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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jan 1972, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 36, NU1IýER 1' lo say lee Tlie year 1972 i nowbudding 11EV. B. LONG, iister-, 'ouit and most look upon tlie new year wxitir a sense of optimism and Orono 0Unlitcde Churchi hope for better tlirings to comne. To take a look into 1972 wc bave e.Logcprsda - eontactedo helclscna feelingfor 1972 andsaid1 znmber of persons who do exIer- cd incrcased partic-ipatio minunity, to expr7ess thieir views of01 iizn towards tlie ,itîmnitlieir own fel of interest. 11e ;said 'is imIpossible any concrete assessmcnt bI a sense of excitemient and DOUGLAS MOFFATT, Principal patioja relatedl to thre respo expressions now evident." 1 OriooPblcSehýool xpcriencing an hincased Mr,. Mofftt looks upioni 1972,- est in tire cliurch," irhe said. as the year that tlie new public selicol building- will lie in use in in speaking on tlie O-rono. 11e said tins will be a most Thlouglit" v.,enture wvhicir-ý mîometntous year botir for himsel.f stitutcd in February of 1 and for tlie Nortlium.berland and said it hiad copd far Durham Counrty B3oard if Edu2ca- lis fondcst anticipations. tion. H1e expresses great expecta- been terrific and one of1 tions ini tlie field of elemfentary things in recent years education in Orono witlitlie prov- cucl" lie said. île f 5ision of tlie new open conicept rale more people ir sciro>ol. Mr. Moffatt, pointed out jomniications tirroujgl that this is tlie first sudh scliool Tirouglit tlian lie did on S built by tlie Board. "It is somie- "Poe, lie said "do ni tliingc you strive for buit often tgreat dleail." He irpe(s th 'wonider if it cani 'o accomplislied" to continue for anotlier yea lie saîd. "It is an imaportarit year, for me and the staff wlio are, alomost enthusiti ovrie niew school and it,'s facilities," lie JOHN STONE, Reeýve, fu-ther commentedt. CreTowisifp Mr. AMoffatt spokze f tlie ad- RIIeeve Jolin Stone, ini vaTage to students stating thnt intio 1972 municipally mei teacheêrs under the openà concept the Of(ýficiai Pla.n as bcci systcým %wiil ,lie able to wr as ireality. 1e said tire legisl teamn-s usîng tlieir best qualities tins respnect was somnewhi to he es adantge ible Ibut did give contr-ol t cil over butilding and v tlie principal said that a great woud le crcatcd. 1He sa dea c itees wS beingsliown plan dlirccted milost dv in i ew buPiing by :vthe Teacir- 1to)areas now already estal Crs oLlege, Trencit 1-1niveritily anid terscliools and eduIcationi Hi, eKpctis to icrmorc ledr.Thsisie, heSaid, regionafl goverInmPnt fro kilIad te mranY Visits by ont- Province concerning thre9 ie roups u 1pon itS cempIetiOii.- regiori. lie based hi s opin -It wifl lie a lovely biuilding," ire tire fact that tire Provinr said. pushing tire formation ofr areas arnd woulid continue "T'ire yeàar 1972," ire said, "is so as a reýsuit of tire ir a -most impo> and exciting given tirem in tlie recent e- year for clemcntary education iin Some overýtures, lie said, Or-ono.", come from tire Diamond Weekky he sens- on and ire part crurcir, but "fWl id antici- nmse anld '"We arcp Bd inter-' was in- 1971, lie rbeyond "th las tire big at tie feut ire n deptir DialA Sundays. se it a thc plan ar. looking, w«ntine ')Minga at n i ai flex- ta coun- xireeUi aid tire l'Opment mblisicd en about sin1 the Osiawa llion onl Hce was regional e tdo mandate election. A, mnay ad Téac t'mes1Tw. Car Crash OHONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1972 Baffles LclProv. àMembers For Warden ELAY BAFFLES provincial election. Count ouclor enPr ICNAL M1Ps Mr. Carruthprs sai<l ie thougiri ani IIoY Ciratten have announced Severa ycars have passed and it înight begin tins Spring tirougli they xvii sk eleon as Marsan ývrnia fatalaciet have oc- hi' could not confirai tus until ire of flicUnied Countiis of Norti- rred since tire re-routing of iAs spoken wiîh tire minister. umelnd Wn DuGra.C uncil, giay28 to byý,pass Bewdley Dkuhni County got quite a bii ich eleets a new wardcn cvcry; as first proposcd. of hïgliway develepment in 1971, yenar, xiII ehojosýe *a sUuucessorto The two MPP's involved, Rus- ire sidc,, tirougir most of it involv- warden}are alomJaur Il Rowe of Nortirumbcrland cdrepvn of existing roads; thc l8th df Alex Carruthers cf Durhirm construction of passing lanes or Cunourclr Parr is reeve