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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jan 1972, p. 1

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Orono VOLUME 36, -NUMBER 2 WeekMy Times ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY l2th, 197~2 $61,0OO In Costs Awarded To Former Orono Businessman A Durham Counity Miýink farmer bas been awarded $61,000 and c-ostts against the Hlaliburton, Ka- ,wýartha Pino Ridge District Health Uýnit, after claiming the heaitth ,unit cost him hîs mink foodl bus- ines~. Rtichard Colins of ý' N\estleton, !se,,ught dam~ages 'of $75,000 and costs against the Lunit in a hlearing' trieà ai. Cobourg by Mr. Justice Wý. A. Donohue. In Septomber, 1.965, the health unit notified Mvr. Collins bis bus- iniess in a concrote building with a 20-ton freezing plant ait Orono wýas an offensive trade under tho Public Health Act, and that ho mnust use bis plant onlly for freoz- ing and storing and must do the packagîng lsowhere. Mr. Collfins said by the, timo he had received the order to move, he had increased bis operation to 120 tons. H1e claimed the order Tput hlm out of business and by ecarly 1966 hoe had lost all bis con- tracts. Heur Yie HeurYeI The Bowmanville Drama Woàrk- sbop 15 atit again. Yes frientis we are busy preparlng" "Barefoot in The Park". A- Neil Simnoon comiedy which bhas lhatimany successful i-uns bath on anti off Broadway. Clev-erjy directeti by Jean Sher- idan whose theatrical ability is welknown. Jean's presontation of Waltz of The Toreodors is' to date, ouir inost successfut production. Iler talentl is AlWays apparent eithier on stage or behiind the scones. The cast is nearly all old fav- ourites wiith plenty of stage ex- porience. Iris HTeliman as the bride of only six days, capricious, romant- ic, ber brain storms como close to wrecking the marriage at the outset. Peter Lunny, a welcomne now- comier to our stage, is tbe groom. A soi-bus young muan who fiptis the antics of bis bride qisconcert- ing to say the least. Orno Business Interesting Topic For orneAnd c o To Change i~ands H. DeWith - Acti'ng The Orono Bakesbo-ip and Snack- Bar bas been sold by Mr. and Mrs. H. Vandenbrink ta Mr, Myles McLeod of BowmianviIle. Mr, Mc- Leod takes possession of the Or- ono business on February lst. Mr. and Mrs. Vanidenbrink have operated the bake shop iii Orono for the past tein and a haîf years following purchase from Mr. A. MeGillL I0 June of 1966 they op- ened a Snack Bar in, connectioni with the bake shop. MIr. Vandenbrink states that he intends to return to baking fol- lowing a few holidays with his daughter in British Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. H- Vandenbrink intend to continue residing in Orono. Approximately ltwo million On- tario car owners have still to pur- chase their 1972 licence plates with loss than two months to go before the February 29 deadfline. At the end of December only 11.5 per cent of the ostimatod total of 2,233,039 car licences had been issued in the first mnonth of sale, the office of the Registrar of the Motor Vehicles Division, Department of Transportation and Communications, reported todlay. Thiere will be Do extension of the February 29 deadline, ho omi- phasized. "Owners are advised to get $28,550 Expenditizre Needs Boards OK The Northumberland - Durham ýJüunty Board of Education will be asitet to ratify the expenditure ofj $28,550 wbieh camne fromn the federa governiment in the form r4 a work inconive grant. M. A. MlacLeod, business admin- ,4srator, said that the administra- ,ion made application to the gov- eýrnmrent for a grant to cover five projocts. Wbite the board accepted e grant, hoe said, the timre factor, havingl to bave the list of projeets 'in by a Decemnber 21 deadilino, meant that tbey were not able to r-atify tbemi sinco there was no mneetingý in the latter part of doe- LemLie r. The five pro jects will be car- ied out over a perioti of time starting January 1 to 31 anti con- tinuing until tbe endi of -May. A total of 19 people MIl be employ- cd f'or an alproximate total of 100-man-bours each. Mr, MacLeod saiti the people omployed xiii bc unskilled and will be drawn from the Port Hlope Cobourgc andi area tbrough Can- adianMapwr One of the spec- ifications of tbhe grant is that tbe people biroti are already "nm ployed," Proýiect number one will em- ploy nine people to do special painting work in school interiors. The work will