O.,ONO WEEKLY TIMES, WLU-'NZ,3AY, DEEBE f4tlYi Pur quallty and service leaves nothing to bc desired Ak the person who bought from u, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street' PORTHOPE Largest dfisplkay in Southern cnarie R. C. SLEE Bowmanvmie, Ont. Phone 623-3383 -P1MPING OUT SE1PFIC TANKS Bert Tompkins WANT ABS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 pan. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 9835301 See Milisn Insurance Agency Ail classes of oersonal and Commercial Coverazes O.lc:Man sSt, Orünu 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 OMM,- Ob REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIRS LIBRARY iTOiURS The Clarke Library will bc closed Friday, Decemnber 24th; Saturday, Decembèr 25th; Monday December 27th, Friday, Decembei' 31st 'and January lst. a-c PLUM91ING and HEATING Sales ad Service !4 HlOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low înterest Rates Phone. Tyrone 263-2650 Enjoy Fresh APPLES: Red and Golden Delicions, Maclntosh and many other varieties. Bose and Flemish Beauty Pears FRESH APPLE CIDER FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Highway 115 South of Orono Phone 983-5628 NOTICE AnnualChrisrnas ve Service at Leskard CucFia night, 7:30 p.m. Everyone we1come. a-c NOTICE Undcr the Provisions of the E nvironental Protection Act, 1971 Notice is hiereby given that it is intended to apply to the De- partrnent of the Environmental fora certificate of approval for a Land Fi11 Site, located at Lot 6, Concession One, Township of Manvers, County of D)urham. H-ale's Dispsals W. J. Hale c-52-c Sun-Fllled Ilolidays by Deluixe Motor Coach FLORIDA- Ma.umy 4epr.ture dates.- Choice of 10ý , 6, 20or 21 day tours. Ailtorsin,cIude -Disney Worlil. O0, oe to Mardi Giras in 'New{rias Priced as low a 110 per per- son. CALIFORNIA- 23 Day tusdeparting on Feb. l9th, ApriI 8th, October 14th. Priced from $'360.00 per ýperson MEXIC- 23 days. Departing April 8th For Brochutre contact: Trentway Tours Ltd., Box 772 Peterborough Phone 143-8181 d-50c SNOW PLOWING Contact Orono Landscaping for snow plowing. Dependable service Phone 983-5598. WORK WANTIED Marshnxan Brou. Floor C.. spee1aIng la Maehine and Hand Trowelied Diustieu. Concre. loors Wanted Dead or Crippled Fann Stock PICKED UP PFRGMP*UTLY Taeohoe Ceilet e3-28-311 Margwili Fur Farm Lia.... Ne. 28-C-70 Phone 786-2552 j j I j,--.'. __________________ o Bull ing a flouse? ~r I '< or remodulliug your pruient oua, thun outuet -I '<j ~2 j .5 Phono 983-5040 ORONO 4 1~ I (1fR ST ti AS (REETINGS A MERIIY CHWRST-MAS AND A IIAPi<Y NEW VEAR TO NEIGH3OURUS AN-) FR1FXND LIL' Wki would Uk t< opportunity to -.;Wl h0 frîýids and iuei- A MERRV CHEI AND A IHAPPY NEW Ilazel and EverE WISIIING RELATIVE AND NEIGHiI A 31ERRY CHIR AND A HIAPPY NEW CHIARLES RUTH] To alniy Friends Customers A VERY MERRY C' AND A HIAPPY NEW SHIRLEY BLACK Phone 983-5024 Courteous Service Local or Long Distance Trips Day or Nîght Albert Munneke, Prop. announces the opening of the NEW WINTER TERM on MONDAY, JANJAIRY 3, 1972 offerlng FIVE JOB-ORIENTED DAY SCHOOL COURSES front which to choose: Business Administration Course Secretarial Course Stenographie .Course Clerk-Typist Course Accounting Course These include individual in. struction, Reasonable Tuition and Job Placement Assistance for Graduates Enrolment ini the above Courses is Limited HaIfflay Courses for Bouse-, wives. Attend either mornings or afternoons Mon. to Frlday. Take up to four ssubjects: Forkner Shorthand, Refireshepr Cour sl _ it', or Gregg Short - .nTpnTpn for u ol~~uu BUsh'ess- la IePyol Atcoui- g ThIere IS a togdm dfr mature wonI ubuies Train now to Iita dmn For complete detals, Dial I 728-0052 iam As 1 urîte this Report, we are nearing the end of this session, l'arliarn.ut will. probably rise a~ bout 1Jc rnber 23rd, 1971 fo ter- minate what I believe will be, aft- er some 2,10 days iof sitting, the cý,oud longest iie; <on ln Car ivia.'s I istory. The only noticeable signs of ýY RIDDELj. Christrnas on Parliarnent Hili are a-p the large brightly lighted Christ- mas trees that grace