A ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAr, JANUARY_ 26, 1972 1Kemda1 lNews Miss Catherine Stewart is mak- îng satisfactory erogress in Osh- awa General Hospital. Her room namber is 308 for those who care ta drap her a card. Bill and Doug Mercer were homef or the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer. They are employed with the l)onway-Ford garage in Scar- horough. Bob Geach and Peter West- heuser commute back and forth each day to Whitby where they are employed in "Bill's Custom Auto Trim." The annual meeting of Kendal United Churcli wiýýl be held on Monday, January 31. There will be a pot-luck diluner at twelve noon followed by the meeting. Everybody is invited. On Wednesday evening, Janu- ary 18 the Kendal Women's In-_ stitute met at the home of Mrs. H. Fost1er. There were eleven present. The president opened. the meeting with the singing of the "Ode". Mrs. A. Low read the minutes. The treasurer gave 'the financial report and told us that the Christmas boxes had cost $2480. Thank yoa notes were read fromt sevc'ral who had been remernbered at Christmas. The Women's Institute wvas founded seventy-five years ago. How shall we celebrate this event? Our president suggested we think about this and bring aur ideas to, the next meeting. Each year the Institute makes a donation to tihe church. Maved by Mrs. Wm. Mereer that this year we give $100.00 ta the church ta be credited in the 1971 repart. This was seconded by Mrs. M. Manders. Carried. Mrs. C. Langstaf f, leader of the girl guides requiested 'that the In- stitute provide a $200 prize for their text event. Ail were in favour. She stated that.the Kendal girl guides are havi ng a bazaar April 15 to carn money for a bus trip. Theî ladies of the W.I. are asked ta donate cooking,. sewing, articles for the touch and take booth, etc. Mrs. A. Low said the motta, for tliis meeting will le, "It's' people who make 'the counitry grow." Rail ceal, "Name( a place in New- foundland." Among ýthie answers was Goose Bany, Gandier, Carner Brook, Conceptio'ýn ay, Port-aux- Basques and St. John's. Mrs. Law read 'anl article, entitled, "New- foundland, -Land &fce!Diseovery", from ,,August Reader's Digest. It told ;hbout spectacular mountains, magnificent fjords, a history go- ing back 470 years and a rugged, frienldly peopie. Mrs. I. Elliott read spefie articles written by romfineni men Lieliihg '-of' the very ýgrea1 achievèmen-îts; of "Joey ýmall1 w'oodI." A ie9 ) une h w.~r by aur hseseMrs. A. Denui and ilrs. J. IUendersc>n- T'7ibo..necxt mleeting will be the third Thars day, E .eb;uary l7th at the hoffl fMr.E. Courouvx. Kendal,) village bas hp-dithr.ef Pcv.Stepen Pke. romCarbon eal, Neýfoujndlarid;. Rev.~.: Whiýte frorn Twillitng Gate, New~ foundlsanç,. jand aur prcýeient. mi ister, . 1 Snelgrove fron Grate's CvTriniity Bay, New foundlznd. On Sunday morning the chaii sang, What a.Felws "an( Rev. T. Sucî1ý]grove took bis seri tareredg from-i Juda, verse 17-25 with, special emiphasis -o the 24th verse, '-Now au1to I-11 thatl able ta keep you fromi fail 1 nniversary years.. Miller and Mrs. Vilda Cowan. Pouring te&' were Mrs. Ethel Payne, sister of the groom, Mrs. ilazel Jones, sister of the bride, Mrs. Hilda Caswell and Mis. Mabel Williams, friends of many cd swamps. Sa the Christian moves np te bigher jevels. "I press on towards the mark", siys Paul. A purpose in life keeps us from getting side-tracked. A Chiristian is constrained by the love of God. Most enjoyable background music was played by Mrs. Gladys Brown. Many gifts, cards and floral arrangements were receiv- ed and greatly appreciated. An interesting display of photos and snapshots of the good old days was enjoyed by the guests. Those attending were from Oshawa, Bowmanville, Cobourg, Port, Hope Newtonville, .Garden 1Hill and Orono. A private party of family and close friends was held in the ev- ening when the annivcrsary coup- le were presented with a lovely wal mirror, a beautiful ail paint- ing by Mr. Drummond and an An- niversary card containing a, gift * First, iet's set the stage. And, let's start money, so that we can lend you rnoney. partnership lu achieving goals. Your goals, with you. You grow up. You, set certain But ail of it isn't worth. a plugged nickel if and our goals. L et's cali it sornething like, goals for yourself. Andi then, after sorne somebody doesif t use it, or our services, Us, You & Sons. We know you work liard tirne, along corne the littie you's. And with or our facilities. for youlr noney. We understand things them, a whole new set of goalý. A home, No, we're flot trying ta talk you into a Lion't corne easy. For any of us. a car, maybe a cottage. You want the good boan or a deposit. It's not And that's what we mean by. "You things. And, seeing that you work liard for like that. We feel these and the Cornrnrce.Together we're both your rnoney, whyflot?. things wili corne stronger'" Because togetheri, we are.. But, where do we fit in? Wel, we feel naturaliy with what two heads are býetter than one. We figure if we have to otter. r two people set out to açhieve the samne And that offer is goals, they miglit corne a littie sooner. ths:a working And easier. AAiNMERL YOti se,we're lu fleoneyBANK 0F CO MMERCE busiâess. W invest rnÔneý to make You and lte conmerce., ¶bgethýer we're both strongert What about Valuation Day And a, Capital Gaines Tax AS THEY A]I.FECT LAND HOLDINGS, ESTATES -AND PEBSONAL PËROPERTY Hear: Mr. G. B. MacDonald, F.C.A. and Mr. Rayomnd Tonilin, C.A., discuss these subjects. Tuesday, February St KIRBY CENTENNIAL SCHOOL at 8:00 *p.m. Sponsored by the Clarke Citizens -Comnittee and Ratepayers' Ime. of moneyr. Cecil and Elsie ex- piano accordianx pressed their sincere ' apprecia- L n h 1a d W d i g C k a tion ta ail. Mr. Cecil White then Lunch and Wdding ak emwas lead a delightful singsong on the sere d, brigia semr Delivered to your door, o'r at your Glen Rae Store, EG-GS- roIac d A litious at Orchard Faims '~Our Price Now is the time to start the morning with bacon and eggs. One of nature's protective foods.