ORONO'WEEKLY TIES, WEDNESDAY, -DECEMBER 8th, 1971, ___________ FIBE DESTROVS TOBACCO BARN A tobacco barn on, the farm -of Mr. H. Hartoon, soutli-Jeast iof Kendal was completely destroyed by fire on the morning -of Decem- ber 2nd. The local department re- ceived the cali around 3:15 a.m. The, fire was through the roof by the time the departmnent arriv- ed and nothing could be done to save the building or contepits. The fire was first noticed by a neiglibour. Mr, Hartoon lost about 75 per- cent of bis crop and consîderable equipment. Fire chief Mercer said the loss would be heavy. JIACK RiEA<OR't » King 8t., B. BOWMAN VILLE Wh.m Uuying or Selling cail WILF HAWKE YOUI ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Mebrof Oshawa and Dis- tiiet Real Estate Board There arc iew more licart warm- ing stories at fliis fime of flic ycar, wlien our Christmas 'Seals appear on mail delivered ail over Norfh America ýthan some of fliose heard locally. In une instance a young Co- bourg girl, about fo be married, made a donation f0 mark flic event. She was, fiinking. The story of progress againsf Tubereulosis and other respiraf- ory diseaseý does bear thinking a- bout, as fhis young woman dîd. Dr. Fletchier, Ciairman of fie Britisli Royal College of Physic- ian 's Committee on Smoking and Health said, while vîsifing Canada, that smoking in Brifain is caus- icîg abouf one-third of ail deaflis lietîveen flic agcs of 34 and 64. Ile warned flic upidemie (if heart and lîîng disease xould lie far barder and more éostly to control fican TB or cliolera. He explained fliaf ftheclatter diseases :arc treaf- cd by medication and sanitation, wihile smoking diseases demand incividual action. Sp 'aking (ifflie dcvelopmcnf oi safer cigaretfes, Dr. Flecher said that \c lillu niodifyii g folacco coulci cul flic risk lu smoking by 80 Per cent over' a 10 y car period, Yef il would cost about $10 mil- lion dollars a y car. Ie suggested fliat such funds siould lie made DURHAM AGRI-NEWS by Bob Watt Assf -Agriculturali Hep. Scholarship Winners: We have received word that Neil Allun, a Four.th-year student in Animal Science at thec Univer- sity of Guelph,lias been awinner of one of the Majlor James Ratt- ray Scliolarships, whieli are made available for students in fhec B. Sc. (AGB.) Pro gram majoring in Animal Science arnd Horticulture. The students are requircd to have a high academie standing from flic prcvious year. Neil is one of the leaders of the, Durhiam 4-H Bcdf Club, and lias participafed available by the cigarette mnanu- facturers, for : "Why shouldn't the shareholders maake a littie less now to stay in business?" Drî. Fletcher reflccted; "It's a subtie thing about smoking, the lay person does not relate smoking and death. King George VI was kïled by smokiing," lie said, "but no one mentions if." Sa iliat flic stories of Tuiereul- osis and respiratory diseases are nîany facefed. Some, as the one of tlic young girl, heart warming and close to our Counties; others, the stories of whaf is going on further afieid, including factual evidence fror a-il over fthc worid. 1 c slor ies of iho. i who Ihin]i of4 tlîoie Who give hlep 10 suffer- ers of Tuberculosis and rcspiratory diseases; f0 prevenf others being affected; fo researchi and progrcss are tlic sfuffof whîch oui' Count- îes are nmade. in running activities within the ('ounfy. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allun of Orono. Don't Forget "Open Bouse" Tihis is a remînder once again là laI fthcOntario Departrncnt ot Agi icu1ýltuï%e and Food wiil be holding an "Open House" aI flie Durham Cuunty Office, 234 1,ing Street Easf, Bowm-anvillc on Fni- day, Decemiber 3rd from 2- 5 and 7- 9 p.m. This xiii give ecd per- son an opportunify to'learn more of wliat flic Depaîliacuf does; al- so, f0 se the new facilities andi to. bave any areas of intç,rcst dis- cussed wifh fthc personnel avail- abile. R eserve Champiiont Angus Steer In tic Queen's Guineas Com- petifion aI fthe Royal Winter Fair on Fnidaly, November l9tb, Brian Wilson, who is a member of the Dlurhiam 4-H Bcdf Club froin J I Pc, Hshowcd [l1!i Reqerve Cbaîapîma Angus Steer. Brian is certainly fo lie crfsalt'for tlie excellent enfrx f liaI lie put forth at that compelition. StUl Time for Silage Conference If lias been indicafcd to us fiat Ilu rc is sfill finie for farmers fo register for flic "Silage SysteUms f or flic '70," (oni N ncc e ù)he liel Idatthie Sk)7nibIdici[or onla on December flic 151h and ltItl IJieludcd uiiithis pio 'î îci w0i I, liclforia ilion o'n balh IFor- a ge, and Grain Silage for D,Ž JPJand Sw ie. If ý,ct hic-iiik ou nilif Pc in- I î'h4in aftending tus Con- ferEunce, please contact our office and wc will blie vry glad to give you a Rfegistrafion Form. Please do this, as soon as possible, as flie nuniber affcnding is limited. Outside Lights Outside Christmas Liglits add mucl to flic fest ive season, but don'I fa -g( 'ttfhàt fyslionid le CSA appro cd for outside use. Sýpotligixti,, also, should bce of the -etilcrproof fvp ,,to l)rcvent cl- ectric shock, Bei ore leaving the liouse or i*etirirg, for flic night, turn off ail deco' ah e liglds - bof h inside and outside tlic louse. Lt coloured lights briglilen your home for a Merry and Safe Christ- mas. BARBARA KORDAS Miss Barliara Kordas was vale- dictorian aI flic Clarke Higli Sdi oui Commencement exercises lield op Safurdav November 27th. e~4~kt ~oà~m...oin ou~~~ wIfizesoidaatprices ýyou caà n a ffo rd! V. KROEHLERLI c. Chesterfields DinigR o Sut LA SOVER 16ý TO CHOOSE FROM COLONIAL - Solid Maple or Solid Pine IrNHERCULN WITH SAVINGS I MODERN - Satin Walnut and Fumed Oak or gIURUTO TAITINL- ea ï, 55 xample:$3 I7IE and up Regular $499.95 REGUI Aroie e>ks $)T Regular $59.95 --------------- SChina Caies$î9 O SGlass Sliding boors ------ Mismat SO ne Only - Regulai Desk & Chest Co iatIon- .. $4095. CEDA.R CHESTS O Reguar $995 In various styles, sonie greatly reduced. A LARGE (Manufacturers' Defects) Ini SIELECTION 0F: tllaTraditi fro M 9 ,0 pSpaný PîLELA MPS andup S W GSDUE TO THE LARGxE VOLUME 0F Priced FLOO LAM S WEHAVE SEVERAL ROLL ENDS with table lanxps IDEAL FOR ROOM SIZE RUGS Svi to'match AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Disconti EXAMPLE: Line HASSOC KS 12' x 14' CROSSLEY SEMI-SHAG Sold Sewing Cabinets Regular $16.95 yd,. - ONLY $13.95 yd. Set O LAUNDRY HAMPERS GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE FOR Rdu MIRRORS WALL-TO-WALL CARPET PICTURES to be installed after Christmas Price! IPLE: ONLY DCE MODERN$4 9 0 MAR $529.OO -$4390 MAPLE COLONIAL ec & 4 Chairs $2 SEVERAL ODD SPRINGS and MÂTTRESSES tthdTicking IR $ , 9.0 ir $ 1 5 9 . 9 5 - - - - - :CASIONAL TABLES tonai aish odern from iUp -rai Linued In 'nly atly ced es!