ORONO WEEKLYTIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER l5th, 1971 A piro )'n gof 'the Or- non IX u anad Archives took piaoet) cnv 10t))whun al tho. c w; n ii ured tow ards makç- ing 1h 111 a ~sh ov place for the h' neof tne pïon: -rs ini- il I r guesJs tho-e holding ofih! th)munuîipahity. Som-' of i a ~ adig w re Mr. and M AurrenîfFrs MuP P.: ofi John inc 311r. and Mrs. Ted ood'arJ, Mr. anid Mrs. Roy Forresi ' r, P1-v and Mrs. B. Long an d IE.e. and iXie.. Il R. Hlayne. Tii re were several in old fashioned costumes. The Museurn was' officia'ly opened by Mr. Don Tanslcy, President of the Orono Ilistorical Society' and 'by the v.hairmaný of the Library Board Mr. Roy Forrester.- The guests found the' fivýe roorns which depict a log cabin, agriculture in pioneer days,, lumbering, weaving, arcliiv- esand an old curiosity shop, rnost interesting. Many pictures were taken which wij]l be shown at "the centennial of ttie rono Museurn". At least that is what the photographer promlised. A soigi hur was enjoyed. lIe pu)blic are invited Tuesday 'liff Thursday evenings of this week fromn 6:30 until 8:30. In the New Ycae ir will be open each Thursday evening. Last Friday evening, December 10, a basebail banquet was held' at Noone 's Restaurant. Each year -ône lad is chosen as the rno't val- uable playýer on the Junior tearns. Trhis cear Donnie Dennîs, a player on te Pee Wee tearn was chosen ,Mid presented with the John Stark Meino1(rial Trophy which he holds lor one year, with his narne in- sCrfibed oni i. He is given a small troffhy ich ei he mnay keep. The preenatin asmade by Terry Next Stinday is White Gif Sun- .'];Y in Kendal Churcli. The chilà- ren are asked to bring a gift of 01o1eY tb* help the poor children ofhewor]d. Sorry to report that Mr. Tom Septic Tanmk service 'GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUX SERVICE Tlhe.983-5726 ROY THOeuMPSON Ph,.. 983-575S All Carpeatry Work PeaieIlng Kltehea Cuphoards We baild frein the fotndation 3P. CIENERAL REPAIES Phbone 938-5249 Ores. fins i ~ ataken tb Bawmnanviîie i iJ pfa la,[ W ýdnesday mo niing 8)cmhr1,h because of a hearct a1tuekJfriHe Pa bwt a rn w tionie north of Mrl. Ar t Jow's on the i ighih c(01 e5J o71- We \wish huei 1 speedy w Covery. hi~ ~ -othnot at the Dutlh Ovcn oni Tur.uday evining, Dec. 7. Tlie pr ii id a op' o 1h e nîost i alixaine player Ralph Ken-~ riedy. Ralpli pitelies for the Eag- 1é î , ho canu. v ttiiin o- c î n-i o i o Ontario charnpionship this sf a.on. 1Kendal Sunday Sclîoo-î Christ- mnas Tree will be lield on Monday evening, D)E, emiber 20 at 7:30 p.rn. Afi er a short) program Mrs. E. Schinid will show bcer coloured slides on Switzerland which she visiteci this summier. AI] are wel- corne. Congratulations to Mrs. M. E. Foster whose ecithty-fifth birthday was on Sunday, December 12. It was a double icelebration as her grandson, Roy Allen Foster vas 12 years old on Saturday, Dec. 11. They had one celebration on Sunday at the Jiome of her son Roy. Ann Foster carne home from Western University to attend. In November when her son Bernard was here froin Tennessee they had a gathering of' the clan. She bias nine children, forty-one grand- childTea and seven great grand- children. We hope you may enjoy, many rnore birthdays with your farnily, "Grandrna" Foster. At $1043;a can Poppycoc'k> ISN'T PEANUTS - iTS Pccns, Almonds Pepcorn in a truly deicious butter crunch A TREAT FOR THE WHOLE' FAMILY From $1.25, and up Gifts by Kodak THAT LAST and LAST CAMERAS PROJECTORS FILM and FLASH LAMPS Zippo LIGHTERS $3.95, up PAPER MATE PENS PHONE 983-5009 graduate,, are "trýavelling" the world. 0f the 1380 grade 12 and 13 graduates, only 17 arc (bing lOjis. For Ahie fir.stlirme iii severaî ycears a significanit numb- r of 'radujates ire iitt' odîn g univers- ty ii i US.A. a ut i)ioad. 1mw- i Vf 11,1 s i ud0(1 ut attenu Ont- ario 'umlîversit ies w'ihh Guelph> GetingJobs The oefitsn the annual Guid- once surve&y tPl wherc the gradu- aI es go fi ni North umberland anuJ Durfian Cooalty Secondaî;y tchools have cleariY shown 'most gradu- at.ts arc flot tiicmo!o) t d. 0f the 3u98 Grade 13 graduates frorn the tee Sccondary Sciiooîs, 81% went on to sime kind of ad- vanced edncatioîu this yeor while the majoiity of the reiraining group found empinymeut. At the Grade 12 lexie], haîf -of the 982 graduates. went on to Grade 13 and 188 others took an. other forrn of advanced éducation. Another 201 graduates found em- ployrnent. 0f the Grade 13 graduates only 2% -are uneînployed and. of tite Grade 12 graduates only 8.5% which is- the lowest numnber of unernployed graduates for several years. A number of those gradu- ates who are presently unernploy- ed are awaiting adhmission intoa specific type of advanced educa- tion or are "travelling." The survey also shows that a surprisingly srnahl number of DESIGNEO TO BE TREASURFO ANYWHERE ln step with todaây's credit card society . -A variety of creclit card'creations bo sat7- y any personal wish. In an assortmient ý"leathers and colors. -i-Fold, $5.0; Attache', $600; Credit Carc' oney Clip, $5.00; Showcard Billfold (n s iown), $5.00; Envoy (not shown), $500; Credit Card Credential (not shown), $6.00.. ~1/L Waterloo, Queen's. Western fiand Trent bcing by, far theienost 'po- tilar. Followilig the patternl set o'ver lhe, past few years students con- tinue bo enrol in the Colleges of App lied Arts and Technology mlith Sir San dford Fleming, Loyal- ist and Durham bcing the most p ojtul or. FUEL OIL STOVEý OIL Phone 668-3341 -CelIect, For the Maie Animal, SHULTON Ahove: Gift Set consisting of Super Smnooth 1 Shave, After Shave Lotion, Cologne andf .Man-Power deodorant SETS SINGLE ITEMS YAIRDLE'Y ORIGINAL or BLACK LABEL Fragrances for 'Her' by >SHULTON YARDLEV BLUE JEANS TWEED HAIR BRUSHES from $2.00 up Pani-H s GIFT PACK 4 pair plus $3.8 ORONO, ONTARIO ON 'lX PREMIUM QUALITY DX FUEL 011 For Prompt Courfeous Sexwice CaRU s Today CARLTON CARDS,,and GIF? WRAP PHARMACY