ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNPjDAY, JANUARY lt,17 THRIEE YEAt- OED GIRL DIES IN FiïtL A the-erold. girl pcrished in a f ire \whtc destroye-d the, '111ome Air. and 1\1f- Arthur 11amiltoa, l'le ,ïirl's parents,, Y.1ortli of Cobourg, Mondfey nighl of last V' 0K -heir six year old son wýere taken Co Cob i uý g and -iti 1o)pîai OAILINTONREJECTS {2omuntySpotsCentre Com- xnilttcc hadý a roughi titne recentiy. 1its t O fi o hoùda-joint meet- ing- with Darlington was turned i)o-,-by iownmanville Couni anlter Pthesaine wcek the coin- xitl i. >he saereýponse xvhcnit il zq)ear d bfoeDariing- ton Ccoucil. on]y (ho -r aons were ifferent. Bowmaiv~lc ciîAimid at, with a iiw million dollar filtration 1)!l iiil the offing, it had enough to consider without adding more, It said that though interested in zteqtirinig a new swimsning po>ol and arnafthc matter would have to %vait until, a more opportune tîme. Daligoi or its part said that it was conidclring Panother depu- týatio1n on!whe Ubject wilich came before themr last December atid thiat it was; too occupied compiling informnation on tbat matter to in- volve itself in further talks. It -idded thiat ifwvas only interested .in plans for a new arna at pres- Both councils stressed the need to exercise caution and inaintain- ,edi a "onie step at a time' attitude to the projeets. There is s;ome specula1,tion the (ommittee will narrow iW;'Sigbetsý to cnetaeSolely on a riew swý,iminglï pool . . . provided, of anount of $188.000 withb the cre- takes sonine action on a profect toý bifld a new avena in Wec town- !lbiP. bORTZNE HARDY ILtqard, (>nýtid Telepioe 9f Pi-572R ROY -THOMP$SON lh.ae 993-57U* A»Carpentry Woril ltexade'lllng ILtee ubad AIbert's Teote ArecaAreitu Proposai Legion ,Priza o'ney Angers Beidlýey Group The group of Bewdley resîd.ents involvedwtthhflicConstrucli ia of a recreation, centre in tte vil- lage dlaim that Councillor Arth- ur'Brooker's propo 'ýal of a rcgion, al rink between Port Hope and Cobourg is in direct conflict with theirs. Kelso. Blunden, a member of the l3ewdley group, said hie was shockýcd whien lie re4d r- ports ln thq inewspapers of Councillor Brookers propos 'd arena and rec- reation complex because Bewd- Iey has been working te achieve mu k'h the saine thing for the past two. years. "lit was our idea to build an arena on a joint basis witb the other miunicipalitles," hie said. 'A neetiin$,, arranged some days ago, is to'take place in Bewd- ley Saturday morning and will be attended by representatives from, the surrounding mnicipalities and hy Alex Carrut thers, MPP for Durham and Russell Rowe, MPP for Northumberland, A contracter will outliue esti- mates of the cost of the building of such a facility and the two members of the parliament arc expected to outtine the situation with regard to grants. Ki*rby Ne»ws The Kirby U.C.W. held their firstmeeting of the new year, in the Sunday School room on Tues. January llth. Mrs. Stan Chapman opened the meeting by a thought for the New Year. Hyinn 571 was sung with Mrs. H. Lowery at the piano. The ser lpture, chapter 14 of st. John, verses 15-31 was read hy Mrs. H. Lowery. Mrs. Chapman gave a reading, Messages and Res- olutions for the New Year. Mrs. Inez Harris read a poem Recipe for living. A hymn was sung. Roll cail was taken being a famous lady. There were thirteen mem- bers present. Our new secretary for the year is Mrs. Doreen Stewart and Mrs. Grace Reid is our new program chalirmian in place of Joan Ard. Our 'literature f'or the year is based on Africa. Mrs. Norma Ransberry, our pre- sident, lead us in prayer and also thanke -d Mrs. Chapmîqi for thec devotional., part of the programn. The minutes were read and adop- ted. The roll eall for February will be make up a valentine poem. The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer and Mizpah Bene- riction after which lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. Darla Lowery. Mr. David 'Stewart, Magnetawan and Mr. and Mrs. Samn Stewart and family, Oshawa were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. Stewart and family. The children ail enjoved a lovely tobaggan and sleigbh ride