-ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1971 WANT AfS FORl WEDNESPAVI PUBtICATIN ACCEPTEI) UNTIL 5:0pM. TUESDAYÏ HNEORONO 983-5301 See Milison Insu ronce Agency A£ classes of 'Persona! and Commercial Coveraoees Office: M&in St., (rane 983-5032 Les.983-5754 G.rd Simpson REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS I~edM Exterior j I p p FOR SALE )Opible-btd ,Snowmobie Trailer. $125.ü0. Phione 983-5104. a-p FOR SALE Ilasti-Notes of historic sites- to raise funds for Clarke Museunm and Archives,- at Stutt's and R. Hlancock's. a-c F rOR. -SALE Boy's sk ates, size 3 -$,0 Phone 983-5883.ac BYAMS PLUMSING and HEATINO 1 ales and Servie. ?À HOUR 8BURNEMtRIRVICE GULF FINANCING CHARLES ORONO ELECTRIC Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator 19pecialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Conult me foi terms and dates: PJIONE ORONO 9083.ý5914 Monuments adnd' Fam'iIy Memorials Our quallty and service leaves u..thing te be desired Mlh the person who bought from m, a neighbbur, friend or relative The. RUTTER GUANITE~ COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest «isplay ini Southern Ontario R. C. SLEE Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-3383 WATSON'S Marine. and Cycle Oouoe Phonte 983-5343 PRINCE CRAF? BOAT8 Aflouette Snow,>ebll mcCniloch CHAIN SAWS Repaira te ail makes of Lawn Mowèrs and 2 and 4 cycle ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES - PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Der jj TOM UIPftiI Phone 786-255 2 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 1and Frlday 6:30 te 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Frlday aternoons 2:30 te 5:00 P. Uaturday,10:00 te 12:00 aLn Herb and Gerry Duval ELECTRICAL CONTflACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FIS WESTINGHOUSE RCA BLEC'TROHOME GUAEANTEED SERVICE IBuild!iýng a bouse? Sor remodeiling your present- one, then Contact IFloyd icoso FOR SALE Skie, oy'si, size 6 and gîrl's Phione 983-5725. a-c FOR SALE Bartbie Doit clothes, all styles and wv(dd'ing gowns; 50c and up. Phione 623-841.3. a-c FOR SA LE 196ý(5 Custom Ford- car, good condition with 45,000 actual mile- age. Len Pears; Phone 983-5432 Orono. a-p FOR SALE WAXED TURNIPS $2.25 per bnshel A. Van Hattum, R.R; 2, Qrono, 300 ;yds. west from Hwy. 115 and, 35 on Leskard Road. t-f SECRETARY WANTED Secretary wanted, part-time basis, for- Durham Central Agri- cultural Society. Applications will be accepted until December lst, 1971. Appli- cations to be miailed to MUrs.John Rickard, secretary, Durham Cen- tral Agricultural S ociety, New- castle, Ontario. Further information may be obtained fromn Mr. Clarence Tur- ner, RR 4, Bowmanville; phone ý623-3840. b-c IIELP WANTED Two full-time, waitress, some shift work, good tips. Alsd some part-time waitresses needed and a part-time gas attendant. Apply in person at Dutch Oven RIestaurant, North Orono on M1-igliway 115. b-47-p INTERESTED IN EARNING MORE MONEY? If you are interested in working with higli class livestock and you, have a farm background, you may Kemptville College of.Agricultur- be eligible for special training at al Technology under an ARDA- Canada Manpowet Retraining Pro- gram. Successful graduates secure jobs in Southern Ontario, that pay from $300 *00'to $400.00 a month plus many other benefits. Contact your closest office of the Ontario Departnxent of Agri- culture and Food for full infor- matioýn. f47c Maro*mja riEoar co. Spedauln~ Ma4*ineend an4d Trovelled Duti;em Con m-te Flors Pk~k 85*03 t-f Wanted Dead or Çrippiled Farm Stock PICKE UP PROMPTLY Talophonle Collect 208-2721, Margwii F'ur Farm I»taeNce.o2-C-70 -E Enjoy Fresh A PPLES: Red and Golden Delicious, MacIntosh and many other varieties. Bose and Flenish Beauty Pears FRESU APPLE CIDER FRED'S FRUIT MARKET High.way 115 Seuth of Orono Phone 983-5628 TENDERS The undersigned will receive tend,,r prices on an hourly basis for the reinoval of snow from side walks- la the central part of Or- ono, approxiamately 1000 feet. Size -and type of equip)ment to be used to be - noted on tender. Fur- ther information fromn R. Ferres.