ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAV,_DECEMBERl5th, -1971- - Kirby iHome And School Kinby Hlome and School Novem- 'ber mieeting features as a guest, r.C. O'Bien, aur Grade 45 teacher. The opening of the pragram was a fo]îk singing medtey, grades 2 ta 6, uln den Mr. O'Brien's direc- tion. Thei- children rehearsed diii- gently through the fait and they seemed to enjoy their presenita- tion as much as the audience. The second section of oun pro. grami, also with Mr. O'Brien, was a glimpse of Dr. John Vanier Sehoots ini France. Mr. O'Brien spent last summner working and guiding a group of retarded ad- Ults, in the famity atmosphere of the sehoots. A smnall grouP of stu- denits, are assignied to a home, and a man anti womanî take care dl themn as father and i other fig. ures. They try to establish a se- cure situationi and teacli their "Ichjîdren"I how to get along in "ýeveryday"I type situations, and perhiaps mnaster a simple task..Mr. O'Brien's group worked for a local Manufacture assembting lamrps. T£he students, besides earn- ing a littie money, had fuît busy days and( a sense of acco0mptislh- Ment. One of thie high Points of the summer for ail concerned was the Otymipie. Games for the Retarded. They arranged ail the pre-game activities, surh as the parade and tordh ceremony, ail the track and field activities, swimming, etc. that are part of ail otympic trials. And, of course, the parties and výictory celebrations which fol- low. It is far from sad to see these "'children" happy andI smiling and it must have been a very reward- ing experience for Mr. O'Brien. The Deemrjben H. andI S. meet- ing will bc held December là,' awc Horticultural, (Continued from page 1) pressed our thanks ta them. Mrs. E. Brown' entertained with Christmas selections on the pi- ano as Mrs. Touchburn had done priar ta the meeting. Mrs. 0. Challice was presented with her Service Diploma. An attractive display of hand- made articles was shown by some of the "Miother'sDay Out" group andI others. Items from the Junior Gardener's Show were al1so dis- played. Mr. 0. W. Rolph donated Christ- won by Mrs. W. Reid, Kirby, Mrs. mias candies, in memory of lis wife, for door prizes which were C. McLaren and Mrs. W. Wood., Mrs. A. Van -den Heuvel judged the Christmas show and we were poleased ta have Mrs. Swann asa new exhibitor. 1-lomemade candie - Mrs. Tans- Iey, Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Swann Gift Box - Mrs. Tansley, Mrs. Zegers, Mrs. Swann, Mrà. G. Wat- son. Door decoration- Mrs. Chap- man, Mrs. Tanrsley, Mrs. Zegers Mrs. Schoenmnaker. Coffee tab)le arrangemnent - Mrs. Tansley, Mrs. E, IBrown, Mrs. G, Watson. Christmnas Card - Mrs. Tansley, Mrs. Zegers, Corrne Zegers. Christmas sang or canal - Mrs. 'R. Chapman,' Mrs. Swann, Mrs. Zegers. Thursday evening, at 7 p.m. This >is the annual Christmas concert, ail the chidren from Kindengarten' to Grade 8 wilt be involved. Ev- eryone is welcome and a White Gift for, the- Salvationr Army aould be appreciated. Fîrst Federail Grant Approved IR Area- On December 10, 1971, North- umberland-Durham M.P. Russel C. Iloney announced the approval of the first grant in his Riding under the federal goverament Local Initiatives Program ta cre- ,ate winiter empiiloyment. 11 The project was approved for the Cobourg Y.M. - Y.W.C.A. and will create five (5) jobs this winter in the study and develo,,- ment of recreational'antie,,' tional programs, for the reta 3ed. The amount of the federal rani. is $15,126.00 Mr. Iloney said that "UnQ"-r the Local Initiatives Prograni, i non1- profit orgaî!ization -or group of private citizens, or a municipal ojr territorial governmirent imay ,- tain a federal rî ca : $500,000. ta create projects which,- P,,x-iue substantial new emplcy-. iient andI which have a' signîfi cant effect on the overail bettrr- ment of a community. The r gram is administered by thc 1e- partment, of Manpower andIm migration as part of the Flr Government's over ýýpeciaII Em ploymcnt Plan." C"Commerce Growth Savîngs Cetificales. I like to give a gift that I would like to have for myself "Same people just dont You can cash them in anytime think enaugh about Christmas you want and after six manths. presents, But I've always tried receive inte rest too. Commerce ta get gifts that1 think are Growth Savings Certificates right. Sa often 1give make a good Chrstmas present. Commerce Growth Savings They're easy ta get and, Certificates. t only casts people appreciate them.They're $681î for a certificate that will called the gift that graws." grow vta $1000 in six years. You caný buy as many as yau want, even fl yau dont have C BANF A.NAD IAN IMPERIAL IK 0F COMMERCE. Announcing GRAND Wallace OPENING SuplyC o. (Auto Parts) Serving the Automotive, Kadustrial, Parm tTraie in the NEWCASTLE, -ORONO, CLARKE 'TOWNSHIP AND AREA MAIN STREET ORONO Automotive - Indostrial - Form PHONE 933-5614 Poins -Parts - bools - Accessories - Equipme.t ~-H -'-1 j 1