ORONO WEEKLY TIEM, -WEDNESDAYI NOVEMIPER l7th,, 191'ý Kenadal News It was "Squaw Winter" on the seventh of November. Now on the fit teenth we are getting Ind ian summer. The ladies of Kendal United Church wish to thank ail those who helped ta make their bazaar a success. They took ln $336,00 and plan to give onc hait of the proceeds ta the Mission and Ser- vice Fund of the United Church. We were pleased ta, have people attend front Leskard, Orono, Kir- by, Shiloh and Newtonville. Congratulations ta Mrs. O. ,Wright who celebrated ber eight- ieth birthday on November 7th with 23 members of her family present nt the home of ber daughtcr Mr. and Mrs. Len Falls. Her second daughter (Anale), Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence and two children were there tram near Belleville. Her spa Mr. and Mrs. Willis Wright and three of a family were there tram Buling- ton. Mer youngest son Mr. and Mrs.' Walter Wright and famîly, ot four attended tram Wood- bridge. 'Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Falls and daughter Nicole of Peterbor- ough and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blackburn of Orono campleted the gathering. Mr. aad Mrs. Roy Litile visited their granddaueter Bannie Lynn in Osba,,wa General Hospital on Saturday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Little. Her birthday was Nov. 4th, 1971. 1Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey, Shawn and Timothy visited ber parents Mr. and Mrs, R. Little on Sunday. Some lady left a fine blue full length coat in Kendal Sunday School room a couple of months ago. There is a key to an English car in the pocket. Will the own- er'please daim it. On Sunday morning the choir sang 'Have Thy Way Lord, Have Thy Way'. Rev. T. Sneigrove told the children the story ot the snow white cat that got into the coal bin in thxe cellar. We were happy ta sec more children out to Sunday School. The topic of the sermon was, "Blessed'are the Peace Makers"' Matthew, chapter 5; verse 9. In the atternoon some from thischurch went to the Faith Festival in Oshawa. Ottasvwa Report Russell C. Honey, Q.C. M.P. Northumberland - Durham This is a continuation of last week's Report from Ottawa cover- ing the first two parts of the Winter Works program of the federal government ta bring you details of the last three parts of .the budgetary measures recently annouaced to assist in the tinanc- ing of labour-intensive projects designed ta put people to work as quickly as possible this wintcr. Third - A' special program ot $160 million of loans ta provinces and their municipalities ta finance additioaal j ob-creating capital projects. In this program the ted- eral government will relieve prov- inces and, municipalities of $3 for every $4 of on-site labour costs which they incur up ta May 31st, 1972. Again, these projects myst first be approved by the provinces In Ontario applications must be approved by the Department of Municipal Attairs. Fourth--An $80 million pro- gram of maintenance and in- provement to federal works. such as federal buildings, forest and parks projects and generally the modernization of other federal installations. Under this program for example, the Department of Public Works will accelerate re- pairs, alterations and maintenance for federal buildings across the country as well as repairs ta ted- cral Marine facilities. The Min- istry cf, Transport will carry out repairs and alterations ta vani- ous airports and canal systemns, etc. These projects will be carnied out through the Regional Offices ot the Departments. Beyond this there is a specitic allocation of $10 million in boans for construction of, muti-purpose exhibition fair buildings and fac- ilities. The boans to exhibtion coinmittions, boards or associa- tions will be made by the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Although the boans will apply ta buildings and facilities used at fairs and exhibitions,. theprogram is de- signed ta provide buildings which will be used year-round for a wide varicty ot cammunity activ- ities. Fifth-An acceleration of $113 million in loans for public, home- owner and student housing, for sewage treatmeat and for land assembly projects. These- funds are available now aad are desigaed ed ta be allocated before the end of 1971, iastead of la 1972. In my Riding wc received apovla- bout 10 dayls ago fatr a boan of $179.000. for the con.struction ot a 21 unit proýject for enorCit- se'nts 90% o (f the ,osýt. The Prov- iie of Onitario puts up the other 10%. Also, as a resuilt of this pro- gramn, a private developer