- ter, Orono. Tenders, sealed, will be re- ceived until 5:900p.m. November 26th, 1971 by Mrs. O. Beauchamp, secretary, Clarke Public Library,' Orono-, Ontario. WANTED TO'RENT A garage for the winter months in south Orono. Phone 983-5588. a-p WANTED Baby sitter wanted by Decem- ber l7t1i for one child. To be over 21. Mrs. Pat Morris, phone 983-5329. a-c CARETAKER Part timie caretaker of 24 hours per week required for Lockharts Public School. Good lçnowledge of school caretaking procedure and cleaning methods. Ability to work from verbal and written in- structions and ability to get along withpeople. 1Please apply in writing. stating qualification and experience' on or, before November 26, 1971 to: 1M. A. MecLeod, Business Administrator and Treasurer, Northumberland 'and' Durham County Board of Education, P.O. Box 470, D'Arcy St.,, North Cobourg, Ontario. Oshawa Antiqueý Arms GuIlti CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE~ reqires a CLERK -Applications plianly marke(l will be, received by t he undersîifted for the position 'o0f Clerk until 5:00 p.m. Mondby, December 6th 1971. Applicants are required to ap- ply in own hand writing giving full details of education, munici- pal experience and present cem- ployffient. Employment Ao. com- mhence Monday, January 4th, 1971 Preference will be given to those enrolled in the A.M;C.T. course or desirous of immediate enro1lmênt. Saiary -commensurate with quai- ifications. Ail abPplications will be treated as confidential. Reeve J. W. Stone, c/;o L. J. Mikulich, AMCT Clerk. Township of Claxke P.O. Box 219, Orono, Ontario. SNOW PLOWING Contact Orono' Landscaping for snow pic Phone In Oro ber l9th, on neck. on back1 Phone Departmnent Lands and Forests ORONO ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY Newcastle Town Hall Friday, December lOth 8: 00 p.m. Fay Adams Band Bar Privileges - Midnight Buffet Couple $3.00 Single $2.00 Don't f-orget to pick up your tick- et s early. COMING EVENT Durham New Democratie' Party Annual Meeting and election3 of officers will be held Saturday, December 4th, 1971 at '7:00, o'- dlock at the Newcastle Town Hall There will be a guest speaker and a' dance will follow the meeting. Everyone welcome. 48-c NOTICE PreýChristmas Bazaar and Bake Sale, ,Orono Town Hall, Saturday Novemiber 27th at 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by Durham N.DP. Women's Organization. For in- formation, or -piupoarils phone 983-5328, after 4 o'clock. COMING EVENT Shop at Kendal P.T.A. Penny Sale, Saturday, December 4th at 8 p.m. Kendal School auditorium. Achuission' 25c. Lunch provided. b-48-c COMING,,EVENT Plan to attend Heather Social Club Bazaar and Tea, Saturday, December 4th at 2:30 p.m. in the I.O.O.F. Hall. The Rebekahs are- making their usual deliclous Christmas, cakes. 'rhose wishing to oirder ahead may phione *Mrs. Gordlon Watson 983ý- 53,13 or M,\rs. Jim M1,ajor 983-5842. GUN SHOW and SALE Sttnday, Novexuber 2$ 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Kinsmen Center 109 Coiborne Street W. Oshawa Go Northi from Stop 70 - 401 a-c Sun-Filled Holidays by Deluxe Moto~r Coach FLORIDA- Many departure dates. Choice of 10, 16, 20 or 21 day tours. Ail tours includé Disney Worlà. One goes to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Priced as low as $165,00 per per- son. CALIFORNIA- 23 P.ay tours departing on Feb. 19th, Api-il 8th, October l4th. Priced 'from $360.0 per person MEXICO- 23 days. Departing' April Sth For -Brochure contact: Trentway Tours Ltd., Box 772 Peterborough- Phone 743-8181 d-50c THAINE VOU T wish to thank the many people who bought poppies, .sprays and wvreaths, also those, who gave donations prior to the Armistice Day parade. Special thanks to the Bowman- ville, Legion, Ladies Auxilidry, Pipe Band, all veterans, Girl Guides and Brownies that took part in the parade. AIso thanks to Dave Kilpatrick, Maurice An- wing. Dependable service DIED 983-5598. PO L ARD-At Memri a Hospit- ai, Bowmanville on Sunday, Nov- LOST ember 2lst, 1971, Laura, Luxon, age 74 years. Bclov ýd wife of no area, Friday, Novem- George Pollard, Orohio, dear a maie cole with chain mother of James., Resting_ at the Brown and white. Tattoo Morris. Funeral Chapel, Bowman- leg. A child's pet. Reward vilIle for service on Wednesday at 983-9255 after 3 p.xn. 3:30 pam. Interment Orono Cem-, Low InterestRae phone: Tyren. 263-2159 Hamniltons Insurance Service VOUR SNOWMOBILEe' INSURANCE HEADQUARTER8, IMI STREET, ORONO Jim Mare For Dependable SeuMvIo Mfter Heours and Week-endls 1BOX 133 Phion~e668-355i2 Stafford B rothers Llmlted Manufactuxrers et Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street EaU WHITBY, ONTARIO,