ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEXIIESDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1971l CORNISH'S Oreno, Ont. HOSPITALUTY CT0 FREE DRAW with any $2.00 purchase of Meat ON TWO TWENTY POUND GRADE "A"' 1Turlkeys First te be drawn Dec. 18 Second on Dec. 24th COME JOIN THE FUN AND ENTER OFTEN! LEAN MEATY PORK Choice Plump CHICKEN Spaireribs 59C Legs& Breasts 59 Presswood Quality Tender, Juley, Family size PORK LOI NS Wienès IL 59C QUART ER lb.78 Swift's, by the piece Swift Premium 6 oz. pkg SOLOGNA lb 38c Cooked Hum 55C We urge you to order your Christmas Ducks,' Geese or Turkey early to be assured of the quality and size you desire. 11 STOKELY 12 ounce Ne99 Seaso1n's Florida Kernel Corn or Honey P.d Peas 599 Tangelos d'oz., 49c Helaz KETCHUP 115 «oz. Rtl 350 Sunkist Sweet - good size Valencia STAFFORD - BERRY BOX JAMS 9 oz. jars 4 for si. Oranges doz. 59c 7 3/4 oz. tins Pimk SaInes Clover Leal 41je INSTANT COFFEE - 10 ounce jar Chas . ClSanbora OromoCorner Store (Centllnued froua page 1) burnt eut for the third time. He centinued on after- the line andý ,when finaily he netired, had been iu business for 59 years. This fine of 1896 dli1 help the village lu eue respect. A steam fire «nle replaced the hand-operab $1659 ed pumper but flot without much controversy and bioodshed. Res- idents were equally divided ou. the issue. Men stood ou the street corners in argument ready to fight at the drep'of a bat. Robert. Coathamn and Thomas Doncaster did have a "set-to", gloves. Raw meat for1 eyes wae furnished by Clark e Muse.mmd Archives open To Public Tuesday, Decenaber I14 6:30 TO 8:30 pm ALSO 6:30 TO 8:30 p.. NO CHARGE Pîoneer's 1200 Iightweight chain saw cuts wood ...sprays paint.. pumps water ... etc. If you need a portable source of power, you need a Pioneer 1 200.'The 1200 gives you fast cutting and easy haimdling plus optiona atachmnents. The. 12M0 s the Uhtwight multi-purpose chain sawl ROLPH HARDW ARE Ltd. Main Street Orono, Ontario Telephone 983-5201 BOX me8 TANGERINES, MIXED NUTS Eted California GRAPES and CHRISTMAS CANDY. Ail ini abundant supply. butcher shops. Police Trustees, Horoce Mouiton, Joseph Henry and Harry Linton fought for a new engine with the result a vote was taken. It was very close, 45 for 41 against. William Relland, kno*n as without "Bill the Barber', was oeeof the black the characters of the dlay. At oee twe local, time he .had twe pet cous which gave'his place cf business an ar- >orna ail its own. Bill was always playing jokes on people. One time when a number of bis friends and he were tight in the hiotel, he cut off haf of a resideit's long wbiskers on one side cf his face. During the 75 years siince the store was rebuilt, there bave been 18 businessmen carrying on il varied businesses, such as: gen- eral store, tailerlng, shoemaking, barnessniaking, barberng, electric store, tinsmithing, Post Office restaurant, 'veterinary office, and most recent, the 5c te $1 store. The businessmen were: E. B. Nash and Ce,, Robert McCullagh; Cooper and Souch; J. Robert Cooper; Nelson F. Hall; Edward 'R. Woodyard; Richiard Logan; 16 Rowland Hall, Clarence Duncan, F. O. '0111e' Cooper, Walter Corn- ish, Frank Harris, Rebert Corn- forth, Malcolm Carleton, Stanley Payne, Dr. Wiifred W. Sher-win Charles Froste, Ross Boumne. .... One event stands eut lu the writer's mmnd, the time Dr. Sher- win decorated bis front window with deodorized baby skunks. This large store was once dlv- ided into three smaiier stores. The Post Office s]ot is stili visible on the south part. Changes took place during Mr. Froste's business years, 1935-1964 in the 5e to $1 store. Groceries occupied the rear portion of the store for several years. It was in 1964 that the