ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1971 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES S«Gi ca m müBeâm aea imboemu IPbust" e ey et q them eda Sf wum Russell C. Honey, Q.C., M.P. Northumberland - Durham A $150,000,000 small farms de- velopment program which will have great significance in our area was announced this week by the government. The program is aimed at the small farmer who wants to stay in farming, but lacks sufficient acreage to develop a profitable business. Through a gram, farmers special credit the land they viable farms. land tranisfer pro- wili be able to use facilities' to buy require to develop Technical assistance will be provided under a federal-provinc- ila agreement which is currently being negotiated, in meetings of a recently-established technical committee. The program will also benefit those farniersý who choose to re- tire or quit farniing. Farmers who seli small farms will qualify for an adjustment grant which will be added to the selling price of their land. They can take the' grant either lnaa lump sum or as an annuity. They wil have the option, of retaining their farm home and an appropriate surrounding piece of land for as long as they wish. 1The federal gov erment lias earinarked $150,000,000 for the first seven years of the program. E conomnic forces have driven thousands 'of farmers off the land and into the cities and, at the same time, have promoted the evolution of big farms requiring a high level of investment in land, machinery, livestock and build- ings. While there is a need for some farrn consolidation to take place, it would be unwise to allow the domninationi of agriculture by a current trends to resuit in the haudfufl of giant corporate farms. Unless we develop new and workable programns, there are many farmers in Canada and, in- deed, entire rural communities, that will be threatened if this trend should develop further. Economic studies and practical experience suggest that the fam- ily' farm is the best type of farm, and it is in this context that the govemnrent lias developed a com- prehensive profram to help the srnall farrneu; of Canada to devel- op piofitaI)Ic faimily farms. De of good cheer .. Chri stinas- Ls here! Hazve a happy holiJ4y Ottawa Report 6G1FITS BOXED CHOCOLATIIS TIMEX WATCHIES for Men and ladies WATCH RANDS BILLFOLWS ELECTRIC SHXAVERS BltIGHAMI PES CIGARETTES ma" TOBACCOS MATTS BILLIOARD"S ami ,Bobershop Orea, Ont Orono Building Contractor Brick - Bekck-Coerete Stono Work Carî>eatry, Cabinet W orlx- Floors - Tue 983-5441 ORON REALt ESTATE' Z34 Kiug Street EastL Bowmanvilie 6'-"-3393 : Toronto 923-9174 Po-rt Hope office 88545U For promPt, eeUrteoffl, effld- ent service when buyiRg o selling and fer the largegutel. ection of prqwrties l13UMe ares contact Orono Aresa Repregelatatives Roy Poster 983-5801. William Turansky (Kendal) 983-42 RaY Finnie 277'-2'" (Beth61y The Honey Farnily ANNE, RUSý,, RISA gnd ROMAINE o-RI END LY 1 srr ................. rrv Lrbristmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eetîàigs =d sincere c", wishes for a holicicry season full of the warinth. of a good, old-fashioned ChrIstmai n Ale x. Carruthers, M.Ip P. and family May the true spiAtual meanirg of Chrîstmas gla, 7.17 m your'holýâzlay and enrich w wwi