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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Dec 1971, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1971 ORONO WEEKLY TI ESJ It Hias Been Long Enough Last week in Ottawa the Libéral government gave notice that they woulcl invoke regulations Vo terminate die- bate on the 'new tax bill andi that the bill would be voteci on withîn a few days. .This action by the Liberals broughit f orth great cries of closure from, the opposition forces. The government, they dlaim, is'not giving cnough time to study the bill es- pecially since it is complex and does affect everyonc in the nation. There is na doubt that the bill is compiex and that it does affect ail wage carners in the country but just how mucb time is needeci to discuss such a proposai? The bill has been before the house for well over two months. Many of its législative points were presented yearc ago by the Carter- Royal, Commission and has since been spead across the country through a white paper proposai. To this everyone has been given an opportunity to express their opinions and to attend hcarings., What more could have been done. Ail points in the bill arc not going Vo satisfy everyone. Disagreement is generaily expresseci only when it directly affects those lodging the complaint. >Most governments and individuais have been cailing for a,- change in the tax structure. The Ontario govermunent, a feW years ago, voted this need and threw out a few feelers but, to date have not made any change. The step is long overdue andi the, Federal government shoulci be' encouraged Vo get on witb the task. Delays by the.- opposition are flot now warranted on this particular measure and the goveraiment, electeci in mai ority by the people, cannot continue to be harassed. The move to limit dehate is justified. The voter can pass h-is jucigement at the next federal lection. The .~Law The snowm-obile chlie cheld reccntly at Garden HIi llogh oiit aui alarmuing situation. 'It appears that if a snomobieris injured on. somneone's property, even if he s ~,a trepasser, h4c ean sut the property owner. We are of the opinion thiat if this is in fact the case -it, is ~tine fthe aw was revised. Perhaps the trespassing snowmobiler would not win the sympathy of the court, but we feel that the ,property owner shouici not have teo be sub- jected Vo the worry of a suit being pressed when the snow- niobiiler was on the* property without'permnission. In recent years -farm#g-rs in particular have been piagued by snowmobilers. Ia the spring fences are often founci o have been dauuaged by trespassing snowmobile's:.' Repairing ths 'fences costs a great deal' of monïey andc aiso involves the farmer in losing valuable time whicbh le cannot really aYford onç.e the weather breaks. Situations described at. the snowmobile clinie, how- ever-, leaveý everyorîe who own property in a vulnerable position. Apparentiy, the snowmobiier can sue if he is in-' jured when côliding with your barn or garage. You couid be heldd hable, if ýhe were injured cïossing your fence, or c ýeek, or-, streaffij or any, other natural feature which exists. *While' this situation continues it is obvious that è i-yo'he couldý beiëome involved in a suit. Snowmobiies have becomie, Vo many people,. a men- ace-because o f inconisiderate 'operators. The noise factor is a nuisance andý many people have no wish to have these machines on, their property, Obviously, property owners wili, uniess a change is made in the iaw, have to be more active - in pursuing the 'trespassing snowmnobiler. For the time being it appears that the onlycourse of action open to the propertyý owner is to apprehlend any snowmobiler 'trespassing on his property andi to charge them ' with'petty trespass. Property owniers can also p)etition their ,member of the provincial legislature to have the law reviewed. We realize that changing the law wouid not be an easy matter. For exampie, there have been cases of,,snow- inobiiers falling foui of traps which were allegediy set up for another purpose, however, the property' owner must be held liable in this type of situation. Perhaps the solution lies in the strict enforcement of the law reiating to trespass. In effect what we have at the present time is mass civil