cf ýy tirey do not know wliai is tire improving of exit and en- Scymour Township and Ceuncillorý iuing thre delay otirer than tic, trance ramnps. iate is reeve cfBrgtn dera goecmment's appeaLut "I think wve are due for sorne Townsirp. loti men are dairy ili inflaion. Ilew 0od evelop ment", lire add- farmers. Somie resmdents of Hope and ilamilton Townslips caim thre twvo MPP's are not too concernedl about tire delays and are flot do- ing anytliing about àt because iMgvway 28 is a bouindary road jA dtiey would have toý share thre political advartages if it did be- Mmone a realty. Thougli Mr. Rowe said tirat lie -sis'rsudaed wxitir the inactivity" ~adWhe contfacted on thee mattLer M.Crgruthers promiised to "Iook, ito it ighlt aa. Ife said lie would get ila touch ,with Chiarles M-ýacNautglitoni,Mn is:ter or Transportation and Com- munieications to see if tliere is any possibility of ire project getting underway tliis Srig In Deemnber last year tlirre was xnibinigs ýfrom tire politiclianls that the bypass wýould lie started luth S ing of 1971, but notliîing neriaied. Tirerare somec who specul1ate( that the new streteTin ay not. be ~sltrtinatil prior Atohie next ed. Mr. Itowe believes the reason the bypass bias not beensttc is prurely because of "economic, conditions." Ile sai le made inquiries ini tWire gilaure lst week about thje startrng date. "But 1 was giv;- cri lio definite aser"lie said. 1h spes the bypass as thre gIeatest thing that could ever happen to the village of Bewlcy, pointfing (out thaltlie blee more tourists wHi stop whien tire higway i ot a tirrougli higli- wvay. Tl'le Nrtimbran PP is in fuli agreement with the sugges- tion that thre Bewdlley waterfront be "ýfilled-ini" to make ià a safer nnid. more versatile recreation are a. "The way the road i s n ow is hauýzardOuis fo)r people at Ilhe tr font" lie sÉAi b leenlrggof thre area would reduce tCe prob- 1cm." Thle bypas2s is supposed t o ex- tedfrom tie Hamiltn Townslilp sixtir line near Ro ,mou ti lie nWintiUlne. .Land fo3r tire roadcontuto has already been acquired by tire prvnilgrovernmnent aind somne of tire arca ias been cleared ofi trus. Tlie ncw stretcl i wilie approx- imatcly tlire-e-and-a-iralf mie long and oncýe construiction is cOm- pelc tie present roaýd will le- corne tire responsibulty of Ham- Mlon PWownsliip. The mnain purpose for thc re- vouting of tireliigliwiay is to by- pass ire village and elim-inate thre hazardous bends and curves on that particular stretcli where a record number of trafecciéd- ents 'have occurred. $2,125 Damage ~To)bi am mone to '1w"dayof ast eekonf ano George Edndon, 77, of 1265 Penland St-,Os an rd Arthur Matn,85 )f MIR 2, n, A pasýseng1eir i lu te sýco)nd car, Hlenietta rn,84 wos inj or- ,cd alithough lite nature of lier injuies is flot knowni. by Nwcasle Otaric j>orvinc-ia.l Police Constable 1'. L. Coe. lit is difficuit for aduits to siaýke off lfem habits, especi- alycgarette soin.So-ne erm- mos warning signalsý, nevertire- less, lave been sounded about ià. 're hinigs mlake if difficuli te casually cas[t tirm asidd trei persisi,ýency nndfusual ireir au- therative source. Tfire 1latst, from tire Untd States Pl;ic e altll Service, is typfical. IL represents "à combina- tin of pulilisired infrmaUti froCm various Sources, including data gatirered by thre State De- part-mcnt tirreugi overseas posts. its surnmation is hard-itting, conchlsve: "CgrteSmoking necrgcd as a ma jori -international irlealtir problem duing 1971. Many coun- tries have taken action te try te reduce the hazards it says are as- sociîatcd witir smoking. . . Sutcir irazards include ireart diseases and lung cancer, whicli can lie saI." Sucli words of cauhion sirould bit home irard. Some countries have iiroduicccl neý-w anti-smok- ing techniiques but several (mp-Lst cf tirem dýeveloping) "hiave taken littie or ne actio)n because cf the cconemie factors." In tire latter cases, toiracco is regarded as a source of mucir needed revenue, a mecans of providing employ- mnent for nmy, and hielps to stim- ulate industrialization. Tire issue is shimple for cigarette smnokers: If tihre, y would skirt these dangerous irealtir hazards, they have tw3,o options -- drastie- ally curtail smoking or give 1f up a1togetiretr. Lette r Rote iumpsd Te SC Don't ferget tint tire rate for a firsi Class letier (weiglinig up te 1 ounce) bas gene uip te 8 cents as cf Janluary 1sf. Thins