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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Nov 1971, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1971 O-RO NO WEE KLY TIîi ES MURDER IN THE STREETS The startiing figures on the rising tide of crimes of violence in Canada certainly don't cali for casual dismissal. * The rate of murder - according to Statisties Canada -lhas jumpedt by 53 per cent in five years while 'attempted murder doubied in the samne period. Assaultswere up by 52 per cent; robberies by 83 per cent and rape.Up 48 pýer cent. For the sake of the record, the figures are open to some qualifications. There hàs been a change in the basis of murder before the law. Before September, 1961, al murder was considered capital and the oniy sentence was the death penalty. Stili, tfhere is no room for compiacency. Tbose who clamor for the return of the death sentence because of these statistics should remember one thing - statistics are not avaiabie for the samne period from other, countries where the death penalty lias been maintained. Barry Matther, MP, Surrey-White Rock, B.C., (and: member of the New Democratic Party) recentiy, issued- this warning - Canadians must take a new look at these shocking tatistics, make a fresh approach to 'understanding the problem and coping with it. Otherwise, our cities - like their U.S. counterparts __wiii be unsafe to waik in at night; that is when thei cit izens, knowing they have no pro- tection, take the iaw into their hands in tthe forin of guns. Ail won't agree with Mr. Mather's assessment of the reai cause of. the probiem. (Fifty per cent of the North American population is performing work that is non- essential - we continue to operate in the main on the oid basis of scarcity - as though goodsand services were in, short suppiy, he says). What's the cure? He wants us tW, look again at the ideas of "our new friends", the Soviet Union and the Sociaiist Repubiic of Yugosiavia on this issue. President Tito says: "Our democracy is different than yours. We have a wîde circle of peple in our democracy. The destructive one we don't have damocracy.'l The Soviet Union puts it t}ý1s way: In oi,,r country we have freedom from hooligans, not freedom for hoojigans." O.P.P. -REPORT The following motor vehicie col- lisions 'and occurrences were in- yestigated by the Ontario Provin- cial Police, Newcastle Detach- ment, from- November l4th, to November 2th, 1971. Eleven ac- cidents were investigated in wich 5 persons were injured, and ,s a resuit 4 persons were charg- 'Th~NewcsU'e~ffiersaiong tIhere we,ýre 4 <ýs o Break, Enter andi Theft, 3 reports of commion theft, 3 wilfui. damiage compiaints, 2 trespassing ecom- plaints, 4 disturbance complaints, 1 report of Careiess hunting, 4 domestie 'compiaints, and 3 er- ratic or dangerous driving com- plaints. Four persons are charged with crimninai offences, 2 persons charged with liquor offences and 5 persons charged with imx*ired driving. SThree motor vehicles reported' stolen from Bowmanvilie and Or- ono were recovered in Newcastle Detachment Area. On November 18, 1971, in the epxly morning hours, the IG.A., -KIRSY NEWS,, Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Ron Iarris on the birth of their daughter on Monday November 22nd. The carcd party at Kirby on Sat- urday evening was very weil at- tended. There w-ere ten tables of Euchre. The iucky winners were: Ladies higli - Mrs. Reg Eilioit; Ladies low- Mrs. Jiillisên: Gent's highi - Mr. Doniiko. The door prize was won lby Mrs. George Dunop. We wish to thank al who donat- ed the prizes: Stutt's Pharmacy, Armstrong's IGA and Roiph's Hardware of Orono; Mirs. Lee and Mrs. Brant of Leskard. This Friday on the evening of the 26th the Home and Schiool are holdiing a dance at the sehool Hlope to, see you there. Pupils of Miss Maybees and Mrs. Carleton's rooms of Kirby Centenniai sehool enjoyed a trip to the Museum in Toronto on Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs.. Eugene Touçhburn and Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Chap- man, Orono were Saturday even- ing dinner guests of Mn. and Mrs. Ern Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Alldread, Newcastle on Friday evening SMr. Gordon Waiker and Gail of store in Or ono was broken into, and the cash