be carrieout in tbe evening bours whon school Claîrke Council Ho!ds Inaugural Meeting Th'le Townlship of Clarke bielti thfeir inaugural m-eeting on Tues- dJay, January 4th iii theTo si ;Chainbers. Floigbrief words, o fooe by R. eJohn1;Stonle, Rev SnlgrveNewonvlbeand Rev. LnOoo rub od olf wisdom to flhe opeýning core- -mo-nies. Reevo John Stone, on behialf of Council, thank eti botb Rev. Sniel- grove and Rov. Lon1g for their part i lte openimng cceromonles. Ini the correspondence a copy of a lett er firm Saniler, Gordon and GLtueman re thle Clarke Fi'sbl andi Conservation Club was filet. The Club is nowv seeking approval from thle Ontarlo Muicipal Board for a club bouse andfiveý Chalýets on proervysouth iof Lesý- karti aloag tho Wilmot Crlleek. Reeve Stone, at ,a previousmet S ing of the Planning B3oard, stateti that Council was taking no further aýctioni in rezoning the propox-ty until suchi timoe as the. Township hears from the O.M.B. Street 1ighting for Leskard was r-eferreti to the finance com- m1itteo anti the ,clerk for futher stiLcy. A letter from thie Departmoent of Public Works referroti to a recont pur-chaso of lanti, part of lot 1.5, concession 6 from Mr. and Mirs. Johin M. Stapîcton for the De(partmocnt of Lantis anti Forests,. This parcel of landti wil be atitet to thie Kential rerainaica. Mfinuites of tho Plannling Board were filet i atite meeting. noting approval with rcoMmmendIation to 1ounvcil for rezonhng 1.0iacrs of lanti ownied by J. George Steph- enson, RR 2, Nowca;-stleý fromAg ric-ulture to Rural eioni Thie Pann Býoart i aso grntoti tuieir approval for rzig4,5' acelot C, concession ,ont byv Alton anti Valerie SmWih tobe, -eoeifrom Agriculture to Opeii Thfrcee new, applications were fieiby the iBoardi wbile, ton ap- plicationts for r7ezoning,- are boing helti awaiting-£ furtber in1formationý and consideration. is not in progress, and on Satur- days. Mr.Mceo saiti that many sehools lii the two counties will be includet i lIthe paintiýng pro- gram. The second project is troo trim- ming, foncing and grounti work in aIl area scbools andl this wil11 employ two more people. A fuartbor two unskilloti work- ers will bie hiroti to conduct a sur- voy and tLo record ail plant equip- ment. "We bave numerous electrie motors, pumps and o ter oquip- mient in our schools and we fee, there shoulti be a record of tbem all and that they shotîId ho label- led," tbe business adiinistrator said. "This would mnean tbat in tbe event of a break-down that the serial numbers and otber particu- lai-s will bc on hanti immediatoly." Project number four will in- volvo two people working o-n a traisportation survey which has been described as "a pilot pro- ject" prior to the proposaI to com- puterize scbool bus routes. Mý,r. MacLeod said the survey titi not require tbe workers to bave ,ny particular qualifications. "Thoy wllbe cdoing tho leg work inovdand do not nleed to bie The surveyors wýill b)e cunting pupils at particular bus stops, týhe numnbers getting in ani loavingý tbe bus; tbe imileage bJetw,ýeen stops andi[tbe timo involved in the entîre transportation opera- tion in Clarke Townsbip. Four pursons will bc i.reti, to conduet tie last project wbicb involves the surveying and sort- inig Of records of former boards of edlucation. MWr. Ma'cLeoti said tbat the county oad as received lal! the recrdsandfiles of formý,er boartis anithere er quito a few of tentbrough]out ftie two Counties, ,wbicb restil inlaboxess in- a store roomn. "We wýant ftbem sorted out anti in shape so that we can refer to tbemi with ense fromn time to imie," ho adtiod. The entire grant program will be prosenteti to the board at the January 13 meetiing. Clork For CLrk. At a special meeting, of Councîl Mr. Ilenry DTeWith w'as appoint- cd acting1 Clerk for the Townsbip ofnt re The appointment was made due to thie resignation of Mr. Leuî Miuihwho left the Township at the end of 1971. 