store expanded to take in the whole arca as many of us remem- ber it. The complete dispersai sale of liood of $1 billion a year on'oar non merchandise account in the past two years, we should be pun- ishied. They forget so quickly, or probably more accurately, they prefer flot to remember about the favourable balance of the United States.over the prior 20 years. the Corner Store of Orono 5c to $1 store took place on October 9, 1971. Two members of the Clarke Museum were given permission to lookaround in the cellar for any items which might prove useful to the museum. Few interesting items were to be found but writ- ing ion the bottom of three old drawers addcd a bit iof humor to our search. These notes, made ln pencil by J. R. Cooper and cm- ployees, dated from 1919 to 1934. We quote three of them: Jan., 21, 1924 "Cold as hell. 14 below." Jan. 12, 1932- "Stock takiing or trying to. Biggest job on hand is keeping Harold awake, hie is eith- er got sleeping sickness or love sickness. Dr. says its the latter. Don't hold out any, hope of re- covery. Move hlm to Oshawa." 1K. McKay. Jan. 11, 1934 9 p.m. "Jack just spît in the fire and put it out. So 1 guess fe will go home now," J. R. Cooper. Kate McKay and Gillis McKay were sister and brother-in-law of J. R.' Cooper. Mr. McKay opened out a grecery business in, Coîborne in 1928, but Kate remained until the Cooper business ceased te, op- erate. She then was employed ln the Armstrong store for years.' Other employees of Mr. Cooper inciuded Isaac Winter and Harold Allen. The face cf the business section is changing fast. Sooni there will be only one store on the east side which bas any resemblance to the original front of years ago. That store is the Reid Hardware. (Mrs. E.) Helen Schimid Ottrawa Report Russell, C. Honey, QC. M.P. Northumberland - Durham The present concern in Canada about the 10% surcharge impos- ed by President Nixon against im- ports into the United States should be viewed against the bal- ance cf trade picture over the post-war period. Some American spekesmen, Particularly, Treasury Secretary Connolly, try to leave the impres- sien that'Canada has had a long standing trade surplus with the United States, and that somehow, we deserve to bc punished for taking advantage of, our pour neighbour in its difficulties, The facts are just the opDosite. Canada has had-a balance of trade surplus with th e United States in 1970 and 19171 enly. From 1951 te 19710, wehad a total balance ef trade deficits wîth the United States of $14 billion on our mer- chandise account. That is, we bought that much more, merchan- dise in the 20, year period from the United' States 'than they bought from us. lu that perïod we aise had deficits ln the neighbour- ' 1 cnt wait a Week for a welding job. Nothing takes the place of having a telephone h andy. ln the kitchen, upstairs, the playroom as weJi as by the f ireplace. That's why an extension telephone makes such a perfect gift. Find out how easy it is to give a telephone for Christmas. Call us or corne n. Community Telephone Co., Telephone Zeith 46350 Grant C. Wade iuisurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box 82 Newtonvile, Ontarlo Telephone 784-2921 Box 61, Part Hope, Ontarlo TelephonéO 88438 We have a good selection if Christmas Gifts in stock, Be sue te scee them for they are priced rijght and ini addition are suitable for ail the,,famîlyF TIMEX WATCHES for mer, women WATCH BANDS- WALLETS RECORDS - TAPES CANULES - VAINS CIJPS and SAUCERS LIGHTERS -TOBACCOS CIGARETTES -CHOCO)LATES Order your Flowers NOW! Middletons Leskard "Weldumg ANDi> FBRCATIO a"d LATHE WOEK Sa' ne. - e5 ;.». W.nday tàreu8%h Suria PHONE .57U Dr. L WRK..t DD 3 Office Houa, Nzet Wdud »Quoes w A. 8 348