Kirby News Guests of MIr. and Mlvrs. Muft Wanunan for Chirstmas Day were Mfr. and Mrs. Cliff Cowan, Bowý- 'nanvi[le, Ms Donna Cowvan and MisCarl Cowan, Toronito, Mr.i Riektlaybee, B o wm ýanivî1e andi Mr.Jack Coan rono. Dinîner ýguests of thie Wannans ont Wed- nedyevening wvere Mr, and Mrs llarold1 Souch, Mr. and Mrs. Jiin S0uc10a1 d riant, trvl ar nd Ms.Andy Van u1 an Ms.AlinSoLICh, PBowmian- MWrs. ae oey Sharon, Lor-na, Carl and Kevin visited, ~'ith Mr and Mlrs. Lawrence Far- owand failyStarkville 1on MNiss Kar-en Low.,ery and friends are olidaiyingl in Florida. _New, Years Day guests wvith 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ransberry wreDarlene Cox, MIarilyn TaylOr ndDonald Ransberry. N'ew Ye)Cfars Day dinner guests of Mr, and Mýrs. Lawrence Harris weýre Mr, and MIrs. Jack Wiliams),, %nil daughters Orono and M/r.anld LMrs. Hon" Harris, Richard andt Xinii. r.and iVrs. Lloyd Ransberry 4had New Years Day dinrner wvith liheir dauighter and family, Mlr. ~ndf Mrs. Bob Goode, Mlarkham. Mr. and MrLs. Wayne Lowery an ichar-d, Sctrborot[ghlr. and ?Mrs. Lloyd Lowery, Mary and Donna were supl)per gues.ts Friday eýven1ing withl Mr. and Mrs. Hart- 'well Lowery, Mr. and Mirs. jim Rutheriforld and family were Crristînas D)ay guestst of Mr-. and Mrs. Armýonid liHO1lfngswrth and family, Cowan- Miss Marian M'cKelvey and Mlr. 2J01111 MeRelvey were Christmas dinner gaests of Mvr. and Mrs. Garlantd Cathcart, Kendal. k GENERAL PMqq 24 HOUE SEERVIcE LORNE HARDY TéIJe1hoe 183l,572 or 983-526 NRY, THIOMpSON or-no, Ontaio Ph... 933-5759 AilVapentry Work, Rem*Jing Kitehen Cuphoards Webuild fr(in the fotindaton M aO 13 ORONO TYKES BLAST BOWMANVILLE SQUAD The Orono Tyke, Hockeýy club took a decisive win over a squad from Bowmnanville recently by a score of 6-1. Duane Mvajor polish- ed off the visitors by scoring four of the six goals. William Van Seggleni and Paul Reed scor- ed the otheýr drono goals. Asýsists were credited to Bruce MvacLean, Gregý Johnton, Mikie Watson, 'Paul' Reed and Terry H4edges. PEEWVEES TIE ONE LOSE ONE The Orono, PeeWees tied a Bowmanvlle team 5 all in, a re- cent game. Mathew Robinson scored two of the Orono goals and picked up an asist as welL Brian Copac, Doug Hancock and Stephen Haynes scored the other goals. Assists went to Scott West andl Owen Johnston. In another game the PeeWees dr'oppe4 a 3-1 decision to a Bow- manville club. Brett Newell scor- ed the lone- goal for Orono with an assist going to Ron Opoka. Mr, and Mrs. Stan Chapmnan and Claire were New Year's Day din- ner guests of Mr. and Mr& Fran- ciis Jose and family, Newcastle. Mir. and Mrs. Ken Bail were New Years day, guests of Mr- Gordon Walker and family, WiII- owdjale. The annual meeting of Kirby Uniiited Church wil be hleld at the Church on Tuesday evening, the llth at 8 Miss Eileen Smocynski, Toron- to, is visiting Miss Donna Coech- rane for-the week M. Mr. and Mirs- Don Cochrane. TRIP TO, TORONTO'TO SEE MAPLE LEAF PRACTICE 1Last week 18 miembers of the senior Tyk.e hockey club andI six aduis taveledte o ronito to see the Toonto ap-Ie Leaf hockey club pracIceatthe MAapfle Leaf Gardens. Thie grop aso wenqt ont for lunich. PartL of the cost of the trip was raiscd through a lucky draw which was won by Mr. Gordon Lowery. The teamn raised over $100.00 