register stoien. While the break in was in pro- gress, the burgiar aiarm was ac- tivated. Newcastle O.P.P. officers soon apprehended the vehicle us- ed in the crime, and recovered the stoien cash register. Two _Suspects from Oshawa were arrested and charged with- Break, Enter and Theft. Through extensive' search and investigation, goods stoien fromý a Bowmianville ciothingl store and other businiess premïses in the area were aiso recovered. In the past few weeks, per- son(s) unknown have done con- siderabie damage to tomb-stones in. Hampton - Cemetery. Total damage to the stones is not avail- able at this time, but to be sure damage of this type is costly and couid amount into hundreds of dollars. Anyone having informa- tion that may assist this investi- gation is asked to contact the O.P.P. Detachment, Newcastle. 1It was reported on November 20, 1971,, that a bulldozer owned by Industriai Disposais Limited" was extensiveiy damaged while parked in a gravel pit north of, Enfield, Willowdaie, Mrs. Bruce Mercer and_ Kenny and Miss Susan Bal of Oshawa were Sunday visitors with Iff and Mrs.. Ken Bal.ý Mlrs. Stan Chapman accompan- ied lier daughiter Mrs. Francis Jose of Newcastle to Brantford andc Waterloo iast Thursday. We wiTSh to express our symp- -.at1i to the famiiy of the late -firs. George~ Poilard. Orono, Cb Phone Courteous Service Local or Long Distance Trips Day or Night CARD 0F TLIANKS Just a note Io ay hanks and siIlcere appr-ciation for the heip, cards, floesod eqiis Thanks again. a-c Dorothy Reid IN MEMORIAM GOIIDON-Tn loving memory of a dear husband, father and grand- father, Win. Spence Cordon, who passed away November 16, 1967. Beautiful memories are wonder- fui things. They Iast tili the longest day. They neyer wear.-. out, they neyer get iost, They can never be given away. To, some you may be forgotten, To others a part of the past, But to us who loved -you and lost you, Your memory wili forever last. Lovingly reniemhered and sad- Iy missed by wife Edith and family. a-p CARD 0F THANKS I would like to .say thanks to ail friends, relatives and neigh- bours for their kindness ' shown to me " whiie a patient in Bow- manville Hospital and Oshawa Hospital for their cards, visits and fiowers. Many thanks. to, Drs. M4cKe 'nzie, Rundie, Sprouie, Row- seil and Richmond. Thanks to the nursing staff in 'Bowmanviiie also nursing staff on third and fîfth floors in Oshawa Hospital. Also thanks to Orono I.O.O.F. Lodge and -Rev. Long for bis pleasant visits. Thanks for the kindness given to both of us fromal of our family. Calvin and Hazel Myles. a-p my oMrs. To those wbo wish to, get their papers or cardboard boxes clear- ed up before winter, there will be a paper drive by the Kendal Cubs on, Saturday, Decemiber llth. Hlave your papers ready for them to pick up in the morning. LWFESAVERS SWEEIU'STORY 10 rolis for SIC Desk Companions $3.35 up POCKET RADIOS Real value $4.88 STAND-UP or HAND MIRRORS For 99e Novel STATIONERY $1 up SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES Tempting - Tasty MOTO-SKI SALES and SERVICE .New Modela on Dhuplay CaUix la t PONTYPOOL GAR- AGE for SPECIAL PRICES Now Don Chafilce Telephone 983-5111 » King st., E. BOWMAN VILLE When Suylag or 8eNnig cal WB.F HAWKE 'TOUE ORONO AICA «MPISNTATMV uw913-1374 ê"E ea m3bae wa m U PHOTO ALB3UMS,, For ail shapes of pints BORG SCALES $7.99 and up H-IAIR BRUSHES for IIM orHER Christmas CANDLES 69e and up PHOTO SUPPLIES CAMERAS, FILM and FINISHING CARLTON Cards, Gift Wrap Tags and Seals ALL-EASY ON TUE POCKET BOOK By "ROLF" 0OF COURSE ELCTICAL CONTRACFING Pam 043.4" o 983-OM4 Will,0ri c. Hall, B. comme C harter.d Accountant ?h.,i.Newe",le 987-42» AN dey wad.sday and sty If You Are A Holiday Head-Starter ANË) YOUR LIST IS A DOOZY.. Oru. Buildingý Contracter Brick -,Black C«Mer4 Cremtry - Cabinet Wuek 983-441 ORONO W. FRANK REAL ESTATI LIMITED Z34 King Street East Bowmanvilk 623-3393 Toronto "1-~74 Port -Hope Office 885-454 For' prompt, courteug,ef- ent service when buylng ; « selling and for the largest se- ection of properties îmu the ares Orono Area Repreilentattves Roy Poster 9e3-5801 William Turansk y (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Finnie 277-2280 (Bethany) Dane Found 623-3965 RwStronu 2r1

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