Orono -VOLUME 35, NUMBER 50 Weekly T 1imes ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAYY DECEMBER 15th, 1971 <lanke Library Board <onideingExpansilon Following a report to the Lib- rayBoard by the Librarian, Mrs. O.Beauchamp, on Thursday ev- inng, a commnittee was set up to eýxplore expansion of facilities to accommodate further space for tooks. Mrs. Beauchamp stated that tthe 1fibrary was coming to a point ,where it could not accommodate further additions of lyooks espec- ially in the adluit section. She sad here would he littie need ta ,urchase further ne-w books if nçlditional space was not soon ,vailable. The Board has been sp-îending $2500.00 each year for the purchase of books.' A committee of Messrs, Ray Uickson, E. R. Woodyard and R. C,. Forrester was appointed to abtain prices and submit a ré'- port at the next meeting in re- gards to completing the, interior coùstruction, heating and lighting of the south room 'of approximat- ey340 square feet. It was con- Asdered that this room could bc used as the Junior Library and, that the Adult section could be extended into the present room iseýd as the Junior roomn. Since moving mbt the building in -September of 1970 the Library lias brought into service one ex- tra roomi which is being used sole-. ]y for Easy-Reading and Picture Mr-S. Be-auchamp also stated t.here wvas need for a better mlork McÀïa. This is also to be considcred The general concensus wvas that The Board wvould nt interfere. at thîs lime %vith the accoiiodation becing used by the(, Clarke Museum ând Archiives Society but there w)4as a feeling that the, Library wvould have lu expand upstairs sôýmetimne in the future The: lu Orono Wallace Supply Co. (Auto Parts) open their store in Orono tbis week, The local enterprise, own- ed and operated, by Mr, Arnold Wallace and r, Fraser Wallace, carry parts for the Automotive, Farin and Ind-ustrial industry. The store opens on Thursday.. Mr. Wallace- states that they will he carrying a full lime of parts and offers an overnight servict f or parts wbich may flot be in stock in Orono. The business is located on the east side of Main Street ini the business section, the Partner building. They will serve Orono, Newcastle, Clarke Township and other adjacent areas stressing service and quality, states Mr. Wallace., Éoard bas donated the use of the &upstairs for a pei-io d of five years. The librarian reported the Iarg-. est rnonthly circulation yet to be recorded at the Library. Circula- tion in November ran ýover 2550, 1Mr. R3ay Dickson submittcd the financial report for the year whiclî revealed a $120.00 surplus of a budget expenditure of $1 3,473.00. The capital dbtat thý,e edffc' 1971 will rest at $14,00Ô0.00. . T'he Boaird will request fromi the.tnsi for 1972 a mIiII sim- ilar to that of 1971- It is expected that with this' rate the Board should be able to retire its debt over the next ten years as well as taking care of somne expansion, in accommodation. To Start Skiing This Weekend 'l'ie Os hawa Ski Club bopes ta bc in operation hy December '18. Snow-rnaking equîpment was to arrive on December 13tli and al other aspects in conneetion with skiing are ready b go. A incw T-B3ar is in operation as well as a new 200-car parking lot. Numerous other improvements have been undertaken ineluding planting of larger trees and re- gravelling cxisting parking lots. CLARKE HIGUI SCHOOL ENTRANCE PROM 35-115 The Department of Transport and Communications is calling for tenders for paving on High-- ways 35 and 115. Partieular ref- erence is made bo the section ini front o! Clarke High School. It is noted Ihat the plans ealu for extended tapers and widening which will improve the turning situation, R[epresentation bas been made by the- Northumberland and Dur- ham Board o! Education to the Department to extend the taper la front of the Turner property another 50' and flatten the rad- lus on the south side 'of the en- tfance to the sehool. Assurance bas been given that the request wili bie carefully considered. Enjoyable Evening The Senior Citizens enjoyed a very delicious turkey dinner with vegetables and dessert thal were delicious, oun Friday, December loth and served to tbemn by the Rýebekahi Lodge. They also provid- ed them withi Christmas corsages. Mrs. Morris thianked the Rebekahs on bebaif o! the Senior Cilizens and everyone had an enjoyable evening exchanging gifts and play-, ing cards. Charles Reid Re-elected President 0f Kendal Eagles The Kendal Eagles Basebali Club held their annual meeting on Tuesday exening of last week at the New Dutch Oven Restaurant. The dinner and annual meeting was well attended. Mr.. Charles Reid, president of the Club, was ehairman for the evening, conducting a crisp and business-like meeting. The financial report for the year showed receipts of $2,769.68 with expenditures amounting to- $2,577.39 leaving a balance 'of $192.29 as of December lst. Gate receipts for the year were up $200.00 over 1970 due to advance-ý ment to the finals of the Ontario Champîonships. Program advertis-. ing revenue also noted an in- crease from $459.00 to $920,00. Charles Reid, in briefly. review- ing the year's activities , stated that lhough they had lost in