VOLUME 36, NUMBER 3 Bob Eakins of Cobourg is the new cairmian of the Northumber- lan-DuhamCouinty Board of Ed- ucation and lie got there by "the toss of a coini." Wlien he cand 1Howrd Sheppard ,.f B'oseneath were nomninated for the top job at last Thursday -ngtsinaucural meetinb, the nembers dlid not believe for one minute that the vote would be, similar to last year's "eiglit for Sheppard" and "eighit for Eakinis," but it was. Last year- the same two men were nîominated for the 'vice- ýcharmnanship of the board and the eight to ight vote had to bc resolved by flipping a coin. W. Frank Thom, director of ,cdcation, tossed the coin, for the second year in a row and it Àýame up "tatils," just the same as Iast year. But last year Mr. Sheppard won "on tails" and this year Mr. Eakins won. Last year Mr. Eakins was nonm- ,inatd fir-st and was allowed to cýaJ1 lie went for "hleadls". "I called first last time. It's your tnie to call first," he said to Mr. Sheppard. M1r. Sheppard called "heads" ýinitfi came up tails and he lost the chance to become the board's t'op mlan., One board miember comrncnted that hie did not think that eight ito-eight výote twice in a row ln- rdicated thiat the board is divided -IL is just that MJýr, Sheppard and Mr Bkinsare, two ex-cellent ?inen," re said. Last year mr. Thojn commriented t-hat neyer in his experience has fie had to settie an election in uciamanuer. At Tusa' lmeihe jLustcould notbeie that lie -woufld be called u1pon 10 ýdo it aan "Though tssin a coin to settieý Weekly the question is covered in tbc Ed- ucational Act," he said. The Act, he cxplained Iast year, states bliat ini the case of bwo contenders receiviug an equal number of votes, then the matter sliouid be settied by drawing lots. There are methods other than flipping a coin, he said, sucli as drawing straws, matches or his favourite, whichi is to select a number from one to 100 and have the two contenders "«guess the number." The closest would min. Mr. Thiom said that the prev- ious Education Act stipulated that such a situation should be settled on the, basis of property assessment of the two parties. The man with the higliest as- sessment would get the position. Mr. Sheppard was nonîinated for the vice-chairmanship for a second terin but he declined, nominaing instead Wesley Down of Brighton. J)r. john T. McCreery, Port Hope's represent ative on the board was nominated by former cliairman, A.A.H. Strike. Several others nominated for for the vice-chairmanship declin- cd and the board elected Dr. Mc- creery. The first chairman of the board was J. M. Rolph, of Northumber- land, then Mr. Strike of Durhami and now Mr. Eakins of Nortlium- berland, as recommended in'board Polies, The otgroingf chairman, Mr. Strike described his yeâr as "a pleasure and a challenge." "I hope I didn't tread too heav- ily," lie commented, going ofl f0 say that he thouglit the Northum berland-Durliam board had one of tlie better administrations in the province. "They are on topl of the bail ail the time," lie add- ed. i imes molre Grants ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19th, 1972 Toss 0fCoinDeis Thle Clarke Township Museum anîd Archives Society held a meeting last week in which the eleven present. displayed a lot of inf erest in the activities of the Society. Mr. Robert Hancock was tem- p)orarilv apnointed president of the society due to the resignation by Mr. Tan ley. The group discussed insurance along with setting up a "chedule for members-to assist du-ing the Thursday evening openings. Let- fers are also to be sent to ail the area schools informing them that arrangements can be made for class visits to the Museum. Thq local group are making ar- rangements to meet with Mr. Styrmo, museum advisor for the Department of Records and Ar- chives when the operation and structure of, the Museum will be discussed, along with establish- ing a eonstution and by-laws. A general annual meeting will be called sometime in the future when the constitution is settled. In the meantime the Clarke Museum in Orono is open every, Thursday evening to the general public. FIS!! ANDi HUNT CLUB, The Orono Fish and Hunt Club met on Sunday when they held their annual' meeting. The group re-elected their officers and dir- ectors which are as follows.: Mr. Jim Ard, President Mr. Vance Allen, Vice-President Mr. Marvin Lunn, Secretary Mr. Wayne l3ailey, Tesrr Directors are Messrs. Vimîl Schrnid, Gerry Duvaîl, Reg Elliott, Jôlin Slater, Donald Cathcart and Gary Hancock. The Fish and Hunt are to, seek rezoning of their range at lot 33, concession 7, from agriculture to that now held by -the Oshawa Gun Club which is located on the fourthli ne of Clarke. Propose ýF ur-nished 'Homes hIntCOnoo Area To Seli For $20,900 The tlieory that mobile home fac- î,oies-wlich ai re able to produce houses at pracically hall the cost o)f conventional liousïngL--can turn euttlre-bereinbungalows lias ben jsulccessfuliy put toeblie test. The resit is a bre-bedrooni l(ieuse, ýonMpetely furnished and 'eqipped, wýitli a -price tag of $;2ù,900 and a down payment of Seventy.eight of the new homes will ake their first appearance in a subdivision uinder developl- ment atitOrono in! Clarke rowný- slip). ther sites are being devel- opeýd and mie projeet xiii be oniyý 18 miles from thie Metro border. The roosdorono dcvelop- rne!t is iocated ju-st north oif Or- onu )oCeIwe tery w-MIlleI roet underdevcopmct byBe-casDe velo!pmuf nt (1d. la sekigwith MIr. lBest, uidiginspector, lbe laid that lie had met wffli Mr., CaqpCr i ncuecii wt h boueo Tulesday in ,d],t1 he de- scieda