ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22ud, 1971 KIRBY NEWS Mr. Douglas Harris has finished bis course in Toronto. MrU. and Mrs. Ken Bail, along with Mr. and Mrs. Laverie Patter- son, MWiss Susan Bail and Mr. aid MrBruce Mercer and Keniny, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests cf Mr. aid Mrs. Hloward Staeleton, Oshawa. Phono -983-5536 FOR Chritma Dinn mer, NOONE'S HOTEL and RESTAURANT Lic iied DlinfflLounge ,Pupils from Grade six, seven and eight of Kirby Centennial School enjoyed a trip to the O'.. Keefe Centre, Toronto on Wed-, nesday. We were sorry to hear that Miss Mariion McKelvey and Miss Cath- erne Stewart met with an accid- ent coming out of Mr. Fred Gma- ham's, Friday in the fog. Marion suffered a broken arm and is in Bowmanville Hospital and Katie a broken leg and is in Oshawa Hospital. The sehool auditorium was packed on Thursday evening to see and hear the concert. The children and the teachers are to be congratulated on the fine pro- gramme. There was a very good attend- ance at Church on Sunday to hear the Christmas message. Visitors at the service were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Henderson, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. -Bruce Mercer and Kenny, Oshawa and Miss Janice Ruthierford, Toronto. Many froin the 'church service remained to enjoy the programme put on by the Sunday School. The childrén ail received a gift and a bag of candy freux the Sunday Sehool. HAPPY HOLIDAY HOSTESS GOWNS DRESSES PA," SUITS PANT COATS KIJACKETS PANTS and TOPS SWEATERS SKIRTS WATCHES FASHION JEWELLERY GLOVES and MITTS IIHAND BAGS BELTS SCARF SETS SLIP and PANIE, SETS HOUSE COATS PEIGNOIR SETS NIGUTGWS HOT PANT P.Jl's Open tIi«J untl Xnua y ASHION LONGSRNR M- F JEW- 5x7 Csleur F EE clrgm With every roll of Kodacolour Film bronght in for proeesaing hehween December 1'lUi and January lth, 1972 Stutt's Pbarm aoy This Friday evening Leskard is holding Îheir annuai candie light service. Kirby choir wiil provide tthe mueic. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lowery aid Richard, Scarborough were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Lowery aid Mr. and Mrs. Hartwell Lowery. Miss Janice Rutherford, Tom- onto spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mms. Sid Ruther- Orono Fuel él Lumber Archie, Margerite and staff Rahm's Garage WilliamC. Rabm Mercer's ',arage Roa, Harryand Jean ford. I wouid Ilke at tthis time té thank ail whro provided me 'with news this past year and to wish each and everyone a Vemy Merry Christmas and a Happy NewYear._ Hamiltons Insurance Sue, Sadie and Jim Matt's I3arbershop Nel and Matt Middleton's Côn fec. SWilda and Jake Floyd Nicholson T imes. Change' but Christmas te- day la the same as always. h la not te ýbe feund la shops nor hi gits but hi the heart and i the givlng of ourselves - whlch la the best glft of ail. Wlshhig yeu happîness net only at Christmas but every day of the New Year. Stutt's Phamrnacy Townshlp of Clarke 'Whereas "Boxig Day"' fails on Sunday, Decemàber 26th, 1971 aid whereaa the Inter- pretation Ae, Chap. M2, R.SO. 1970 recites as foilows: ",When any holiday faDa on a Sun- day, the day nextt ollowhig is Jh lieu thereof, a holiday."1 Whereasata a meeting of mcnil of the Township of Clarke it was resolved that M.ntday, Deeniber 27tb, 1971 be aid the same hereby affixed as a CIVIC, HOLIDAY Therefore to make known that in compliaice with the aforesaid resolution I do hereby proclaim Monday, December 27th, 1971, "BOXING DAY"' as a clvic h#»ldy. JOHN STONE, Reeve, Township of Clarke TO WISH YOU -A JOYFUL JN'eSELU S L et us remember, as we celebrate His birth, thaf our duty to mankind is ever growing iîn a world that gropes for peace and understanding. With trust in Him ,... and with the spirit of love, we must renew our faith and dedicate our efforts to accomplish that ideat. n'377