on the draw. Mr. Russell Honey, M.P. for NorthumberaInd and Durham an- nounced recently thse approval of a federal grant in thse amount of $j8,'i5O to the Alderville Indian Reserve at" Roseneath under thse Local Initiative Program to create winter employment. The grant is for general reno- vation and landscaping and- wil provide for 22 jobs. This is the fifth grant approved under thse federal programn in thse riding, Mr. Honey, said. hast week a grant was approv- ed for the Society for thse Res- toration of Victoria Hall in Co- bourg in the amount of $19,000 provîiding for 8 jobs. $34,131 GRANT FOR BOWMUANVILLE ROTARY Tis- federal gcovernm.ent has ap- proved a $34,121 grant to the Ro- tary Club of Bowmanvlle for the deveclopme-nt of a 17 acre creek valley site. When coïmpleted thse park will be turned over to the Town of Bowmanville, Notumbcrl anrd and Dur-ham provide 19 jobs during the m'in- ter mnts S-I*I ONDIIARNG Durham MPP Alex Carruthiers h3ai h)e Ontario Municipal Býoar-d may reverse its deciio îî,ot to p rmit the town of Port bpte double the capacity of its sewaIge tLreatment plant, from our to two million gallons. Mr.Caruthrsmadle the statemeït iin ,annouiÀnÎýG tatthe board will ho!ld asecon-d hearing on the cas. e said t 0aOtario Wol" Ileoures Cmmisionwill prox ide necw information during cor 1icil meeting to a eournty road Dotting thic day-to-day wvork records of Ontario Hiydrol's levýen helicopter plosare lunusual nidns- fromi beinigshot at by unIters to bhelpin-g combat ?"forest lires. Choppers have assistec in.a search-and-rescue oeain for downed miliary adcîvilian planes, andr on occasiont have rescnd dinjured or lost -jter. otorists stranded with brning cars have proAtd frmreextiguisr carried as standard safeIty equipmecnt. Hyrwiîh the first helicoptuer let én the Toronto area, played a major roieJin thie aftermath off huirricane lfazel.Hepg police direct traffice from isle ir was onfly one noveet Toronito's arb r afic watch is an Thethrtenheicptrle"svestydro over a mmio dolar a. year on Visneto m n. Whirybirs Work0on transmision n contuct ion., sreing, icefo 1w suis tranpor cfequpmet -aid nwuses are consta.ntly being found. piltshae ureyfarms mark en. thur MnMap AebrS wilI searipde the esaund ofai nheicopterand inthcrusWI d ,0age or deathcan resuh o ît inkrachsare avoided lu ping shen upset modues moilMUiouhir youngý. Penitentiiarics andmisl instaýlains are on, restricted listabutnudist camps aeme htotelm epilos' discretIn. Onitario H>dro Photo. Why Pay mer é? Save Moneyt CON DX PEEMIJUM QUALITY FUEL OIL end S TOVE OIL Pkone 668-3341 -CoIIect For Prompt CourteouissSeiwice CaI1 Us Today mimé tà quo ORON) W'LY TIMErS, WEDNESDAY, JANUATLY Sth, 1972 inuicpalde tLpa for the ac- which runiouhterlris Býowmanville counci]lihas refusedi to siJgntHe ageeenad RE(eve I)ksIr aidî he wîillapa to l'ise more equitable arrangemenit. is notL made. !NFORMATION BOOTIL NEW YEAR DECISION Plans for a provinciaIltourist information booth located' near Bowmanvlle or 115-401 juriction may be announced early in the new year, so states MPP Dr. Chas Mellveen recently. The bohwas first proposed by a co-ordinating comnmittee Gi seven tourist associatfons and~ pre- sented to area MIPPs. There are three such booths a- ready in existence in the provhoe