ORONO WEEKLY TIMES,- WEDNESDAY, D ECEiXBER 3th,_1971 Kfrby News Christmas eve dinner guests ,with Mr. and Mrs. Lawreýnce Har- ris,, Douglas and Charies, were M.and Mrs. R. Harris, Richard and Kim, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hird, Whitby, Mr.,and Mrs. Bill Sears, Scarborough, Mrs. A. Harris of Bowmanviiue and ivrs. George Morton, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Douglas and Charles and Mrs. A. Hlarris were dinnper guests Christ- mas day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams and famnily, Orono. Mrs. A. Harris is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hlarris, Mr. and Mrs. RQnaild Harris, Richard and Kim, were 'dinner guests on Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allun and family and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Septic Tank, Service GENEKAL PUMPING 24 HOUE SERVICE LORNE HARDY or 841 RO TOMPSON Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 AU Carpentry Work Remodefling Kltehen Cuphoards- tVe build from the foundation %Up. Albert's Texace Wilfred Hawke. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allun who elebrated their 55th wedding annîversary Decem- ber 27th. Those helping them to celebrate were Mr. Clarence Ailin Brenda and Gayle, Wood ville, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Allen, of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schak- leton and Mrs. Shackleton, Bow- manville and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stainton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aluîn and John spent Christmas day with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackleton, Bowmanville. Mrs. R.oy Cochrane is a patient in Bowmanville Memorial Hospi- tai. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane, Craig and Donna. spent Christmas day wiith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Foster and family in Whitby. Holiday visitors wiîth Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane are Miss Don- na Cochrane, Scarborough and friend, Mr. Ken Thomas, Thorn- hili. Christmas eve cailers on Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bail were INfr. and Mrs., Howard Stapieton, Oshaýva, Mr. and Mirs. Jack McKay, Stark- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Kenny and Miss Susan, Bail, ýOshawa.ý Christmas dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patt- erson, Mr. Gord Walker, Gail and Arlene, Wiilowdaie. Mr. and -Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Kenny and D. note of cheer, may we wish you ail a very happy holiday, Oromo Boutique Orono ýMain Street Margaret Haitsma Orono U.C.W. Annual Me eting On December 16thi about, thirty ladies of Oron o U.C.W. were pre- sent to enjoy a noon pot-iuck luncheon held in the Main Hall of Orono United Church. This meai preceded the generai meeting which began at 2.00 p.m. Acting as- chairpman, for presi- dent, Mrs. F. Lycett, Mrs. R. Rosseau opened' the meeting with a peom, entitled "Christmas Time is". She extended a welcome to -ail. Mrs.-WmI. rwin read the new siate of officers for 1972. Before carrying out the installation of the new executive, Rev. Long ex- t lided bis thaniks to the U.C.W. for the many things they had done throughout the year - giving him meaningful -support, We, the church, exists to serve. The strength of the curcli is in ail the groups, the youth groups, Sun- day sehool, etc. There is- evidence that the church is very much a- live. 3 Mrs. Rosstau thankcd -Mr. Long and cailed on members of Unit one for file devotions. Candies were Iighted and with Mrs. R. Chapman as pianist ev- eryone joined in singing, "O Little Town of Bethlehem. Mrs. Mercer and Susan Bail visited on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Kenny remain- ed until Sunday evening. Monday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bal were Mr. and Mrs, Jack Schut and baby from St. George, Ontario. Christmas dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Henderson and Robbie were Mr. and Mrs.'Tom Henderson and Jamie,- Bowman- Ville and Mr. anid Mrs., Brian Colvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wan- nan, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wannan and baby daugliter, Belle- ville were supper guests with the Hendersons. Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Ransberry Mr. Don Ransberry, Kincardine, Miss Mariiyn Taylor, St. Cathar- ines and Mrs. Darlene Cox, Bow- -manviiie, spent Christmas day wiith Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simpsosn and famiiy, Newcastle. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ransberry were Mr. Don Rans- berry, Miiss Marilyn Coc, St. Catherines, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simpson and family, Newcastle and Mrs. Darlene Cox, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goode and famiiy of Markham and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry were Christ- mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ransberry and family. G. Carson gave modemn man's version of the night when Jesus Jesus was born. Mrs. Roy Berry read a peom "The Light of Beth- iehem". Mrs. Chapman read the seriptures These versus are Christ's word to us. Mrs. Chapman mentioned the different kinds of lights at Christmas today compared to the kinds of iights at the actuai time of Christ's birth. God sent his Son to illumînate our lives. Certain people bring light when they enter a room. Mrs. J. Reid rend a poem, "The. Old Amaze" foliowed by Mrs. W. Wannan reading "Love Came Down at Christmas." Christmas is God's love letter to the world. Mrs. G. Carson closed with a prayer, A'memoriam for members who had passed away during 1971 was conducted by Mrs. O). Chatterton, who rend the names and. led in prayer. Mrs. C. Taylor gave comments before the showing af a film cal- led "Listen Christian". This deaIt with, stewardship and the message it gave us was verY evident of the -àeed in so many1 areas of the world. Business was conductcd. Yearly reports from units and committees were submitted. The new president, Mrs. Fred Lycett, sp oke to the group thank- ing everyone for cards, lettérs etc. and to Mrs. Rosseau for chairing the meeting. She asked for the co-operation and efforts of ail in the coming year. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction repeated in unison. PROPOSE CLOSING FÉOUR SEPARATE ROAD SECTIONS IN CLARKE. TOWNSHIP The council of the Township of Clarke proposes to close four in- dividual road aiiowances in the corporation. Inciuded in the sec- tions are the unopenedi road ail- owance between lots 10 and Il iii the sixth côncession of Clarke. Aiso the unopened roadl allow- the ninth concession of Clarke. ance hetween iotss 30 and 31 in That portion of the road allow- ance between concession 7 and 8 from the westerly limit of lot 35 concession 7 easterly for a dis- tance of 413 feet. The fourth closing is that por- tion of the aliowance between lots 1 6and 17, concession eight in the township. COUNCIL APPEALS ASSESS- MENT ON MOBILE HOMES The council of the Township of Clarke wili appeal the assess- meints being placed on mobile homes of a permanent nature by the Assessment department. Six such mobile home in Clarke have been assessed and would pay tax- es as does any dwelling. This as- sessment would entitle the occu- pants to a vote and also the pro- vincial- property tax rebate. The assessed mobile homes wouid flot presently pay the $20.00 charge per month. Mobile home of a less perman- ent' nature will continue to be charged the $20.00 fee by the township. Owners' of permanent mobile home also have the right toa- peal the assessment. There is a feeling that those assessed may pay iess than the yeariy rate'based on the $20.()o per month charge. WVVhy Pay more'? Save Money!e ON DX PREMIUM QUAL1T FUEL OI und STOVE OIL phone 668ý-3341 -CeIIect DXFUEL DII Fer Promptn rte<>uia "Sew Cmli us T.da really A~ 'Surroa & fnsLiited YOUR FSSO DEALER Bewmanviile, Ontario r < 5o ORONO, ONTARIO TLPOE9350 TELEPHONE 983-5207 OFF