la the Riding received approval of a loan wh 'ich will permit the construction of a 24 unit medium-rental apart- ment building. I will be pleased ta provide any more detalled information, on re- quest, if you wfil write to me at the House of Commons, Ottawa, or caîl my Port Hope number 885-5310. COUNTY BOARD 0F EDIJCATION Northumbehrland and Durham (Contfinued froin page 1) secutive days the crews must "survive" . espondiag to the basic needs of food, commiunica- lions and health and morale. On the 8th day the crews are "res- cued". On the 9th and lOth days the crews are de-briefcd. On the week followiag operation Moon- vigil, discussions will be held and the students will try ta relate their survival experiences ta their own familiar institutions. The "game" will occupy a forty-minute period daily, tea minutes of which will be spent in communication wiith "Mission Contrai"' via televis- ion. The first in this Moanvigil ser- ies begins Monday, November 15 on, Channel 19. Many Ontario schools wiIl take part and bath the Department of Education and the Ontario Educational Commun- ications Authority will closely ob- serve 'and evaluate results. Mr. Jim Shortaîl, Co-rdinator of Learning Resources, with the Northumberland ani Durham County Board ot 'Education, stat- cd that ýa number of schools la the counties will shortly take part la this excellent learning experience. r chaîn sawwiîth automatiýcoiling!1 The Pioneer Holiday Hl Compare it featura for feature - nobody can beat it! Sec it now! ROLPH-' HARDWARE- Ltd.,- Main Street Orono, Ontario Telephone 983-5207 Box 249 HAHN-ECLIpSE SHOW GIANT. Specially designed for GIANT winters. The kind of winters we have here. Winters you spend hait your time shoveiing snow. Choose from 24" or 28" widths, manuai or eiectric start, to seven-horsepower engines ... 7 whatever Snow Giant you %eiect, exclusive Duo-Throw action throws sflow up to forty teet in any direction. And Snow Giant's shock-absorbing * clutch eliminates troubiesome shear pin breakage on ail Deluxe See the complete Snow Giant line today. lU's going to be a Giant of a winter. E (DL- 11,E;EOSOWIARIN SALES AND SERVICE ORONO UNITED CUC Sinduy, Novomber 2lst Approximately 100 persons frein the Church 'will make frieiidship calis on other members and, ad- herents during the afternoon and eveming. CnHRISTMAS SEALS VOUR Christmas Seals are in the mail. YOUR contribution -. large or sinail - helps us in the fight against emphyserna, tuberculosis, chronie bronchitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases. TB-RD CHRISTMAS SEALS PROVIDE THESE SERVICES Puimonary Function Testing Anti Smoking programme in ail elementary sehools Transportation to chest dlinies and hospitals Refresher Courses lu Respiratery Diseases For Registered Nurses Distribution of pamphlets to patients, schools, etc. Baby Sitter's Training Courses Assistance to patients in Sanatoria and at home Industrial Mass Surveys Research into tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases, air pollution Ail programmes planned approved by Ontario Thoracie Soei- ety and our own Medical Advisory Committee. Won't you please use CHIRISTMAS TB-RD SEALS on ail your mail and packages and speed your- gift to - NORTHUMBERLAND-DURHAM TUBERCULOSIS AND RESPIRATORV DISEASE ASSOCIATION c/o Bank of Nova Scotia, Cobourg Weekly Schedule Orono Arena TUESDAY- 4- 7 - Figure-Skating 8- 9 - Bantain Hockey 9 10 - midget Hockey WEDNESDAY-6 - 7 - Tyke Hockey 7:00 - 7:45 - Atoin Hockey 7:45 - 8:30 - Pee Wee Hockey 8:30 .ý 9:15 - Pee Wee Hockey THURSDAY-4:30 - 7:30 - Figure Skating FRIDAY-6:15 - 7:15 - Tyke Hockey Gaine 7:15 - 8:15 - Atoin Hockey Gaine 8:15 - 9:15 - Pee Wee Hockey Gaine 9:15 - 10:15 - Midget Hockey Gaine SATURDAY-8:O0 - 9:30 - Tyke Hockey 9:30- 10: 30- Atom Hockey 19:30 11:30- Bantam Hockey 11:30 12:30 Midget Hockey 1:00 2:00 Pee Wee Hockey 2:00 3:00 Pee Wce Hockey 7:00 8:00 Pee Wee Hockey Gaine 8:00- 9:00 Bantam Hockey Gane, 9:00 10:00 Public Skating SUNDAY - 12:30- 2:30 Figure Skating 2:30- 4:30 Public Skating ARDA HELPS PEOPLE! ARDA HELPS EMPLOYMENT! -By helping small indus tries establish in rural areas -By helping -rural people train for better jobs. ý'-By helping rural people move to job locations. ARDA HELPS FARMERS! -To enlarge their operation m-To operate more efficiently ~-To seli surplus land -To retire on their own farm ARDA MAY BE ABLE TO HELP YOU! Plan to talk to your nearest ARDA representative. lHe can be reached through the nea pst office. of the Ontario Department of Agiculturt and Food. Phone 983-5343 ORONO, ONTARIG' LMONEÎR