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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1971, p. 4

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3th, 1971 Keidul News Mrý Robert Youngman is in Oshawia General Hlospital follow- ing ani operatian on'lis knee. We understand that Mrs. Youngman and th e girls are staying in Osh- awa with her parents for a few days. We wish Bob a speedy re- eovery. The attendance at Church on Sunday was very small, partly due, no doubt, ta the fact that some fanmilij s were holding Christ- nmas, wbîle thers like Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wagar and chiidreri were spending Christmnas with bis parents and ber parent iu tbe Belleville area. Miss Ann Foster was at the organ. Rev. T. Sncl, grave told thLe childreu ,tbe story of a boy with a verse in his bat. One morning bis father read tbe Christmas story from tbe Bible, Young Ednm.und went out ta the stoney b ilîside to watch tbe sbeep. As bie tbougbt about the angeis caming ta the shepherds tthat first Cbristmas night, a beautiful verse came ta bis mind. He repeated it over and over, tben be tbougbt lhe' would write. it down lest bie forget but he had no pencil or paper. H1e saw a wbite cbalky stone at bis feet, that would do for a pencil, but what couid be write' an. He tbougbt lbe could 'write on tbe black lining of bis ,Cap. Wben bie came bome tbat nigbt lbe read it to bis parents. They could hardly believe that Edmund bad written it. "Well", be said, "ta - prove that 1 wrote it, fll -write another verse." lis parents ade cplans ta 'send hlm away ta H1,igh Schoot. 1He became a Minister. You can sing the Cbristmias Carol bie wrote: No. 58, "lIt Came Uý 'pon the Midnigbt Clear, That-ý Gloriaus Sang of Old". Tbe boy waýsPEdmund Hamilton Sears. The sript),urýeraigwslk 2; verses 10 ta 19. MrI. SnIelgrove'-s suebjeýct was "Whaiit imadýfe tne Shepherds11oofupli Shepheds cudtake tîime otforw,-orship. Abrabm, Iaac and Jacob were- shepherd. Moses w\as a shepherd. Whien GOd calied hlmi from- the burniing bu,_sh ýta lead bis people ouit of Eyt David wvas -a shep- berd wben h wrote and -sang thePsl. Thiey are humble, biard working nj. Gad' is concerned about al!il le. These shepherds knewtbeyno langer faced life aTone. Tbeýy hd eprecda big surprise. There was a great mystery of God's Son becoming ai ittle cbiid. Tbey joyfuily enter- ed juita the presence af God. Tfiere wvas new meaning and pur- pose and joy lu their life. They returned glorifying God, sa it is for us ta experience tbe jay-of Christmas and teli others of is love for m'ankýind. Thie Kendal Womien's Institute metý at thie home of Mrs. William Mercer on December the 15tb witb eleven mnembers present. Mrs. J. lïendersoni openied the meeting witb the singing- of the Ode. Mrs. Low read the minutes and Mrs. H, Foster gave the financial re- port. Ten dollars was ta be given ta the Sick Chiudren's Hospital. Miss C. Stewart and Mrs. H. Fost- er volunteered ta go and purchase the fruit for the shut-in boxes and for the Sunday Scbool candy bags. These were ta be packed at the home of Mrs. H. Foster by tbe village members. Later Mrs. R. Elliott and Mrs. Foster deliver- ed tbese ta the shut-in folk in Or- ana, Bowmýanviiie and Oshawa. The rail caîl was 'Name your Fav- ourite Christmas Carol!' Tbis Gather Al 1the Facts Flrst One of the first rules of mak- ing a gaod decisian is ta, gather ail ayailable facts together. Once this is done, an individual can start tbe decision-making process. The Guidance Services of the Northumberland and Durhbam County Board of Education recog- nize tbat any deciîon to be made by an individual ca n only be made by that persan himself; however, much assistance can be given ta the, persan. One of the prime ways the Guidance Services helps students, is to ensure that accurate, up-to-date facts are available. Therefore as Grade 8 students face the decision over the next 5 months, of what course to choose in Grade 9, they will receive considerable assist- ance. In addition ta receiving a, capy of "What's New For You", which explains the credit systeni, the level system, subject promo- tians, etc.' and outlines steps for making a decisian, each Grade 8 student will receilve a copy of "Oppartunities for Graduates" and a co py af "What Are Those Sec- ondary Subjects AiÀl About?" "Opprtunities For Graduates" Out- lines the educational opportunît- les for graduates of the variaus Secondary Scbhool courses, wbie the "Subjects" bookiet tells the student the purpose of each sub- ject in Secondary Schoi, and gen- erally outliles what it consists of. "We are extremeiy proud of Our Grade 8 educational Guidance Program in Northumberland and Durham counties," commented Terry Hawkins, Co-ordinator