the lawns. tak« this The debate on the tax refoirrn bit, or reivest which is uow through the Bouxse g dies of Conimons, and is being studi(ied ISTMAS by the Senate, has been long and at times, bitter. As I have men- 7 YEAR tioned in previous reports, 1Illthk VEAR the Ifouse of Commons, afte-r sorne ett Stapleton 50 days of debate, was required toý _________make, a decision on the legisia- tion. To prolong the debate ber :S, FRIENDS yond the end of the year would1 'OURS have resulted in littie but conf<us- ion, and indecision for Canadian ISTMAS taxpayers. This has 'been a husy year for VEAR' me with the responsibilities as 'ERÈORD Deputy Speaker of the.. House of ERFORDCommons in addition to rny iusuaà a-c dutiesý as'your Member of Parlia-. ment. The Deputy Speakership, and Avon bas been rewarding lu the sense s ~~of the, exporiencie which I have ob-' taîned and, More partîculariy so, 'HRISTVAS if 1 have been able,1 as presiding officer lu the Bouse of Comons,' to assist in the order]y flow of- VEAR debate. My experience with mny constit,_ P uent s continues to bu an enjoy'- able and rewar.ïingý onu Th fml titude of _rbensrelre and sîesal u i eyir conccsned, aem is roiy Those that resbcttson tion wcsi dNa .t Iuh nf. cveiy constituent cu hogrant-. cd however. Iu these cases neyer-. thciess, the facts were exPiored, the circumsta ices discu, sed with the resPonsible authorities and the reasons explaîned fo the con-' stituents. While at the timne of svriting this Report, the date on which Parliament will corne hack after the New'Year bhas not been'set, I arm hopeful that we will be in re- cess Mnost of January. This will give mne an oPportunity to, spend rnost of the month in the Riding. 1 hope to see many of,.my col,- stituents Personally ý-in January. Until then, and to those r do no( qsee, rny wife Anne,ând our daugh, tors joiplu iiwishîig 11ailae Christmlas, andI gond heaith ancý hap.pi.ne-ss in the,-NewYer IN MEMOR1IAM3 HEPPLESTONE-Ân lov7iingmeuitj ory of ýa dear father anidgraiidl ,father, Harry Sr< wo. passed aa<December 190), 197o., TRUST Whnlife's -patt'Imay is shiadowed, And the clark clouds djip Lo\v, And the winds of misfortunie, And adversity blow. What a comfort to trust, Th*ough we doni't understand, In the safety and guidance 0f a loving >God's Baud. Sadly missed and lovixlgly re- membered by ,daughte;r letty, and family. CARD OF TIIANKS I would like to thank everyone, for get muil cards, gifts, visits etc, du.i-ing ny recc 4 . stay iu Bow- mraville and 1 4erborough Hos- pÎte' 1lU siliwouid especi- aiý1 'y'-, tii fi k ur friends, '-a;- ' iJ gibours for talc i xg -,re of, the' (ildren and ma ny acts of inducos and to vwîsh cach and 6eryone a Merry Chist- mias and Ha'ppy fNew Year. Also > nauy thauks to Doctors and Nur- ses and Staff of Hospitals. a-P Marie West, Organ-T ectronie, w feet conditfi Phone 885 FOR SALE FOR SrMVE Tbornas (2) Manual El WAXED TURNIPS b r)(I I il ) i Ii i l l OT ARPR Van t fnsi e- - $2.25 per bushel ]Ïtll - hio o iJ )()sI '.lrn', . ion fnish ll pr . Van flattum, R. t. 2, Oro-io, ?sýj ýH .011 a> 300 yds. west from Ilwy. 115 and Northumnberland - Duri ý523J8. Port Hope. 35 on Liiskard lb d. t f A- Intedor Exterior CHARLE R~IDORONO ELECTRIC CHARLE . RË".D.,,, He rb and Gerry Duval Orono's Licensed , 9350 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Auctioneer and Valuator ELECTRIC HEATING Specialie1 in Farm and <'j ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE Furntur S-iesT.V. -COLOUR T.V., and dates RCA PHIONE ORONO 983-5914 ELECTROHOME _____________GUABANTEED SERVICE Monumeants and YOIJR INSURANCE HIEADQUARTERS MAIN STREET, ORONO ~ae uIlaIreo For Dependable Service 983-5115 After Hlourq arud Week-ends 983-933011 WATSON'S Marine and' Cycle PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Miouette 8now Mobgle McCudIoeh CHAIN SAWS Repalrs te ai makes of Lawn Miowers an4 Z and 4 cycle ALLOUETT SNOWMOBILES .1 Box 133 Phone 668-3552 Staflord Brothers Lulited Manufacturr cemetery eêil 318 Dna tetNi WHITBY, ONTAIM afternioons 2:30 te 5:00 1m saturday 10:00 te 12:00 a-ML ------------ -.ýe