down over the his. Mr, and Ms Dave Richards of IT'-on Failq wprr"'Wednesday lunch"onn gwists of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ransberry. Mr. nnd lMrs DoutyHird, Whitby ~n~n ~uiir~uvwith bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris. Th" rnual m-etine of Kirby Titd(liirch wixqzhldon, Tues- cInv ev7o-nh,& paQ4 with twentv-two two pre'ront. TVie -iae officers wee ",v-ndfo- niti"v"ar, Pe,'+i~ns'Ir', 101 i""A"rwav Mrs. Yowiq are r,ç'w caretakers of Anl enjoya-,ble baîf lbour wa" n" ovr cun oc tea and lun-'. ~Therc is to lie another c'ari' ' at flic school (bis Saturdav ev' r- ing sronsored bv fthe Horn" and Scbool Association. MYr. and Mrq. Andy VanDruen and -Michael, Newcasf;le, visited on Goes Toi, asl A4 .id Aju,ýX Total sales for the January draw dropped slightly from the.Dec ,m- ber figure of $4376.00 Whule this total was down $25400 for fhe moethe t as really'up $109600 ovrtecorresponding' draw to- tal in 1970. The monthly draw waîs made by Mrs. Hicks of Bowmanville at the dance in the tegion Hall on Saturday, January l5th. Mr$. Hicks was the winner of the first door prize r'nd was therefore cal- led upon by the draw chairman to draw the winning tickets froin the drumn. Tre $2088.00, first prize ticket was held by Bayden Pow- ell of Newcastle. The second prize of $100.M0 was won by June Price of 18 Birch Crescent, Ajax. The ' sellers' awards were won by A. Bert Mlyor or Nfpwcastle in the amount of $209.00 anà the customary $10.00 for the seller by a formner resident, Bob Cale of of the wcond prize ticket was won Whitby. Both sellers are members of Brandi 178 and if is feit thaf the $209.00 will corne as a gift to cheer up Mr. McIvor who is pre- sently in Memorial Hospital., Again the chairmnan, Stan Dunn, is frying to reach that next pla- teau but the $5000.00 total still stays out of reach. During the past twelve months there have been any fwo totals that were be- low the $4000.00 figure and acf- ually six of those were over the $4500.00-figure. It is hoped that sales will pick up by $500.00 dur- ing Februar.y. It is to be noted by ticket sellers and aiso purchasers that commen- cinb with the month of Fehruary thiat the date of fie monthly draw lis being changedl to the fourtlh is being changed te the fourfi Satui.rday. It is boped that fie draws will now bc able (o be made at thie Wednesday niglit bingo held in the Legion Hall by the Ladies' Auxiliary. Next draw February 23 Sunday wif h Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wannan. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Miller, Orono visited Mr. and Mrs. Hartwel Lowery oneevening last week. Mlr. Hart well Lowery and Mfr. Johnr Stone aftended thie WardIens election and Mrs. Lowery and Mrs. Stone joined thein for the dinner after tic election af Co- bourg on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lowery and Richard, Scarborougi, visited rel- atives in Kirby on the weekend Mrs. Dora Morris atferided the Canadian Club dinner af the Park Plaza Hofel lu Toronto on Tues- day niglif. Ail Moto-sei SnowmobIe S lle Save up to $226,00 1971MINISNOWReguIiar $595.00 197 MII SOW223 CC SALE Price $475.0 Regular $745.00 1972 CAPRI 292 cc 20 H.P'. SALE .... $615.NO Regular $935.0 1972 CAPRI, 3>0 cc TWIN ... SALE $750.00 1972CAPR .3", « WIN Regular $995.00 197 CARI 99 c TIN ...SALE $799,00, leur$1195.0 1972 MS 18 399 c TWIN ...SAÀLE $1025.0 Regular $1125.00 1972 GRAND PRIX'340 cc TIVIN ~Sale $899.00 Regular $1225,E0 -72 GRAND PRIX 440 cc TWIN sale S.".9.00 RtOLPH HARDWAR3%E Oreno, Ontario Phone 983-5207 Wby Pay More'? Save Mouy! ON »X PREMUUU QIjALfTY FUEL OH. Fui Phone668 -3341 - CeIelgt Dx FUL011 Fur PrOMpJ E.swte. Bewte CVusTO&ty AN INVITATION TO ALL RESIDENTS 0F CLARKE TOWNSHIP The Clarke Planning, Bo ard has prepared an OFFICIAL PLAN which is to be disciussed at a PUBLIC MEETING to be licld on Tfuesday, Januamry 25, at 2.30 epm. TOWN HALL ORONO You. are cordiafly invited to attend tl,,is imeeting at whieh time the Plan- ning Consultants will explain the plan, a-uswer your questions and solicit your commeiits. HORACE R. BEST Secretary.-Treasurer, CLARKE PLANNING B~OARD 19th, 1972