ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12th, 1972 WUET âme FOR WEDNDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED 4 UNTIL5:00pn.TUFSDAY PBONE ORONO $ fl3l Mls.. lus. ramce Agmicy Àm claïsesof ersual and Osnumercial GCovrages omte: main st- Oroue .rd Simpson GENERAL RPAIES Ezto$oe WANT TO Now 'you ïe4 CHARLES REID ORONO ELECTRIC Orono's Licensed Auçtioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmn and Furniture sales (3oeult me for terme and dntes PIIONE ORONO 983-U14 Monuments and Famiy Menoriol Our quality and seýrvice Icavez P-othing te be desired Ask the pergon who e gtfrein ffl a neilhbour, frlend or relative 'RIe RJ ER GRALNITE 623PA3Y. Herb and Gerry Duyali 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ElHC17RIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES TNV. - COLOUR T., RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE ' ECA ELECTROHOME GUAEANTEUED SERVIcm sai Ha ionr ervbe-Sice IBox 133 Phono 688-3552 Stafford Brothers Gemetery MmSneialo WHlTY, ONTARJO Ison 0101*0 Phono FOR REN Apartmeii<1t for rft ýpIy Kirby »eneril Store, Phone 9835476. a-p WVàitress, full time. Sho Order Cook, Apply in person t îf Noone's Hotel and e staurant,, »ighwa"y 115, one inle north of by De lxe Metor Coach FLO RID*-ý Ma ý'departure dates. Cholce of "0, 6, 20 or 21 day tours. A tours inue W rld. One, gesto àMard G s in ew Orleans, Priced s ow las $165.00 per er- son. CALYO Dayý tours, departing on Feb. , 9"th, April 8th, October f 4th. P4eed fromn $360.00 per person 23 ays. Departii -PrÎil th For Erochu -,,conitact: ntway ToyfLtd, Be ý72 Pe oron h o 48181 1114,c Contact Orono Ladep or sn W ürmi. D e w srvc Wah a n , Flo C% Dead orCîripIè>1 Fgrih Stck) IPICKE)f UTp pRomp'nLy M~ru Fana ISTMAS K-UP Appliicatio 1 RI be received byteud rsig d tl 5:00 p.m. Monday, ýanuary 17, 1972 for the, ~eYr ~ 1c r Hamp- ton 'icï ble Scho 2 days per wie ute to co mence as soon as/possible. m have typing, general and usiness machines, shorthand kno dge 1 office procedure an ;sse ut not essentiA. bility to/get alonglý with poe /Apply in_ writing at quali- f' éations and expe n0 : 1.A. MacLe od, ss Admin- isiStor anda Trurer, D'Arey SÈreet, Box470, Cob rg, Ontario BUSINESS PP4TUNITIES EABN MONÉY IN ARE TIME Mlen or /omen to ?e-stock and colleet qoney from New Type high qitlity coin-ope» eé' dis- pensers ,nllyour are< No sel ng. To quali y, must )save. car, >4efer- enees, $000.00- Xo $3000.QX catih. Seven to twvelve hours weekly can net exce e t ic More full time. Wei it you - and establish y6 tr route. For petson- ai interview, write: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIIT*ED DEPT1. "A" 1163 Tecu arjWdý, East WINDSO?ýý 20, Ontario a-p Oshawa Busin-ess anou së the ope igof the NE W-"INTEUT e m on MOerN A, E- JOBRIENTED DAY SCHOOL COURSES frein w hil toe cheose: Ssess Administration Course Wetarial Course ýStenograp i'Xursle CleryI'IpistVUe Thse c ,"tî, Cours Thee'ýJxcln --indviUal lu- strurtont,- easonabie Tultion and Job Piae"t Assistance for eradu s,, Enr-o mçËsu the ove Courses Hall- Cos for House- coures Atin itheulr mrig Sor0iýî af rnoos .to Frý,c T-iay Tak~ Tto f ybj f ts Cor s e sfiigltmaandorlreg mature women lu business. Train now to fil that dcmand, For complete details, Dial 728-0052 TendeÏ wiil be received until, 12:00 o' oL noon on January 21 1972 byýzIII'm eéned for the, reinovai and disposa of house- hoid garbage £rom t e Police Vil- lage of Orono on a weekly basis, Tenders forms av lýiable froxu the, undersigned are, to be used. Tenders to ýe clearly narkedi as such. Fur ier information is, availab1e. Mr. E. E V,, ood.y ard, Secretary Orono po ce Trustees, Orono, On ro, NOT/CEJ The nnual meting of th r. ono ÇCe etery Co.will be h d o Moônday Januar 4, 1972t 7:30, p.m. in he Lan ,emoriai Chapel on the ronto metery ouinds. HOME ANI) SC-1OOL Mj ETING Th rgular meeting Oon llomie and Sehool A"ociation will be eild on Tuesdaîl January' î8hat ý8 p.m. -Mr.. ). eatterson,- Mr.H. Vlorcrft ind ir. T. HTaw- kins wilL4 hiold n pefoumtype, program i le the ic hein "Tl]e 'Fiitureof Muc(io Clank e To nsýhip"' T'vis is ofn- Everyonc iswecr. a- D A In Newca Communit Hall S n Saturda, anuary 15th Music by "The d You Will emem, br.Ba ivileges. S pizes. D)ancing o 1. $3.0' couple. Sponsor by urham NDP Association, a-c RECE"N Cccil and 1sic Jo'es wîll reý ceive friends,.anld clati s on the occasion of th -r 4th wedding annivcrsaryl a the Odd jFellow'sý Hall, Oron ,Saturdaýy /January l5th from 4 pm Best Wis s only. >a-p CARI) 0- F THANKS weWeSwi '[0 ackInq -edge with deep appreciatiarthle ards and rememb ýncec "whilc n hospital; ie kidesym ahy and beau- tifuilfir e from relatives, friends,,, neighbours, Canadian Im11periâ Bank o erce, Or- 0110 aI ddo nsttcOtai Hleart Fozu dation nd' Gidteon Bbe SociVty c Iiepassing of Pa dear mo anW-ýrd grandmother. The GrayFaiy /f IANE ý iYOUT I ~ e w d ik xpres ýMy sn cere ~ i' ans alm nsandi relat es gîft,1caS and vis~ i h to ytahrs t calri-,d those who (le, also to Dr. and nurses On~ the third floor. P Barbara Ann Gustar lono Trips Fr.p. Clarke Public LIBRARY Menday, Tuesday, Thursday md Frlday 6:30 te 8:30 pan. Thursday and Frlday alternoons 2:30 te 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 te 11:00 aan. ý l'ateder