*Orono's Licensed' Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales CIousult me for terms and dates PIIONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Pamilly Memoriels î Our quality and service leaveýs nothlng te be desired Ak the person who bought from a, a xeighbeur, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE' COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display in Southern Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmnanvilie, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orene Phone 983-e343 PRINCE CRAPT BOA1T8 A.l.uett. Snow 3Mobile.' McCulloek CHAIN SAWS Repafi-m to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Hagie. ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES -.PUMPING OUJT -SEBPTIC TANKS' Bert Tompkins- Phone 786-2552 Clark. Public, LIBRAR-Y -Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6:30 to 8:30 P.m. Thursday and Friday afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. -sardai 10:00 te 12:0 a. FOR SALE I3lrley, choice quality Heirta, FOR SALE NEW AîppLES 50 tons. AE UNP IL. D. Morton, Orono 983-5682." WAX5 E TURNIPSand WANT ABS FOR- -WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL- 5:00 pm. TUESDAV PHONE ORONO 983-5301 See Milison Insurance Ag.ncy for M classes of personal and, Commercial CoveraLyes Office: Main St., Orone 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 :odSimpson PHONE 983 -5808- Orono, Ontario' PAINTING CARPENTRY REMOD ELLING GENERAL REPAIRS A. Van Hattum, R.11. 2, Orono, 300 yds. west from Hlwy. 115 and. 35 on Leskard lRoad. M- SECRETARJY WANT»P Secretary ,. wanted, part-time basis, for Durhami Central Agrf- cultural Society, 1Applicati'ons will bc accepted until December Ist, 1971. Appli- cations to be mailedt to Mlrs. John Hickard, secretary' , Durham Cen- tral Agrîcultural ScetNew- castle, Ontario. 1Further informnation mnay be obtained, froir.Clarence Tuer- ner, ,RH 4, Powmanviiie; phon)te 623-3840. b-c IELUP WANTED Two fuli-time waitress, some shift xvorkI, good tips. Also some part-time waitrcsses needed and a part-time gas attendant. Apply in person at Dutch Oven Restaurant, North Orono on Highway 115. b-47-p FOR SALE Improved Power Tree Baler for sale, capable of putting netting on 4 trees per'minute. Also, wantcd - Scotch Pine and Spruce Trees, will trade. 1604 G oyeau, Apt 1, Windsor. Ont. Write or phone person to person 258-4909. b-46-c INTERESTED IN EARNING MORE MONEY? If 3yoi are interested in working with high class livestock and you have a farm background, you may Kýemptvi1 je College of Agricultur- be eligible for special training at ai Technology under an ARDA - Canada Manpower Retraining Pro- gram. Successful graduates secure jobs in Southern Ontario that pay £rom $300.00 to $400.00 a month plus many other benefits. 1 Contact your closest office of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture and Food, for full infor- mation. f47c WORK WANT» Marshap Broa. Fluer Ce.. 1speclslng ta Maekie aud Han4 Trovelled D»Uaen Ceacrete Floors cmii reseLaadaeape«fer sodâwgl pîaahi< aaid .ueding, tree rma«fd id4garde'iM»g., Ph". 8«4008. -t-I Wanted Dea" or Crippled Farm Stock PWICKD UP PIROfiUTLY Margwii4 FVir Farm ~1~ Macîntosh Apples BATRTLET PEARS The Freshest of Produce IlÉAED'S, FRUIT MARKET Rlighway 115: South 'of Orono FOR SALE A I1965 Ford Car for sale, ini good condition.,,a-c Len 'Pears, -phone 983-543.2. TENDERS The undersigned will receive tend, r prices on an hourly basis for the removal of snow from side walks in the central firt of Or- ono, approxiamately 1000 feet. Size and type of equipmient to be used- to be - noted on tender. Fur- ther information from R. 