WANT ADS For( WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 S"e Milsen Insuranco Agoncy 1- for MI classes of personal and Commercial Coverare.s Office. Main St., Orono 983-5032 Hems. 983-5754 PGord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Oroueno ntro PAINTING CARPENIRY RK-MODELLING *GENERAL REPAIES Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuiator Specialize in Farm aand Purniture sales Consuit me f'or terms and dates PIIONE ORONO 982-5914 Our <Iality ahd lservice leaves nothiag tb be desired Ak the pýer-o wh bought fromn -,aneighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER Gt RANITE COMPA-NY PORT MHO1PE Ontat. Poe623-33%83 w AT S N'S Marine OronoPPhne 98S-5343 PRNAT MellCullochi CHAIN SAWS Repairs to g jmakes of Lawn Mowers and2ad 4cycle ALLOUETTE SNOW-MOBIILES PUMPlliG OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompvkins I Phbone 786-2'552 j Tlinisday and Friday afenos2.U0to 5:00 pa.I» Saturday 10:00 to 12-00 a.m 4 FOR SALE *Skiing Stretcb Pants in, size 12 and 14 for sale. Aiso Crimp-kait Dresses and Cildren's Clothes. Ail ne*. Phone 983-5494. b-4-p NOTICE Six Pups to give away to good homes. Phone 983-9326. a-c Hïerù anid Gerry Duvail 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T. RADIO - HI1-FI WE,'STINGHIOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME GUARANTEED SERVICE 111b Hamiltonslte nsu Hroc Enjoy Fresh APPLES: Red and Golden. Delidous, Maelntoeand many othr vadeledm Borne and Y¶emlsh Buty Pear FRESH APPLE CIDER FRED'S FRUIT MAMKE Hfghway 115 South of Orow< FOR SALE 50 tn shelled corn, chenistor or dried. A]so 1 Champion Oat Roller. R. D). IMorton 982-,5682. d-6-p FOR SALE Skiing Streteli Pants in size 1 2 and I4 for sale. Also Crimp-knit Dresses and Children's Clotýhes,. Ail new. Phonie 983-5491. b-3-p HEU> WVANTED Volunteer sewers needed to complete Red Cross disaster re- lief clothing. Ail inaterials sup- plied. Workroom 28 Division St. open Fridays 1:30 pm. to 3:30 p.mn. or caîl1 623-263ý9 or 983-5291. b-4-C 4 PEFECT PARIT TIME EXTRA INCQME Can you use a high monthfily sec- ond icasýhino , from accounts weetais for yo-u ila yý-ur area? Onfly a few hours weekl.y. TRE- MENDOUS PR"OFIT RETURN. iNO C0MPETITTON\. Tn-vf-Sestnt $1W500Oand X ujward-s, seýcurcd by JÔbCTIN VENT- ORY AN ECLE'~OPR TUIY FO'R DISTRIBUTOR- For itrie rteicudn ef- erencss an phon nimter: !M", Tecu'm eh Rond, East WINDOR 0 ntarjo MradMrs. PryLuna wijl be "At Home"t teirrmaniy frieds nd claivess n te c- ding Aaiesay a he Od-dfel- low%'s hlSuindaýy, January 3th, 1972 fromn 2 to 4 p.m. Best wishes only. b-4-c SN6W îlïOWrING Contact Oro nü Landscaping for snow piojwing. Dependable service Phone 983-5598. WORK WANTED Marshmaii' Bros. Floor C,. Speeiaziag in Machinea 1adTrowelled Dustless (Jowrete Floors Phone 885-64193 t- Wantbed Dead or Crippled Parm n-Stock PICKED UP PRQMPTLY Telephlone CoIUeet 263-2731 Margwill Fur Farm Licence No. 364-C-72 t, s DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED WED. FEB. 2nd LIONS CE~NTRE -BOWMANVILLE RED CROSS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 9:00 For transportation call 623-9010 day Pf dinie. THE NEEDIS GREAT! CARD 0F THANKS Cecil and Elsie Jones wish to express sincere thanks to their family, relatives and many friends fer m;aking their 40th Wedding Anniversary such a happy occas- ion. a-p PLU31BING and HEATING Sales and Service )4 HOUE BURNER SERVICE G-ULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Gi Phone, Tyýrone 263-2650) DIED DUVALL, Earî B.-Suddenly at his home, Leskard, Ontario, on Friday, Jaauary 21st, Earî B. Duvaîl, formerly fromn Grimsby, Onitalo. Age 80 years. Beloved husband of Moaa E. -'viller and dear father of Gerald and Herbert of Orono. Brother of Mrs. Elia Glover, Fruitland, Ontario. Also survived by five grandeilîdren. Rested at the Barlow Funerai Home, Park St., Orono until Mlon- day moîig hn eth a for sur,,,e Lpm Itrmn Orono Cemetery. SKATING TESTS Canodian Figure Skating Club tests were held by the' Orono Figure Skatiing Club at Oron Arena, Sunday, Jaauary 16 from 12:30 p.m.- to 2:30 p.m. Success- fui candidates were: Prellminary rance- Dutcb Waltz - Nancy Madili, Mièéele Major, Kathy Moçffaàt, Jan- ice- Wood. Ju.ýnior Bronze- Ten Fox - Mari Lou Powell. Senior Bronze - European Waitz - Diane Boyd.