21r. DWt is not new to the positio~n, bin,ýig held the position of clerk prior to the appointment of Mr. Mikulicb in the faîl of 1 971. Mr. DeWýith will carry on bis work alýo as treasurer for the Township and the Road Depart- ment. thoir plates as early as possible to avoid the usual last-minute surge of sales with their tine-con- suming line-ups," said a depart-. ment officiai. Disposai Plant Planned Cobourg's General Foods plant is planning to build a now "dis- posai puiant" according to provin- cial legisiation but MUayor Jack Heenan says 10 gallon-s of wasto filtered in a week hardly consti- tuteýs a real disposal site. The "plant"' which bas boon ap- prove<i by the local ý1department of health and provincial depart- ment of energy, miust receive the approval from theo town couincil in order to be constructorl. .1 The waste tQ be filtered con- tains a small anmount of mnercury, wbiich is probfibitoti to pass tbrough tbte town's wator filtra- tion systomn. The "planit" would consist of a pit enclosed in wiro fencing witb a locked gate. The construiction of the plant, according. to tbe company, dloés- not contravene the zoning bylaws of tbe town. The new"pat would be le- cateti norith of t'le existing plant andi to the east of Wimmniam St. The Orono Homne and School Association at its January meet- ing will discuss "the future of education in Clarke Township." For this topie Mr. Dave Patterson, Mr. IL, R. Moorcroft and Mr. T. Hawkins, all members of the County Board of Education admin- istrative staff will be present. The meeting will lie held in the style of a forum with dialogue be- tween..the speakers and the audi- ence. PUBLIC SPEAK!NG The, Clarke Township Public speaking contest will- this year be held at the Kirby Centennial School on January 24tr beginning at 1:15 p.m. There will be two contestants from. the Orono sehool entered in the contest. The Or- ono Pubýc Sehool contest will lie held on ianuary 21st at the scbool The Western Area Public Speak- ing finals will be held at the hl. J. Hobbs school, Hlampton on Fèe,- ruary 7th, with the County finals held at Pr. Powers Public Scheoo in Port, Hope on February 14th. ACTIVITY "NIGHTS In recent weeks the Orono School held tw*o experimental ac- tivity niglits with both parents and students participating in gaines, and sporting activities at the, school. A report fromn the sehool states'they were quite sue- cessful and that- a decision on whether or not to carry thema on will be made in the very niear future. Kilis A reguâMon1 Francis Leroy Hylande, 4C, of Pontypool, was killed 'Saturday night- when hie apparently fell or was thrown from bhis snowm obile and struck a parked trailer loa'd- ed with'two snowmobiles on con- cession 3 in Manvers Township. Police said there were no witness- es to the accident, wbich occurred at 10:40 p.m. The cause of the mis- hap has not been determined. It is feit the deceased may have had a heart attack. Chamber Re-Elects Officers For Second Term Twenty-five wore in attendance for the annual meetiing of the Orono Chamber of Commerce on M',onday evenling at theý New l)utch Oven Restaurant. The meeieting approved a recom- meikndaitioni of theChme Coun- -il thaýt l'le 1971 officers be ri- isaeifoî aniother terni anti thagt a hnein the, by-laws of tiîe ('be ho ad1-1to!0note that ail]ficr ii -n eChamber nowm' lie for a two year perliod. Offîcers for 1972 are as fol- Aïr. Gery eykoop, vice pi-es. Mr. IH. E. 2Millson, secretar Mrc. Clare Guntepr, treaýurer. Sýilnpsýonl, Jak. ledB Dckon ii. Hfazelt;in, G. onEMdie ton, andi Percy Lm]nn. Mr. Gunter i iigtefn ania eport noted alak bal- ane S 106 59.The Cabri al1so to lsk the Counicil ofth Tlowynship of Clarke, and the Oýr- éo Police Trustees for financial sup)port. Mlr. Downs noteti that mnost municîpalities d o StPPOr't their Chamb,ýers financially. M-Nem- bership in the Chamber rose 1.0 forty in 1971. Mr. Robert H1azelti reported on various projeets un.dertaken during the year includling the licef B3ar-B-Q anti the Christmas Fa)mily Party. Both, ho said, wvere most suîccess1al but ho titi stat.e t'here was a need for greater par- ticipation by' the mnembers in as- sisting with these projocts. In re- spect with the Christxmas Party, ho said, the Athiletic Association had dlonatecltfi hericetme. Mr. Albert Munneke reportei that the Chamber bad zeceived one ontry from the H1igh Sehool regarding an essay on the inter- csigpoints about the aroa. A ca14h award will be grantoti Mr. Rodnoy Paynie, a grade 10 student wbio contriuteti Vie essay. Mr. ey'v.koop re-porteti on de- ity1 oftevopg a camn-psite on park landfs at the i du(icmp site antials on roge~stowvartis oh- to ~"~v~further consider- ation by thle Chamber. Mr. H-. E. Milîson replorteti hrieflyv on the dovelopment of a secoti4 well for the Orono Water System. Ho noteti the existance of a low pressure area ln the Colb Hill district. -s y lný

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