disobedience, of the part of the snowmobileres.,Tbey drive around town and country shiowing little or no respect for private property. At the sight of a field of snow, i t ap- pears, that many normaily iaw-abiding citizens change into inconsiderate trespassers who 'do not consider they haveP The following vehîicle collins and occurrences were i'ivest,'gated by the Ontario Provincial Pollice. Newcastle Detachment from Nov- ember .21st,- to November 27th, 197.1. Txenty accidenits were in- vestigated includting an accident invo]ving a snowmobile. Three persons suffered from injuries, and 4 persons were charged with driving offences. A long with other duties, the Newcastle officers were kept busy investigating 59 general oc. currences of which there were 4 reports of break, enter and theft, 5 reports theft, 3 wilful damage complaints, 5 trespassîng, and 1 domestic complaint, 1 report of assault, 4 disturbance complaints, 2 conîpiaints of fraud, 2 missing person reports, and 2 erratic or dangerous driving comniaints. jrive persons are1 charged with criminal offences, 1 person charg- cd with a liquor offence, and 3 persons charged with, impaired driving. On November 25, 1971 at ap- proximately 2:00 p.m. it was re- ported that .the, driver of a vehicie fled fromn a service station near the Junction of Hwys ,35 and 115 without pay ing for gas purchased. The vehicle was Soon pursued by Newcastle O.P.P. The driver, a- bandoned the vehicle and a chase on foot resuited in the ar- rest of a Peterboro 3youth who is charged with gas theft and theft of a motor vehicle fromn Peterboro Two other stolen automobiles froni Toronto and Oshawa were recovered 'abandoned in New- castle arca.- Recently, two Pontypool resi- dents were charged In connection with cottage fire that occurred on }iallowe'en evening in Pontypool. On Novemhber 23, 1971, a won'- an from Orono sustaining head injuries ývs dmtted ,to BEow- manville after eIng baten mp at a hotel iii Newcastlc. A Neý,wcastle resident~ responsible for the, beat- ïing is ch-arged witl' Assault Cauis- ing Bodily l{orm. For the second tinVowlthin a onie rnonth perioJi,, the bridge .buîiing conlstruction ,site 0on Martin' Rd., north of Bowmanville lias been victimized by theft. A traiter used by the engineering crew ivas broken into on iNovem- br 25, 1971. Property in the a- rnount of $700-00 was stolen, in- cluding an adding machine, 2 way radio and a variety of instr uments used by Dept. RECREATION TIPS "Danger Thin Ice"l "Freeze-Up" and "Break-Up" are the two timres when ice takes its greatest toit of drowned vict- ims. "Freeze-Up" is with us now. Snowmobilers and ice fishermen should use every caution before venturing out on freshiy frozen lakes or rivers. DRI VING TIP- "Give a Life for Christmas" Christmas is almostý here and the children wiIl be out for their school hoiidays. Drivelrs shouid remember that chiidren on Christ- mas holldays are happy and care- free, and so excited that they quite often forget their safety rules. There is the possibility that a carefree youngster could dart out in front of you. Help keep such a chiid from being a traffic victim during the Christmas sea- son. P~hone Courteous Service Local or Long Distance Trips Day or Night * A-Iet Mnnehs, Pr.p. ROLFS Any gal on the go nceds a leather acces- sory that can hold 30 credit cards, has a double..depth currency pocketb, an outsicie coin pockct and a snap-happy adjustaible closure. What bas ail this and is stiail slim enough to fit today's sma lier purses? Roifs Ladies' Attache' A E eauty in a complete ai-ray cf ledihers and colors, i-3'ALNO, ONTARIO BOXED CIIOCOLAThS TIMEX WATCHES for Men and Ladies WATCH BANDS BILLFOLDS ELECTRIC SHAVERS BRIGHAM PIPES CIGARETTES and TOBACCOS MATTS BILLIARDS and Borbershop orl, Ot Contractor Brick -Bled-C onrt "Stne Work Carpentry - cabinet Wark lors -Tifr- R3 5 441 ORONO W. F RANK REAL 'ESTATE LUMITED '134 King, Street East Bowmianville 623-3393 Toronto 9U-9174 Port Hope Office 885-4m4 For prompt, cenrteonU, effld- ont service wheu buylng Qer selling and for the largest m& ection of pieperties àa the area Contact Orono Area RepresentatIvez Roy Foster 983-5801â Ray Fim-îie (Bethany) Dane Pound623 RyStroan- 277-2280 52 r il ............

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