Acres. A total of 800 acres may be an- nexed by Port Hope it was re- vealod at a meeting with Hamil- ton township at Cold Springs Novemrber 9th. Iii wu',esting this extension of annexation Mayor Michael Wlad- yka stated that the reason the town xouid like ta sec this donc is> to keep Gage's Creek under the one planning- authority so that- it could be protected and prescrved. On, August 17 Port Hope re- ceiiied a reqtu(,st for annexation frorn Waliter Frank, who is pres- ident of Oceanfront Development xvhich owns sorne 427 acres in Hlamilton township. Sie that time council lias considered the matter and the last mneeting of Hamilton town- ship council was designed to dis- cuss and 'explore the implications such a move would involve. For Auction sE sites of tw Clarke Tov November 6 pices of Che The bid oft accepted in Crooked îer, Islingto ,Clarke Ur ers - Marri and David $10,100.00. Miscellani etc. - $559-. Mr. Horai spector, wa questions c Clarke Tov mended the ciation be- bis assistanc an lionorar.i of the twos GCALi Fears lI Fears th ttiemselv7es extensivef by Port1 Nyhen thley Gaaa has leviÀed t yer ve The levy of the cos liermnan 13 Lake for a of which $ froni the subscribe to The terix made knowi cil whichz council oft Port Hope1 asked that authority i whether or the funds b: Mayor M: "I firmly bE ing donc b: servationi feel the apl unfortunate undesirable thority deci be sncnta levies." kMcQuag Speaks At'ý Kirby Home And School The Kirby Home and School Oc-' taler meeting was opened with a if brief busintss meeting, and then wc were cntertaiaed by Mr. Rus- seli's Grade 7 students singing rme Sco oIs duets, in 'trio and a group pres- ents should be congratuiated for ales were hcld ion the a fine performance. wo former schools in ewaship on Saturday, 6, 1971 under the aus- Our, guest speaker, Mr. Frank iarles Reid, Auctianeer. McQuag, Speciai Education Cdtn- the highest bidder was sultant for our area gave an in- cadlih case as fallows: formai lecture on leamnîng disa- Creck - R. J. Gauth- bilities in children, str.essing the on - $11,700.00. chld's inteileetual capacity is ,not ýnion - Joint purclias- impaired. 'These, "perceptual il MacDonald, Oshiawa handicaps" are apparently caused 1 Allison, -Newcastle by anc or a combination of (1) liercdity; (2) lack of qxygen- at cous - Desks, tables birtli; (3) cnvironment; and (4) .50. a vitamin deficicncy. To demon- ace estBuidingIn-strate thcir effect on the child's iceBes, Bildng u-work, samples were shown. The as present to answer common manifestations, secm te oncerning By-Laws of be: (1) not aile ta folloNv instrue- )wnship. It is recom- tions; (2). not able to write on tat a letter of appre- a line;' (3) numerical and/or wrttcn to Mr. Best for letter iunversion. Behaviaural traits ice and that lie receive May' be listlcssness, easily con- ium of $1000 for ecd fused inabj3ity ta concentrate, and schoois.not able ta cape witli everyday situations lu a normal manner. Mr. McQuag answered questions from the membership concerning eévies Raise thisnxost difficult problern, hr type facts. We are fortunate to I n Port Ho(peà have Special Education Services inaur schools ýwlcrc teachers can give these special chiîdren tie individuaiizcd attention they need. hat thcy could find facing demnands for Mr. Ian Golder has advised fuads xere exýprcssed homcae and Scho that severai- SHope TFowa"ý Council smail bookiets, Better Living Scr- *werc toid that thiC - r vialefrayprn Coner\atin uth,,iý,at tIc serhool library. These books the town for $2,115 peýr-are easy ta read and decal briefly ~~~he ~ ~ ~ i xix ic er. adConciseiy xlhseveral tapics is tic towu's portion of interest ta parents. )st of purchasing tic .amsey farm n 01fiee -total cost of $56,800 Kirby Centenniai will be a 24,800 is ta be raisd busy spot in Navember; a Euchre muaicipalities whidh party on Saturday, November 2di o the GCA. at 8 p.m.;, a dance Friday, Nov- emhber-26th. Every anc is walcome as of the levy werc ta sample Klrby hospitaiity. 7n in a letter ta coun- as weil as informing tic amaunt for whicî Our Navember Home andl liad been assessed,' aiso Schaol meeting, Tuesday, Novem- tcouncil' inform the ber 23, 8 p.m. wili feature stud- within thirty days ents, grades 3 ta 8 la a folk slng- nat tliey would raise ing presentation, aad a toy dispiay by debenture. of brand name toyi at special Home and Schaal discount prices. lichaei Wiadyka said, Our guest of the evening will be clieve in tic work be- Mr. C. O'Brien, Grade 4-5 teaclier >y tic Ganaraska Con- at Kirby, showing sldes and dis- luthority, but I do cussiag bis 'experiences at the Dr. proacli is made ia an Johin Vantier Scliaoi in France, a, manner in that it is schoi for thc retarded, 18 ycars ta have sucli an au- of age and older. This promises lding liow much 18 to taelie another excellent evening, and apportioning suci everyone is welcome, rcfresh- ments folliowing. Christmas Art Mort At Mcauglin Library, Oshawa Thc Robert McLaughlin Gallery celebrates its second Christmnas Art Mart November 19 and 20 at the Gallery ln thc Civic Centre, Oshawa. This annual event is an oppor- tunity for local residents to get acquainted with local artists. On display xiii be a choice of fine foods, fine arts, and fine crafts just in tîme to get that per- son who has everything for Christ- mas. Therc xii bc a mulde assortmcnt of floral arrangements, jewellery, cer;jmics, toys, leather work and authi.ýntic Eskiîro cari ings. In addition there xvi le hourly drawvi, and those fortunate enougli to xii, xiill e the proud owners of real Eskimio carvings and prints. For the festive season, The Art Mart is alsa featuring a sherry shack; An -antique auction will be hcld Saturday November 2th;* at 6:30 p.m. Funds raised xiii enable adults and chldren alike to continue art classes at thc art gallery. Hlopefully some of the money maised xvi leb used for the pur- chase of new -pictures from the Painters Eleven. During The Art Mart, William Ronald, a member of Painters Eleven, is exhibiting his most rcc ut creation, "Iloma ge To I\~Jafl l2Bldw~iii." Those interested xii] have no troublefitting The Art Mart into a busy scemdule lecauise it runs Friday Nove.mber 19, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Saturday Novem- ber 20, from 12 noon to 6 p.m. Admission is , fifty cents and children under 12 accopmpanied by aduits are free. From County Board Of Educuaion