ORONO WE4!ÇLY TIMES, WEDNESDAYV, JANUARV l9th, 1972 WANT ADS FOR WE1>NESIAY PUBLICATION ACCErfD p UNTIL 5.00 p.m. TUFSDAY 2. PHONE ORONO M301 s.. Mils.. lusuraice Ag.ncy la a"« sOf proa and Commercial 4v0Fareâ Umm.. Main st, Orme a«.. 9u35754 GrlSinmpson PHONE 98348fl RPMOELLING EERAL REA5S WANT TO LEARN TO 4,RIVE SEMI'S? ? Now you can train right here in Canada and be paid while doing so. For application and interview, write: Safety Department Trans Canada Transport Training Suite 315, 207 Queons Quay West Toronto 117, Ontario or eall: 41P6-49381. BYAMS PLUMM14G andEATINS Sam and SerVie *ULYFPINANCING rhout: Ty.e263-ZM8 ~HARES EIDORONO ELECTRIC Orone'aLiceused Âuctioneer and Valuator SWecalizep in Farm and .Furniture Sales Comuult me for terms and dates ]PHONE ORONO $83-514 Monuments und FUmniy PMenoriauls Our qllty and serice leaves n otblng te b. deslredl AR& the pergon phe bought freinr M, a neilghbouýr. friend or relativ'e Vie RUTTER GRANITE COM-1PANY POIRT HOPE aretdisplayi Southernl Bwinaenvflle, Ont. foe623-3383 WATSON'S Mrn and Cycle Oraee Phont 983.543 -MN PRN CRAFT BOATS Aulloette Snow MoblIW E.cileh RAN AWS Repnirs fa aakes of Lawn Mever. and 2 and 4 cycle Engh". ASNOWMOBILES LL,9,jE1. ZUMPING OUJT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkmns * Phone 7862552 Cla rke Pbi MdyTuiesday, Thusday and Frlday 6.,30 te SM 0pa.B 'flursday and Frlday afLernoons 2:30 te 5:00 p.. MWerb &"d Gerry DuiaU 99835108 KLE4-TRICAL CONTRAVTNG ELECTIC HEATII« ELECTRICAL APMANME T.V. -- COLOIJE T.V. RADIO - RI-.FI WE STINGHOUSE ECA BLECTROHOME, GUARANTEED SERVICE DIB 183 Phono 8468-8552 Stafford Brothers wmTY,@NARIO Building a House? o remdligyu sn one.,thon contt Floyd Nicholson ,hmo 8-00fe !Pl #oEnj.y Freeh APPLES. Red a"d Goden Delilotu, Maclntoh and ma"y other vaxietls. Bou and FIli hBeauty pearu FRES11 APPLE CIDER MRE"' FR UIT MABIET Rflgway 115 South of Orono FOR SALE 150 tons shelled corn, chemstor or dried. Also iChmpo (atIoller. R. D). Morton 983-5682. d-6-p lI0OtSALE Skiing Stretch Pants in size 12 ând. 14 for'sale. Also Crimup-knit Dresses andi Children's Clothes. Ail new. Phonie 983-5491. b-3-p IJELP WANTED Volunteer sewers needed to complete Red Cross disaster re- lief clotl5dng. AUi aterials sup- plied. Workrom 28 Division St. open Fiidays 1:-30 p.m-. to 3:30 p.rn. or icall 623-2639 or 983-5291, b-4-c TENDER The Northumnberland and Durham County Board of Education invit- es tenders for the supply of Gen- eral CIassroom Supplies. Tenders will close Friday, January 31, 1972 at 4:00 P.M. Tender lists and conditions ihâiy be picked up fromr the office of M. A. MacLeod, Bus- iness Admiuistrator and Treasur- er, Northum~berland and Durham Coiinty BÔaùLI of E4UeaIon. ox 470, DAc Stree'l North, Cob- our-g, Ontario. TEN DER The N\orthuimberland and Dra County Board of Education in- ,vites tenders for the supply of finishinig hiardware for Courtice Second(ai-y School. Tendfers will close Tuesday, Januiary 25th, 1972 at 3:00 P.M. Specifications mnay be obtained from the oice of M. A. Maecod, Business A'ýdministrator and Treasurer, Northumberland and Durham Couinty Board of Ed- ucation, Box 470, D'Arcy Street North, Cobourg, Onittario. SNOW PLOWING Contact Orono TLdsaplnig for snow plowving. Depefndabie serice j Phone ,983-5598. WORK WANTED Maralimaji Bro.4. Floor CO. spedaliîng ln Mach'ine and Rend Trowoled Dustleu Conerete Floors phono 9&1-6» t-f 'Want.d Dead or Crippled Farm Sto-k PI(,XEB U P PEOIPTLY Margwill Fur Farm s a DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED WED. FEB. 2iid' LIONS CENTRE BOWMANVILLE RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC 1:30 to 4:30 p.mù. and 6:30 to 9:00 For transportation cail 623-9010 day q~. claie. THE NEED IS GREAT! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Earn .Ioney In Spare Time Men or Women to re-stock and colleet money from New Ty'pe high quality coin-operatcdý dispen, sers in your area. No selling. To qualify, must have car, referenc- es, $1000-00 to $3000.00 cash. Seven 10 twelve hours weekly can net excellent income. More full time. We invest with you - and establish your route. For personal interview w-,rite: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED DEPT. "A" 1163 Tecumseh Road, East, WINDSOR 20. Ontario NOTICE TO PARENTS Cfiildi-en bora before December 31, 1967 are eligible to begia Rindergarten in September 1972. If You1 lant to enrol your ehild, in Oroilo Public Sehool, Will you pleasee aîl thte scho ol, 983-50Q6, so thaât ar-angementts niay be made tc o reglister your child. a-c HORTICULTtJRAL NOTICE Annual Memibership' Pot-Luck Supper, Thursday, January 20[h, 6:.30 p.m., main hall of Orono United Chiurch. .. Sildes of oui- 5th year activit- ies will bc shown. Everyonewlcm. - BINGO FUND NIGHT Spon1soredff by tthe local associ- ation of tJhe Guides and Bro-%wnies, aiKendfal Public Sehool, Satur- day, January 22nd at 8 p.m.. Admiission 50e per person. Lunich sre.a-c NOTICE Girls vwisinig to join thýe 4-11 Homeakng Club "lewa, please eail MrLs. WlimTambl)lyn or RuLth Chater. a-c COMING EVENT KirbY Centennial Home and Sehool preseats Mrs, Lois Fenton, Publie Health Nurse: "Your HeËlth Unit.. Its Role ln Sehool and Com-munity" Ki-by Centennial Sehiool Auditor- ium, Tuesday, Januiary 25 at 8 p.mi. a-c NOTICE 1, Terry R. Suteliffe, Box 24> Leskard, Ont. wýill not be respons- ible for anY debts contraeted in mny namie by anyone on or after this date, January 17, -1972, with- out rm'Vwitten] consent. a-p Terry R. Suteliffe TENDERS Tende-rs wili be received unt 12:00 o'clock noon on January 21. 1972 -by the undersigned for thec removal and disposai of house- hold garbage from the Police Vil- lage of Orono on a weekly basis. Tenders forms available from the undersigned are to be used. Tenders to be clearly mnaried as such. Further information iz, available. Mr. E. R. Woodyard, Secretary, Orono Police Trustees Orono, Ontario. COMING EVENT Euchre night, i-by Centennial Sehool, Saturday, January 22 at, 8 p.m. Lunch served. 75e. Prizes. Tlhi Annual Meeting 1Of" the IDurhaM Central Agrieultural So- <iety yvill be held on Saturday, Jfanuary 22nd, 1972 at 1:30 p.mý 'in the main hall of the Oronoý 'United Church. The.Chairman or a Direetor 'of each Department will'be askcd t* gfve a short report on the 1971. Fair. Any suggestions or, requests- regarding new business for 19 7Z wvill be accepted at this meeting, and denît witlî at a future meet- ing, bylthe Board of Dire c tors. The President and Board of Directors wish to take this oppor--: tuniýty to thank ail those who ex- hibited or helped in any way with the 19)71 Falr and hope that yort will participate agcain la 1972. As Secre-tary, 1 would person- ally likce f thank everyone foi the co-operation which I have,, received during the time 1I have worked 'with the Fair. If bas been a pleasure for me. 1 ask y<)U ta give y ou r same support to your nexv Secretary, Mrs. Hlorace Best. Orono, who will he taking on these duties after the Annual Meeting. Yours very truly. Secretary, Mrs. John llickard. Newcastle, Ont, RECEPTION Mr-. and Mrs. Perey Lunn wili be "At Home" to their miany friends and relativesss on the oc- casion ofthei- twenty-fifth Wed- ding Anniversary, at the .Oddlfe-,I low's Hall, Sunday, Janiuary 3th, 1972 from 2 to 4 p. Best ishes only. CARD OF THANKS I woGuld like to thank nmy manly friends for rememrbering me withk flwrgifîs and cards while 1 was in Bowmanville Memoriait HIospital. I would also like to thanik the minister and session of Orono United Church, the cor- responding secretary, Amrs Stellaý Carson, and units two and thrjjee of the United Chureh Womien, the- Rebekcah Lodge and Dr. A. F. Mct- Kenzie anid the nurses and staff, on the -first floor, and most of ail the kind7ness and attention of my husband and family.a- Aie Lgn Wewould lîke tb say "Tjhank You" bth ie Oronio 100.3Lodge No, 436 for the lovely plant; aiso,, to the Pa-st Noble Grandffs"Cu 62" for their lJovely box of good- ics. WC wanlt b thlank i-J. Dunllop for the lovely gift wve reeeived from the Poppy Fund to the Fi-st World War Veterans. a-p Hlazel and Calvin~ Myles D.C.M, lHamitons 1Inisuranic Se rv ' I TOUR SNOWMI8LE INSURANCE MAIN STREET, ORONO 8a41e NIfslton For Doendabl. Service 1 341.115 Oronoo Cab p hcne 983,-5024 CourteousSrvc Local or Long Blstanee Tripe Day or Niglit Albert Mum"oe, Pr.p. ice a Ice