ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDYAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1971 CORNISH'SOrene, Ont. FREE DRAW on a TURKEY GRADE 'A' Twenty Pound - on December 24th With Any $2.00 Purchase of Meat COME JOIN THE FUN AND ENTER OFTEN E. NEWELL, LESKARD - Our First Turkey Winner SEP, OUR DISPLAY FOR LOW PRICES T U R KE Y S -Burns Fully cooked, shot shank, Smoked HaMS Burns, Mil, Seasoned Skinless WIENERS lb. 55c skinless, butt 59c TENDER -JUICY Rmuup or Round Steak Reast Ilbo 1i BUTY 0F THE WEEK! MAPLE LEAF ,Rindless BACON ILbM. pkg. ç5 Maple Leaf, mild seasoned 'Pure Pork1 Just ileat and Serve, füuiy cooked, smoked Sausage Meat lb. 3901 lians Slues l,,b. 5c BEST BUY! H"AMS Maple Lo-ifCann.d, Midget 1' lb. fin$.4 Feature - Sunspun Brand 32 oz. jar Salad Dressing 55c BEST BUY! 50 foot rol SARAN WRAIP 33e Féature! - Plain, Garlie, Polski 24- oz. jar .Rose Brand Dilis 1 39c. BEST BUY! ROASTED NabohCoffee 1 lb. bag 79c Dish Washing Detergent, lOcý coupon in. ea. pkg. ýCalgonite 20 oz. 59ec Feature - OCEAN SPRAY Cranbebrry Coc ktail 24 oz. 39t, ORONO COACHE OVER 31IDGETS The Oronio Coaches took on the Oronio Midgýets last week and came out oni top by a score of 7-4 with the laýst Midget goal being a fre(Ie gift 'When Morris Mitchell in the coaches goalý threw the puck inito bis own net after making a good ean catch on a hot drive. The Orono Coac hes goals were scored by Jerry Garnet, for two, Russ Major for two and single counters to John Witheridge, John Goforth and John Mather. Assists went to Junior West, John Math- er, Ken Yeomans, John Boots, John Witheridge and Russ Major. Ranmdy Eastabrooks and Nico de Jongle %were again outstanding Migeflayers with a goal and an assist each. Li Brennan scor- ed the tiird lMidget goal wilth Bon Baitie b)eing- credited 'with the fourth. Steven Boyd picked up an assist on the Eastabrooke goal. Orono, Sports There lias been a great deal of hockey, both exhibition and league games, played at tthe Or-. o no A renà during the, past week. Local Orono teams wvon the two league ýgamies played on the local ice surface to enhance the stand- ing lof the Orono Atorns and the Pee Wee Flyers. IN EXHIlBITION In exiition inlay the Orono Tykes nmet some stiff opposition from an Oshawa team who took a 7-1 victory. The lone Orono goal was scored byv Terry lledges with assists credite-d to I)uane Ma loi and Steven Stec. PEE WEE ATHLETICS WIN Milan Popadicli with two goals led bis teàm, the Athietie Pee Wees to a 3-1 win over a team f rom Bowmanville. Greg Uickey, scored the other Orono goal in the, exhibition encounter. Ian Moffat and John Malda were cred-, ited with assists. Later in the week the same Athletics were defeated 2-1 by a Bowmanville Pee Wee squad. Mark Charland assister by Tom Gustar scored the Orono counter. PETERBOROUGIH BLANK ORONO BANTAMS The Orono Bantam Club were kept off the score sheet *by Peter- borough inl a recent exhibition game. David Armstrong, formner ly of Orono,.now 'res'iding in Peter- boroughi, assisted on one of the Peterboroughi goals. LEAGUE GAMES The Orono Atoms added two points to their standing when they defeated Newcastle 2-0. The two Orono goals were by Michael Mitchell and Wayne Mac- Lean wîth assists to Peter Phîlp and Bobby Myles. ORONO FLYERS TAKE BIG FUGE The Orono Pee Wee Flyers took a big 8-2 victory over Newcastle Pee Wees over the weekend. Scott West paced the local boys with two goals and an assist. Paul Yeomàns followed with a goal and an assist as' did :Robert Grant. The other goals were by Doug Hancock, Brian Copc,- Math- ew Robinson, and Brett Mewell. Stephen llaynes picked up two assists with Charles Quantrili gaining one. John Stone, Reeve, Township of Clarke W illiam ýC. Hall, B. Comm.: Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wedhesday and Saturday Obristmnasý Flewers TIMEX WATCHES for men weuien WATCH BANDS . WALLETS RECORDS-. TAPES' CANDLES - YARNS CUPS and SAUCERS LIGHTERS -TOBACCOS CIGARETTES -CHOCOLATES iddletons ORONO, ONT. Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION and- LATITE WORK 8amn. -_te - 5 p. Ilonday through Saturday PHIONE 983-5760 Dr. W. RKentDDS Bewuianvilie Profesalonal Rldg M 2King st. E. - suite lof Office HNur: 1Weekdaygu 9 te 6 Ezee«Pt Wedueaay After.eu. TeepoeU, 0234P BOB eYEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Heur Service New Installations - Alterations Re pairs Speclalilg lu Mot Water Heatlug Ferced Air Heating Septie Tank Work Ki.1 OTon 9983-562" Yv"E N EZ11A RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 %mile Southi of Orono PHONE 989-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Speclallzlug la Piz'za - Meals Mueo Week-End Specials r OLD-PASHIONED WVJit thks for your many favors and redhpwe extend our heartfelt wishes that your holidays mnay be rich c "hejys of a real old-fashioned Christmas. of 'Commerce Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Box 92 Newtonvlile, Ontarte Telephone 734.2921 Box 61, Port Hope, OmUtrle TelePhene 852 . ....... ......