their championship bid this year in the final stage lie would like to, re-. mind everyone present thal "there would always be another year - there would aise be an- other Kendal Eagles team and there would always be another Championship."1 .Reeve' John Stone spoke words of praise for the club and Iheir aceomplishments during. the pastl year. Mr. Grant Wade was present- ed witb a desk set for his work with the Club. It was recommended by th.e annual meeting that the Club make a' donation to the Kendal Junior Basebail Club wbich oper- ated in 1971 with a deficit. Messrs. Brian Foster and Fras- er Wallace were nominated for the executîve of the Eastern On- tario Basebaîl Association. Mr. F. Wallace was appointed delegate to the E.O.B.A. Mr. R. Parker was appointed an honourary niember of the Kýendal Eagles Club. Officers and directors for 1972 were elected as follows: 'Roy Foster- General Manager Grant Wade- Asst. Manager Charles Reid- President Brian'Fostcr - Vice President Fraser Wallace - S,2C--Treaisurer Bert Reid, John Mathe'r and Rlaph Kennedy - I)irectors. Receives Valuable Player Award RALPH KENNEDY 1%r. Ralph Kennedy wvas pre- senled with the John Holmaih Most Valuable Player Award Trophy at: the annual meeting of the Kendal Eagles Basebali Club on December 7th. Ralph was -vot- ed this awardl by menibersý of. the team. He was the top Kendal piteber for'the year witb three wins and six losses. H1e gave up 56 bits, 31 walks and took 67 strike outs ln 55 2/3 innings. Pictures 0f Switzerland Enjoyed At. Horticulture Robert Hancock and Curiosity Shop The beauliful country o! Swil- zerland with it's soaring mount- ain peaks and lovely green val-. iceys was brought tu members of the Horticultural Society on Thursday, December 9, by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmid. For Mr. Schmid it was a twenty year wait to retuirn to his native country. Switzerland borders on five di!- ferent countries and four lang- uages are spoken. They travelled on foot, by bus, car and train and Mrs. Schmid said Ihat she noticed that there was no litter anywhere. The vil- lages are close together and they saw many înleresting sighls as they walked along. Haying is very important and although most of it is mechanized, even up ln the mountains, we saw tbem eut- ting with a garden tractor and raking with one horse. The farm homes and barns, joined together, form the villages. Beautifult window boxes were seen everywhere, even where tie; hogs could reach them, fountainsý were adorned with baskets of, flowers and graves ln the cemet-I cries were a mass o! bloom. In touring one of the inany castles they saw red ribbon going from a bed to two cradies so that they could be rocked at night. Many of the churches and casties date back 'to the "1200's. In the Alps, where the young cattie are pastured high up for the summer, sprinkler systems are used lu keep the grass growing. Mr. Schmid had a recording o! an Alphorn, which is 15 feet long, and was formerly used b eall the cattie from the high his. H-omes are built there now so the horns are müainly a tourist attraction. We were given an outside vîew of a huge factory where the larg- est turbines in the world are buill. Tbey were allowed lu visit il be- cause o! Mr. Sehmid's iinterest and his work in the foundry in Bowmanville. Mrs. Scbmids pictures taken from the chair-lifts were breath- taking and it must have been for her lau. Al too soon their joura- ey was over and Mrs. Couvier cx- (Continued on page 4) The Claiký Muum is now ûf) lu]g a na~)e at VFriday. Thïe fsiîsictd ite-p per r m f i (1-ro iry ývas opcae),d aan nTusa ]ad egaihisN omiing Thurday. In the newv year the Miuseumi wHIl be open every Thursday ev- ening. A great deal of interest was, shQwvn last Friday by those la at- Co -rLui gi-1<u! tio ns hy csd b ixeyonL Vo t i ru.,po îbe or the exist- a1ou~withhoursupunhours of fi-c laburdonao i0,ofiteom;. auda eag-efiniancial outlay of $25 00i-sulediin a most inter- üsting ,shIowîng. Ail six roomsq and two haliways have been utilized for the Mus- eum wvith each area having a themeý of its own. These items re- laVe to w ,aviPg, a cucio;ity shop, lbelgfarining, log cabin life and a od-.r cf t-dat hbi tory in tlic -Ib~ o;t of the items on di ia ii efr i Clarke Towvnship and do rit o ,th-eway' of life in cce o~ .The' Museum is open from'6:30 ta 8:30 this Tbursday and at the same lime and day in'Ihe New Year. Treat yoUrself bo an even- ing's outing by visiting thie Clarke Museum in Orono. FGami'ly Chrristmas Party Sunday At OronoAra The Orono Chamber of Com- merce is sponsoring a Family Christmas Party this Sunday aI the Orono Arena with activities for old and young alike. The aet- ivities will aiso inelude a visil from Santa for the younger set. The Family Party, free admis- sion for everyone, gels underway at 2:30 and continues for the next lwq hours. The program a L, include public *skating, a brief demonstration of figure skatinig, carol singing, an 'appearance by the Orono Sehool Banid and a comnie number. There are 10 be prizes galore and hot chocolate and Christmas cake will aiso be served. Santa will arrive, slated Mr. Hazelden, at 3:00 p.mn. with bags of candy for the youngsters.