um xlracymeet- in. iesad he lesswould need soirne revisions to met tbc by-lws f te Txvuhipaud that bcdevelower ivas no loknglu te thse cange. Ftbermet lus ill ficied The final agrPremet for Ille subdivision is stifl awaiting some clarificationis but lb bas been. stated that cevetY aspect Of the subdivsion houhlj be settled by id Febrîîary. To a degrec the new hybrid bouses rescxnblc mobile homes of double width. Thèy are flot mo- bile ini any way exýcept) that bliey aire transported' to the ite-in two sections and joined on the found- ation. They are tnanufactured ini a Cobourg plant, whicli also pro- duc(,s 1yraiiMobile Homes. A large r iodel retails for $21,900 and lias a floor area of 1,200 fqu refet. Orein place on tbeir founda- tions, thie huses appear like con- ventional, low-profilc bun?,alows. Eacfi is on itq own scparabe lot wliich is ncuddil- the purchase price. Thlicsnîaller hoùuse meas- oires 22 feet by 50 feet and the Larger 22 by 55 feet. ANl furiiture for living and diigroouis and ltbre bedroonis, ail draipes and carpel, stov, .re- frildrto anP i qupetis in(-u(ld l th prce.The b ouse i, 1ioeady to0 molve into iiufr. least four exýterior finîshes inil- cuigclapboard, aluinuitni sid- ingi andf paniellîng, and comhbin- ations of ail. There will becnul vtiriety to mrake a pleasing ar- rageen f the ouises in the subdivision, '[le uew ,ubdivisioni ýill be quite ceuventionalin ualil, ays (Coninucd on page 4) Education Board rCýhai r m anannn h MVr. and Mrs. Hank van der 28itt as bhey have sold tlieir business after a period of ben Brink pictured above, leave blie Main Str'eet scene as of January years. Tliey intend tc remain ln Orono. Group ïï - i I Fom Ottawa I' Northumberland - Durham M.P. Russell C. Honey annouuced Jan- uary l4tli the approval of two federal grants te the Warkworth Winter eccreation Service and the JanetvillIv Recreation Hllu Committce. The grant of $17,613 te Wark- worth is te coudUet community programns aud xiii provide for 11 jobs. The grant of $19,714'te Janet- ville is for renovationV to bbc rec- reabion hall and construction of a bail park and arena. Seven grants have noW been approved under bhc federal ipro- grami in thc Riding, Mr. Honey said. Grants previously approved wcrc for Viettoria Hall lu Cob. ourg, Cobourg YM-YWCA, Aider- ville Indian Reserve, Rotary Club of Bowmanvillc and tthe Town cf Port Hope for sidcwaik construc- tion. Gjrants te date in bbc Riding amount te $188,000. with ttlie cre- ation of 120 jobs. Grant $3930' To Clarke Library Tlie Province of Ontario liasi granted a surn of $3,930.00 te bbc Clarke Public Library te renovabe and reconstruet bwo roonis at the Library te lieuse the Junior De- parbmcnt. Thie grant wasapplicd for by bbc Board and was granted under bbc Employment Incentîve Prograin 1971-72 by bbc Dcpart- nient cf Municipal Affairs. The work must be completed by May 31st, 1972. The grant will be used for lab- our costs and supcrvisory costs. Mr. H. DeWith, Clerk of Clarke reeived bbe information on Tues- day. The Llbrary Board is uow iu a position to reconstruct bbc inter- !cr cf the south rocîn at bbc library building for bbc Junior departinent. Il is te have a rustJe decor witb a partial second open floor at bhc wcst cnd cf the rom.It is aise contemplated that a small ruom uow used as a work rom wiil bcelciminated by recigtwo walis and inciuded with the present picture-book ronîn. The total cost of bhc projeet, is expei-ted te mun arouud $600000. Boards Discuss tulConcerns 'The Northumnberland - Durhamn Ccuuty Board of Education lias appointed a tbrec-member comn- mittee to sitou a joint committee with inembers of tbc Peterbor- ough Counity Board of Educabtiion and the four-county Separate Sci'ool Board. The board w\as told'at the in- augurai meeting lu Cobourg last Thursday night that tlie joint com- nîittee xii discuss areas of mu- tuai concern such as enroliment, ti-ansportation, administration; and such joint facilities as a film lib- rary; joint purcliasing;- sharing of other famfilities; transportation and a family life program. The tlirec members are E. M. Crcigbton of Port Hope, wlio, rep- resents the separate sthool sup- porters 'on the Northumberland- Durhami board; A. A. H. Strike of Bowmanville and Howward Shep- pard of Roseneath. During the meeting appoint- ments were made to tlie advisory. and vocational commibtee and to' blie advisory committee for tra inable retarded children. The advisory and vocaional commttee contains four mnem- bers of thc board plus four nlem- bers appointed fromn the area un- der tlie board's jurisdiction. The conimittee for trainabie re- tardcd children include s six mem- bers, three froni the board and three appointed by the local as- sociations for the mentaily re- tarded. Thie board memibers, are C, V. Jolhnston, J. C. McKague and A. J. liowan. William Petty repre- sents the Campldlford and Dis- trict association for bbc Mentaily Retarded; Garry Cooks represents the Oshawa and District Associ- ation and Ian Wilson is bhe repre- sentabive for tlie Port Hope-Co- bour-g and District Association for blie Mentaily Rctarded. The board appoinbed H. M. Grant, guidance consultant for t'ie c'ntlral arca, te sit on blie Cobourg Library Board for a tliree-y:.ar termi. Chef Dan Simpson of the Aid- ei-vile liujian P.eserve was ap- poinbcd consultant te thecboard on Inidian affaîrs at an houorarium of $30 per mnonthl. S. T. Wardcu of Bowmanville wsa appointed te act as au obscrv- ci- at the meetings of bhc Central Ontario Joint Planning Board in order te keep bthe board inforhied of developuienis.