'Forres- ter, Orono. Tenders, sealed,> will be re- ceived until 5:00 p.m. Novemiber 26th, 1971 by Mrs. O. Beauchamp, secretary, Clarke Public Library, Orono, Ontario. TENDER Applications will be received by the undlersigned until 3:00 p.m. Novemiber 19, 1971 at the Board O ffice for a School Bus Transpor- picant will be required to 'supply plicant wil ibe reqrired to supply a 78 passenger school 'bus and driver for the tran5-portation of pupils in Hamilton Township to the Secondary Schools in Co- bourg. Specifîcations regarding the proposed bus route must be received fromi the Office of M. A. M4acLeod, Business Acjmninistrator and Treasurer, Northumiberland and Durhiam Counityý Board of Ed- ucation, P.O. Box 470, D'Arcy St., North, Cobourg-, Ontario. a-c HEREFORD SALE (Registered Polled) Complete Dispersal of the Herd of DUZMOR HEREFORD FARMS ALLAN FRANKS and SONS and DAVID and WANDA FRANKS R.R. 2, Madoc, Ont. at Belleville Livestock Sale Barns 305 N. Front St., Belleville, Ont. SAT. NOVEMBER 20, '1971 1:00 p.m. Sharp 61 LOTS RtEGISTERED POLLED HEREFQItDS SELL R.O.P. Tested l3ulls eligible for Gov. Grant, Cows withi calves at foot, Bred Cows and Hleifers, Open Heifers, Spring Calves. (Lunch Available) AUCTIONEER ART BENNETT, Sawyerville, Quebec For Catalogues and information phone or write:- Dave Franks, R.R. 2, Madoc,' Ont. (613-473-2177) Oro mno 1Courteous Service Local or Long Distance Trips Day or Night Abert àîmuesoe, Prop. 'Herb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL 'CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE SRCA- ELECTROHOME GUARANTEED SERVICE Î.o...Hlonse..,. FI nsurance i Service VOUR ISNOWMOBILE INSURANCE HEADQUARTERS MAIN STREET, ORONO Sadie Hfamilton Jina Mare For Depejndablj Service 983-5115 After Hours andl Week-ends Box 133 Phono 468-3553 Stafford Brother$ Llmited Manufacturerw ef ICemetery éoil I$18 Dundas Street Boat WHIITBY, ONTARIO Flouse?, Our present *ntact ORONO a-c FOR SALE Ski-Doo, 1971 - $495-00; used $295.00; 72 Arctic Cats; 71 Sno- Jets 27 H.P. - $69500; Bonibarder suits % price; Tracks 15" - $75.00 Drive Beits - $695; M.K. Ni Sleds $110.00. Open 9 -. 9. ONTARIO SPORTS Iwy. 115 Oiono Phone 983-5444 d-46-p IPLUMBING and HEATINGJ -M~ HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Lqw ,Interest Rates 'Phone. :Ï I Tyone 263-2650 t U.C.W. CHURCH SERVICE The aanual Orono U.C.W. Church service will be beld on Sund'ay, November 21 at 11:15 a. m. Special music by the Triple Trio and a double duet. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Allan Lavis of Oshawa who is particularly in- terestcd in work at distress centres Tt is hoped that there will be a full cliurch attendance as this service is for-everyone. acý F'ull size Bales 35c A BALE 30c and 35e a baie Terms Cash WANLESS FARMS 2 miles east on .Somervilie Rd. from 115 at orono Telephone 983-5525 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY MEN OR WOMEN FULL OR PART TIME Turn your 'spare time in to cash. Own, Your ýown vending route in your area.- No selling,1 ail routes wilI bc estabished. lligh' quality coin, operated vending machines. To qualif yyou must be honest, have a good car, references, 'good credit and be able to spend 7-12 hours weekly., Small down pay- ment will get you startcdin busi- ness, and terms-' can be arranged. For -personal interview reply, in- clude phone number to: B. V., DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Dcpt."C"' 85 Eglington Ave., East Suviiýe 202, Toronto 12, Ontario COMING EVENT Kirby Home and School Meeting Tuesday; November 23, 8 p.m. Mr. C. O'Brien speaking on Dr. John Vanier Sehool for Rýetardcd Aduits. Toy Display. Kirby Centennial School.- Refrcshments following. NOTICE Pre-Christmias Bazaar and1 Bake Sale, Orono Town Hall, Saturday November 27th at 1:30 p.m., Sponsored by Durham- N.D.P. Women's Organization. For in- formation or pick-up of articles, phone 983-5328, after 4 o'clock. Sb-47-c EUCHRE PARTY At1 Kirby Centennial Schpol on Saturday, November 2th at 8 pm Lunch. Admission 75C. a-c COMING EVENT Durham County Federation of Agrk.ulture will hold their ban- quet on Thursday, Novenmber 25 at 7 p.m. in Yelverton Church Hall. Mr. John Philips, Editor of Farm and Coutry, speaker. Tickets telephone 263-2325. a-c BINGO FUN NIGHT A Bingo Fun night sponsored by the Kenidal Guides and Brown- ies at Kendal Public School on Satuirday,, November 2th-at 8:00 p.m. Admission àOc. per person and lunch served.a- BAZAAR and TEA Spornsored by Heather Social Club on Saturday, December 4th at2:30 p.m. 1...F. Oomomunity Hall. Christmas cake may be or- derQd from Mrs. Jim Major, 983- 5842 or Mrs. Gordon Watson, 983- 5$43.a-c MOTHIER'S DAY, OU-T "Mother's Day Out?' group will meet 'on Thursd.-sy, November 25 from 9:30 a-"m. to 11:15 a.m. in the Main Hall iof Orono United Churc-,h. a-c Interior Exterior CHARES Wl-IDORONO ELECTRIC Buildingea]1 or remodelling YO one, then c Fl1oyd Nic