ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5th, 19 72 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES sSmâdâ mN.%>L~eoem m .bo wu puwbs. elwy nuàvet w fl LofP2E.6Leu NEVER INDEPENDENT AGAIN Events of the past few weeks reveal that nonation can exist as an independent entity within the world çom- munity. Each is dependent upon the other and especially in the field of economics which even governs other aspects of Society. The move by President Nxon of'the U.S., in August to impose a surtax on manufactured products imported into the Country was a message of gloom and doom to many nations. This al!ong with ther economic policies of an solationist nature was surely a -threat to the econoniy of Most. Throughout the wvorld and in Canada much bas been said and wrtten in regards the declining economhic posit- ion most nations were threatened with ha the early fall. la Most cases the U.S. was held to blame. The United States, we suspect, was jockeying for' bargaining levies to use in negotiations with countries where trade, to or from, was extensive. This would include Canada along with France, Gcrmany and Japan. Many of these countries were in trading with the U.S. in their favour and to the point it was affecthng the economy of the U.S. Nixon's moves and policies were certtainly a form of shock treatment to pull tthe other nations in' Mne with their needs and desires. Even the U.S. must have been aware that they could not continue on the road with a policy of isolation. If ai- lowed to continue the U.S. would have found hierself, in due course, in a position no btter than that which she trhed to corýrect. The worid was actually in a turmoil as each nation was cast upon the stormny seas la their -own little boats to paddle. For some four months the financial and economnic world wýas in a turmbil., This was, however, to change as niationis camne to- gether working out a co-operativeagemn in wich al wýýoukt make some ajustmentts to ensuire a buioyant econ- omy. It was calledt the rneting, of tuie Ten P1o-wers. imnmediately upon the announceent of areemen between thle ten richest natiions in the wsenworld the -conoimies ail begýan to show a srnghnninodyl Carnada the economisto aind thle pltcasare prediçting a good souind year cin 17.Tiis bs quit_, the 2rev-erse of only a month or two ao These past few monthos surely1 prove thýe point that we exist within a world communîity and that total hndepend- ence is a ting of the past. A NEW PRIME MINISTER? During the past coup,ýle of mionths writers and the press have been heralding Robert Stanfield, leader of the Co;nservatîves and opposition at Otawa, as the mnost likely to becomie prme minister of Canada followýing theý federal election, posshbiy this fal. The c-overage for Robert Stanfieldt, althouigh not as intense, coui be hkened t o thiat gîven 1PierreTuea p Io otlastýà election. Tt has elvte is image in the eyes of the Lectoate nd, in facýt lias, at tis timre, placed ii n the positiïon as a mot ikeiy successor to Pierre Trude,,au ùin theiinds ofmay iUnfortuna-tely for îRobert Stan!hieïldthe pakto, whîch th press and %vriters bave elevated hm is premnatuire. it is unikl tat it will be possible for him to hold on over thie many months to electï4on date. P!ýredictions at th is timec could welle far off and Jif one refers 'o th1erecent Qarlro eleci it- becomes a- parent t the decision is realiy mnade, by the electorate witiiin the haýst week, or even few days;f the canripaigai. Stanfield, ike Nixoni and Lewis, can onlîy become repeti- thons over a lonig haul.i Pierre Trun-deau wll hold the cards as did Davis and this does mnake ýa gteatOdifference. A LITT'lLE EKELATED Wifith the New Year now in. eistanice, it may be omwatlate to wish alI our readers a flealthy, Haippy ~and uMospport Hosts 'Second Event In Suowmobil, Triple Crown Some new faces and new mach- ines will bc at Mosport, January 15-16 -for the 2nd Annual Bosch Invitational, second event in the Ontario Snowmobhle Racing Fed- erathon's rica new "Triple Cro)wn." Despite earlier announicements 1- tie contrary, it appears that miost of the manufacturers wiLl be involved in racing again this year. Some wll. continue with factory teams, while others will concentrate their racing, efforts on distributor and dealer teamns. BomnbarçCier, aithougli not.field- ing a factory team, will be well represented on the O.S.R.F. cir- cuit this winter. Rick Clarke of Barrie, a Bomibardiey employee, will join forces witth Paul Pent- ice of Minden, la a two-man Ski- Doo effort this yeaI,. Clarke, win- ner of last winter's first Bosch Invitational, and Prentice have both beeni among the top drivers in the O.S.R.F. for the past three years. Also on Ski-Doo machines this year will be the defending O.S. R..F. overall modfified champion, Barry Webb of Huntsville, who wifll be partnered by Dan Boothdy of Dwight and Bill Fullerton of Port Sydney. Ail are experienced drivers and should keep the Wenb team near the top of the 0).S.R.F. staiidingcs. Polaaris, meanwhile, wili field a strong three-man team including Bob Timlock of Wasaga Beach, Andy Vanholder of Owen Sound and Barry Stewart of Bolton. Wayne Lazure of Peterborough long one of the top snowmobile pilots in Ontario, wi11 head the ýArctic Cat team with other memî- bers of that team expected toý be announced shortly. Alouette will also be active in racing this year. A fully sponsored factory team, withi up to a dozen machines, is planned. Yamnaha, the surprise of last year, wiIl also be big in racing this year but the details of thýeir partiéipation have not yet been announced. Distributors; or dealer-backed entries are euxpected from Rupp, Chaparral, Boa Ski, Skiroule, Mercury, Scorpion and Sf0- Prince. Anid several newcomers to the snowmo)bile industry, notably John Deere and Suzuki, are also likely to have one, or tIwo dealers active on the raciing scene this winter. The 2nd Annual Bischl nvita- tional at Mosport will febture prize money and contingency-, a- wards totalliing more than $14,- 000. Orono suiIdiu Contracter Flogrs Tnle" W.FRANK REAL ESTAIE LIMITED Realtor 234 King Street Eae BowmanivîIi Port Hcp ffie8544 -,r p ro Ceoieoiefd e llnad r e lretal 0ctyo 0ofspre rtisl ne pun Roy PStr 983580 -mine Fun 2- Dry Bowmianville Cleaners Pick-up and Delivery Eveýry Tuesday, Thursday and Friday MATIS BILLIARDS und Barhershop 'or"», Onk I i t i s I I Chcoose YoWedigSatoayfrom the popZular BOUQUET - PRESTIGE INVITATION ,ýLIN, Canda flict choice of Wedding and ialfor'ms A wd hiedesins and types Wb choose frm REPLY CARDS - SERVIETTES THANK, YOU NOTES- ETC. ETC. ORONO0% 1EEKLY MMINSTREET, 010MW ONTAI Mi