ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUABY Sth, 1912 I CORNSH'S rono, ont. FRESH - PICNIC STYLE - SH1OULDER- ýFCUIT POKROST 5 to 6 lb. average 11 YOU SAVE TWICE WITHI TRIM AND PRICE' DUTT PO K CHOPS *For roastLug- Tender, lean, Boston style Perk Butt Roast lb. 48c Alwàys Tender Pork LIver lb. 6g. Essex - Family Pack 16 oz. phkg. Luncheon Meat lb. 69c PORK HOCKS lb. 29c, POR K HEARTS lb. 39c Burns SAUSAGE lb.49 Freezer Speclals! Whol. OR LOINS 12 telS5 iba. lb., 750 À"Ac GMRe-calling SonieCars General Motors o! Canada Ltd. Ls prepariug to notify owners of certain Chevrolet vehicles to take them to GM dealers for installa- tIon of restraiuts which "ilI lmit the lifting of! the englue should an, englue mount separate, it was announced ast week. The installation will be made t General Motors' expeuse, the company said. "General Motors dloes not agree that any poteutial problem inci- dent to the use o! these engue. mouint constitutes a safety-related defeet,"> the company said, adding ,lit is apparent that as a resuit O! the publicity whieh had been giv- en te the englune mount issue, there is a great deal of mnisin! or- mation and pisunderstanding ou the part of the owners which we are auxious to eliminate as soon as possible." 'The~ notification could involve owners of about 600,000 1965 through te 1969 regular-size, Chevs and Novas as well as 1967 to and through 1969 Camaros, and Crer- tain light trucks and other ve- vehicles wlth similar V-8 englines Ouly vehicles wlth V-8 englues are involved. No Chevelles, Cor- AU day WVednesday nSaci rda y Feature! Assorted Strained 4 3/ oz. Heniz Fes 5«730 Feature!' Canada's Flnest Cl'%ISCO OIL 38 oz. btle. 99e Feature! B reakfast Cereal 16 OZ. ipkg. Vualker Muffets 39c vettes or auy six cylinder models are involved. "Au engiue mount is one o! a number o! parts of an automobile which eau be expected to require replacement duriug the normal life of the vehicle," GM sald. "The rubber used iu the englue mount construction for the pur- pose o! reducing the transmission of englue vibrations obviously canuot be expected to have the if e of the metal parts whiek it conneets. "Replacement of deteriorate.d or separated engine mounts is a part of normal vehicle umainten- ance duriug the life o! the auto- mobile which is the respousibility of the car owuer after the expir- ation of the new car warranty pcriod?" General Motors poiuted out that ouly iu rare instances does englue lift involve the throttle and become a problem following en- glue mount separation. If vehicle operation should be affected by englue mount separa- tlou the driver should turn off the -iguiton key and brake the vehecle to a stop, GM said. General Motors will begin no- tifying owners by mail as soon as current owners' names eau be ob- tained from compauy dealers or provincial registraton records. The restrauts must be tooled, manufactured, and delivered to Local News A new driver examination centre wilh open at Port Perry on January 3rd, 1972, accord.lug te au announcemeut nmade joiutly hy the Honorable Charles Mac- Naughtou Minister o! Transport anld Communications and Dr. M. Dymoud, MýPP, Ontario. The centre, number 67 now in operation lu the province wll be open four days a week replacing the weekly service presently pro- vided at Uxbridge. The office hours will be 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 pm Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. On Thursdays the office opens at 12 noon and closes at 8:30 p.mi. Ou Wednessdays the staff will conduct tests in Sutton. dealers. It is anticipated that the restr.aints shouald be available at dealerships iin the latter part o! February and w7ill be doue as ex- peditiously as possible. le Scetyinforned athe Tims ti week thatedt ue ofthe Oradono airgOunc ds for sooielag uaýcauinrc'en,. ý'he ated and hat f detrucioncould not thir 'tehevfisions. id Auirtefi rud ihu 'Z'ibe ene Mr. and Airs. Gilbert Alldread, Chutrchi Streetu, Orono were, the proud parents of a daughter, the onfly ch1ild in tis area ýborn on Chiristmias dcay at 2.38 p.m. Drs. FrascýrMKezi and H. B. Run- diec attende.ýd. TFhe baby is named, (.hrista Noel. FIRE DEPART31ENT ANS WERS TWOCALLS OVER WEEK-END The Clarke - Orono Fire De- p artmeut answered two fire calis over the week-end., On Friday, December 31st, the'. Department was called to the re- sidenice of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Lowry, sixth Uine of Clarke where fire had started below the hearth of the fireplace. There was littie fire damage but part of the ce- rnent base of the fireplace had to bc toru up to put out the fire. The second eall came on New Years day at the home o! Mr.. and Mrs. J. S. Windatt, R.R. 1, Orono, on the fourth Ue of Clarke. The fire was a chlmney fire. COMING FR011 ALL DIRECTIONS A Hamilton man drivug ntto Noone's Hotel and Restaurant last week durng the ice storm fouud he could not control his vehicle with the resuif that it crashed into the side of the wall of the restaurant leaving a great gaping hole in the side of the building. Temporary repairs kept the enterprise iu business. REEVE STONE ENTERTAINS Reeve Stone of Clarke Town- ship entered members o! Coun- cil, office staff, the Orono Police Trustees, Rev. B. Long and Rev. Sneigrove of Newtonville tto din- uer Tuesday at Noone's Restaur- ant followiug the inaugaural meet- ing of concil. Teephane 7622 RESTAUR ANT Hlighway 115 an~d 35 ½ mile souith of Orono PHONE '983-5651. OPEN 7 )ATS %A WEEKà Specializing in Pizza - Meal Ais. Week-Eand SpedeLs Buy of the Week Sweet Mixed DIck'Is Picoklest'4c Feature! - SHORTENING FLUFFO- 1ilbq 390 Best Bay-Lemon Fresh JOY LIQU%,%JID b- Stutt' s Pharmancy Closed For Holdays January lot te Jantu ar I fer holldays. Middleto 1os --,l Leskord WeIdi.g a.LATHE WOIK 8 &.»L - te - 5 j.u. lgonay truhStra ]PHONE 983-57M Dr. W. R*KntDDS B.wmaaij.Profeindl BM[g 333lar st . - Suite 1u Offie e.om- Weekdays: 9 te 6 Exetpt Wedmeuday Afturun.. Tekphone 033.73 BOB YEOMANS PLUMBýING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Installations - Alteratiolis 'Repairs Spelaizngin Hot Water Hcating Fercýd AMr Heatlng S2eptie Tanik Workî LE i Orouo 993-r624