- Foxtrot - Nita TaIsma. IN MEMORIAM REA,1DER, Frank (Ginger)- We do flot forget, nor do we iatead, We thînk of you often, will to the end; Forgotten by some you may be, In our Memory you wiii aiways be. The Cooper Vemily. REID-Bill and Judy are pleased tco announ.ce the arrivai of a baby girl, Cin dy, 6 lbs. 151/; ozs., on January 22nd at the Bowmanville (Coiaii.ued fr'iom page 2) reduced the total acreage. for such purpose from 1300 to 350. Mr. Farow said the areas were chosen due to the capability of the land for w,,ater and sewage andi for rea- sons of economnies. He saidý it was desirable to have- such areas near pavedi roads as cost of maint'en- aneo gravel roads becomes too great. 11e said they shoulfd also be, near centres of service. i eply to the reduction lai the overaîl acreage e'sad itwasffelt that th-ere -was not h demaad in their opinion at this tim-e. There was aisQ tdie fact,lhe Sa, tat somne 70 tec-s re lots were .-t-11 vacant la Cark, I deandis gýreat, he said, thec areaýs couldt be exteale-d Thiere ar'e presently fin'e Estate Reidntalaa--,s dfn in the proposed plan in-g m1r. J. O'Chnski taedhe saw a severe chang-e with thbis new plan. Otieotepeethan- lets, Orono and the two acre Es-' tate lots the plan was limiting developmient. Ife said thie Town- shýp mwould g'ain more with two housesý on two acres rather than Just onie, Mr. Farrow said it was necessary to have 2 acre lots where water and sewage not available to, guard against pollution problemis which could exist with intensity of jeve lpmen)t. One ratepayer pointed out thiat it wsaistmpsbeto find, ont aay information on the Offic- iaI plan as so few copies were a- vailable. lie said hie couîdn't gýet one on bfan or thirough the lib- rary. The office was open Vto sec the plan only fromr 9 Vo 5,1He sug- gested that everyone be supplied Oronoi Local oir Longý Distance Tips Day or Night Albert Munneke, Prop., with proper information. Mr. Eatwisle said the, develop- meht seemed Vo be, based only a- round Orono giving as one rea- son the good ;access to the West. HIe advocated that Highway 116- was a 'death tmap' aýnd that any- development in Orono be stopped until this highway was flot-such a dcath trap. H1e said he was not la favour of strîp development along No. 2 Hgwybut feit thlere was a need for evebpmea indepth off--the, hi1ghwaý-y sucli as at the Golf course rond. r. ntwisle was criticalof the.ý plan an-d espeýcially of the Es- tate Res-idential areas. nohrresident was critical of the lackil of industrial land in the planad askeý,d what was wrong wit inu sryas a source of reven- uie fo thc Township. Mr. Farrow sadthere was an area designated for îindustry at Orono where wa- Ver a-id gas ýwas available.. "You cano xpe3ct industry Vo locate wcethere are no services, ]ue saU Id. 1 It was, pointed ont that Clarke, co uî,d purcbase_ the services of wa- ter and sewage from Newcastle for industry locating in the Town- ship near Newcastle. Mfr. Stuart M-.acKay said be was iterested lan the possible future deve'opmneat of Ilighwýýay 407 tbrongh plrop)erty ownied by ý-hlm la the niortb of the Township. 11e pitdont th-ýat thjey we;rýe endea- vouring Vto establishl a birdJ and wild'ife area in the amea of the head waters of the Wilmnot. Such a highwayv he said conld affect bis plans and the environmient for the natuire amea. Mrn Farrow said one ka.ewý where the bigbIway would go or if 1V ever wouid bc conis1ruct(cd. lie said it was shown on the map) as a poinit of interest. Mr. Muirray Payae statedl that Newt4onville was almost negiected in tle ipla,ýn and il appeamed that most of t'le attention was directed ,owvards Orono. Mr. Farrow again pointed out that Orono did have the service of water. Mlr. Payne aske.-1 ,wby there could not be a new municipal weil for Newton- ville. m1e said thiere was a need for sncb a serv7ice. aserv ice. Another mesident of Nýewtonlville, KaprHfflleii al'so remaqrked on. twbath feit was a laclk of in1terestý for Nwovle 11esaiNewton-- villê uedto be an active 12om- munmity. "It is now de l"ie said, "thy msec'hickeý,ns la the oid c-,hurCb." We sbouldhaewtr he said. 1Weare having uan Ens- ter parade aad the11re is no0 place to buy a botdg" The Planning Board are consid- erinýg holdinýg furth-er pýublic meet- ing-s with some beiag held la the eveling. CHARESt ORONO ELECTRIC Stafford Brothers Cemetery Memari ais 318 Dundas Street East W B TB Y, OINT A R1O h uilding a loGUSe? ~Floyd Nlctolsonl jPhfonue 983-m049 ORONO