ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19th, 19132 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES S M;mA 1 abue AWAY WE GO AGAIN Only a few years ago an educational report by Halis-Dennis had the country ail agog over their findings and proposals, The report was the topie throughout the educational system and. even wasthe subjeet at educational meeftigs in Orono, It was however almost outdated before it was implemiented and today, after 4our years, is seldorn heard of. It matters littie, for today we can- start ahl over on the report fromn the Commission on Post-secondary Educa- tion for Ontario, The Commission report, with a budget of $1,370,OOO.00O states that higher education must be available. to everyone and recommends an adjustmnent of university fees and grants so that no one is cýirbed in their effort' to obtain the education they desire. This is not a world-shattering viewpoint nor lias itý (the inequality which has_ existed) not been apparent, throughout the ycars. The scallng of fees to family income seems a logical approach andi may take some of the burden off the general taxpayer. It does however provide funds for those in need. The recommendation to drop grade 13'in High School is another such recommendation that is not new and the Commission is more than ,ikely right when they say it is 4"edueatjonaIIy unnecessarW' andi "socia»y undesirable."1 Certainly manyv have been expressing tthis view over the past few years as the grade now exists as only a stepping stone to university and failures become fewer and fewer undier examination at the local level. The Commission recommends that Community Col- leges grant degrees and develop univesiy courses in any commnunity more than 30 miles from a University. -It felt that this would miake University courses miore accessible and w7ould achieve a "parity of esteemn" for the colleges. 1 On reviewving the Universities attended by graduates from Clarke it is quite apparent that distance is no real concern but rather courses - avrailable and enrolment accept- ance. Further, it would be a shame at this time to direct the Community Colleges towards university oriented cours- es to the detriment of their present "job oriented courses." The Commission also notes that the démand for 'a degree la oftei1 "a àconvenient bureaucratie screening de- vice." That employers tend to assume. . often for dubious reasons and with dublous consequences . . that additional years of school produce better employees. This bubble has certainly been explodçd over the past year and employees today are finding those seeking employment are, so to speak, "over educated." The unexnployed are flot today only those with a low level of education. What amazes most is that it costs $1,370,000.00 to find ont our aliments which in most cases were already known. Perhaps this is the best way to present it to Mr. JohnQ Public. ORONO IN THIE NE~WS Ororno hit the news in the Toronto Star and Oshawa Times over the weekend on reports of a pilot project in housiing to be undertaIken in a subdivision north of the Orono Cemctery. For a sumn of $20,900. you would purchase your lot, house and all furnishings for the living-room,. dining roomn and thrce bedrooms. A down payment of only $1000.00 wourd be needed to' get started. The proposai has created considerable interest in the rnunicipality .with a wide range of view points, The price is certainly attractive and if the product is likewise it could bé à lift for those seeking accommodation. Final arrangements for the plan have yet to be ccômpleted> toca citizens will no doubt have an interest in the proposal, Piek-op and D.Ilvery Eel Tuesday, Thurs4ay aied lday MATTS BILUIARDS and Iarb.rsksp, I Oronontidi Contraci o OR 8tom. Wor Carenty - Cabîme RA ÀL~ ES5T ATf E UIMITED M Kng msth-et EMÛ ot Blowmaoffie PTprompt, eurteo?5,, .ellng and fer the lerpsi et! ares OrorÀ. Arealer Roy Foster William Turanaky (Kendal) 98s44- > Ray FiRnie 27 Dane Found Roy "Stropg 53r Dry d-7ooî,ee your Weddilng 8tattenaryý from the popuaa' BOUQET -PRESTIGE INVITATION UINE, Canada'. frst chbolce of Wedding and Soc4al forma5 A vide choice desigus and types to chooe t rm. InVITATIONS - ANNOUNCYMENTS -- MATCHES REPLY CARDS - SERVIEIME TRANK YOU NOTES-- ETC. ETC. ORONO WEEKLY TIES MAIN STREET, ORIONO, RNTARIO y» k Pl"-an to visit the Twenty-sixth Aninual C ANADA FARM &INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SHOW CNE COliseun Teronte January '2-2, :1972, 99-3-5UMI,