applies te letiers dcstined te points in Can- ada and tire Unied St aies, is territories und possessions (and te St. Pierre and Mliquelon). Raie shee-ts availalile ai ail Post officeýs provide complete de- t1ils on tire chlangýes in firsi class miail raies. sclieme wiir nîay involve ail of tire Uited-' Counties. in coniirection witi rorads, tire reeve felt tirat tire present policy b(,, ir carried oni. 11le vwas hocpe fui thiat tire province would look withi favour on creating ,tire fiftir IlnerOadl as a deve-lopmnent road 50 tint funids would lic available to do some nefcdcd work in tire Smnitli corner area. 11e, would aIse like to sec more chipistoning car- ried'olt as well as oilîing but liere lire said "Tirere was a lot that could be done but mone'y wa s rnoncy."' Tire Townshrip municipal tax rate would, lie feit, niot increase and sirould remain reasonably close to tire 1971 levy. H1e çid ex- peet an increase in the education tax since last years levy was re- duced on a one year basis on]y due to a refund to tire Township. "f liope tire Towýnsliip prog-ress- es in 1972,", stated tire Reeve. E. H. SAMUEL, Cti>rvply Wi.ood Products Ali. E. IL Samnuel saw 1no great surge iJn business in tire early part of 1972. île stated that tire presentl( back-log of orders was not greai ndinidicaýted no jump in busin1ess.11e did feelhoer thnt buisinessý would improve in tire late sprinig and continue on into thre sumtimer. Mr. Samuel said tlia[- business irad been good this paist fali. Reference was made te t formnation oýf a e compiany in Sepembr,1971, called Plyde- signjs Ltd. Tire company is pres- ently designîng and developing irouseirold furniture wlirili Mr. Samu-itel said is most exciting an'd will certainly fMI1tire gap lest wliere in somne cases plastic was being used instead of curved ply- wood produets. île felt Plydesigns (Continued on page 5) 1 W. KAY LYCETT, Mir. Kay Lycett, Orono, was one amrong, ninetLy-nine who wiQre hon- our 'ed last Friday by Lieutenant- Governor in Council by appoint- meint as Queen's Counsel. The appointments are made by Lieu- tenant Governor William Ross Macdonald on the basîs of court experience, general, capability, character and service tjo the c-om- munilty, stated Attorney General Allan Lawrence, wlien making Thre Queen's Counsel titie ai- losthe lawyeris to uýse the lettersý Q..afer thecir names anid wear silk Court gowns in place of tire 'eg'ular ton ]\r. Lycett' is' a gradJuate of the Universiity of Toronto. 11e pract- Wsd law first -in Toronto in 1957, movwing to Bowmanville in 1958 w,%,here he praetised on a part-time basis along with a week-end pract- ise in association witli Mr. R. R. Waddell in Orono. Mr. Lycett went into full time practise' in Orono in 1960. He was married in 1958 to the foiiner Marie Lewis and now re- sides in Orono wi1th their four chîld'ren.- Piggery Problem, Tire Ontarie Water Resourcess Commissiion says tirat a Hiope Township piggery is "a tirreaiteo tic quality cf tire Ganaraska River."~ Hlope Township council receiv - cde a leiter from ire commission wirich stied tirat tire piggery owned by Port Hlope fecd-mcrci- ant, W. C. Keyes, necds certain modifications. Couricil received and filed tire letter at its lasi meeting, but will discuss tire necessary action te lie taken early in January. Tire OWRC blamed tire stock- piling cf manure in winter for centaminating tire river during tire spring run-offs. itrecom- mended tirat "nccessary prccau- tions lie taken" as soon as poss- ible. A Hlope Township councillor said tirat residents in tire area have been complaining about tire conditions at tire piggery for some time, but tins is the firsi time anyihing iras ircen donc. Snowmobillers Race For $2 5,000 AtPeterbo rough Tire enîpirasis in sno0wmobiling, weekend to wvatci tire internation- nowadays is on safe, sane riding, i races. no skyward leaps, no racing, ig At tir e venft Canadian and U.S. open exirausis. contestants wiIl compete in tir e But if you want to sec liow tire Kawarthu Crîp Initernationial., tire experts ats %well as tire amateurs Moslso's Women's InternatiOn;&l do it wrcn tire wraps are ýoff and and tire Canadian Modified World tirey arroidi(ngt over a geod safe Cup contests for a grand total course, visit Peterboroughr next of $25,000 iii cash prizes. Whats New For'721',a 1 ý 1 ý ý MM ý ý 'qMFý mow

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