of Guidance. "First, we ensure that the students get the facts, then we give themn an opportunity tcW have ciass discussions and infor- mation lessons. Next we arrange for each student ta have his ques- tions aaswered and an opportun- ity ta have a personal interview with his Guidance Caunsellor,' Meetings are arranged for par- ents ta become informed as well and students are învolved in a variety of 6ther projects ta en- sure that they are ready and able' to make the decisions they face.. Informed people make gaod deci- sians and it's one of the basic- services of a good Guidance pro- gram ta provide the needed im. formation." Things you should know aboutEl 1VOU N-%V OMUNED GOV'ý"E NMENT PLAN The new -Ontario Hea!th Insurance Plan,ý" will provide al:«th-e coverage now available to you under both OHSIP and Ontaria Hospit;,al Insurance. And it wviilId so at a Iower combined premium tihan you now pay for the two 0sepazratLe plans, The iew preiUmswllbe yble in 1Janay Si97,Zad there-afÎ,er; t o cav eýb e ne ft perd s beinig o o at p r îIl ,f 92. Thes e newp r emium--s w e: $1100 a -moth fori ë g e personan ci2.0 month for afmiy( or m-ore el:igib[e persons) REF--,ES "OHSIP"AN D"OTAIOHOPIALIURNE"F The Ontario Health Insurance Plan wviil replace the OSP(mnedical) and Ontario Hospital _-.ce plans as of next April 1, and you will then hv only: *one plan todeal wvith; oone health insurance identification card; *one health insurance number (your former Ontarioa Haspital Insurance number);- *one combined premnium ta pay. If you now have Ontaria Hospital Insurance, your changeo ver to the new comb2Ved plan wilbe automatic. No action on your part is required as the newv plan wvili be based on the existing hospital insurance billing systemn. FREE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS' (After 1 -year Residence in Ontario) As of January 1, 1972 residents aged 65 and over are exempt from paying Ontario Health Insurance premniums Io caver themselves and their eligible dependents, To'benefit from this exemption, insurance may be transferred ta the name of the aider spouse, if it s presently in the name of a spause under age 65. Most residents aged 65 years and over have already applied for premium-free caverage, but if you have not done sa, please write ta the Plan, giving your Ontario Hospital Insurance number, your OHSIP number, and mnorth and year af birth. Persans who turn 65 affer January 31, 1'972, shauld applyatthetimeforfreecoverage. If yau payyour premiîum on a direct basis, writeto the Plan for an application. If you pay through a group. advisç yourgroup. Prem- ium-free coverage will take effectan thefirst day af the month in which your 65th birthday occurs. Any premiums paid ta caver benefit periods beyond that date will be refunded. PREMIUM ASSISTANCE (Atter 1 -year Residence i'n Ontario) Effective with the benefit month of April, 1 972, individuats- and families with na taxable income for the year 1972 are eligible, an application, for 100% Ontario Government prem- ium assistance. [ndividuals vwith less than $1 ,000 taxable income in 1972,. and families wAith total taxable incarne of uinder $2,000 are eligible for 50% premium assistance. This wvill reduce the monthly premiums to $5.50 for such individuals (instead of $1 1.00) and to $1 1.00 for an eigible family (instead of $22. 00). Taxable income is the amount on which a ýpersan pays incarne taxes, after subtractîng from his total income ait exemptions and other deductions ta which he is entitled. Note: If you remit your premiums on a direct basis,. details on Premium Assistance wiII be mailed with your next Premium Notice. Residents enrolled inm groups wili be informed through their groups. NEW IDENTIFICATION CARDS The Plan will provide each insured single persan and each insured head of a family with a new Ontario Health Insurance Identification Card to use for insured services received on or after April 1. Anyone wha has flot received his or her card by that date should use the current Hospital Insurance Certificate, after April 1, 1972, for medical and hospital services until the -new, card is received. Your present OHSIP card should be used when claiming for medical and practitioner services received up ta March 31, 1972. IMPORTANT A s the present Ontario Hospital Insurance numbers and billing system wiIl form the basis of the new plan, anyone who does not now have hospital insurance coverage should register without delay. Applications are available in banks and hospitals and from offices of the Ontario Heaâlh Insurance Plan. BE SURE YOU ARE COVERED NEXT APHIL istI ONTARIO HEALTH INSU RANCE COMMISSION 2195 Yonge Street, Toronto 295, Ont.

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