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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Feb 1972, p. 5

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OltONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,ý FEBRUARY l6th, 1962 * UNITED CHURCII *Orono Pastoral Orono United Church- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1972 Chiurch School - 10:00 a.m. Worship Service- 11: 15 a.m. Church Mmbership lass First and Third Mondays 7:30 pan. Friendship Room Study and Discussion Group Second and Fourth Mondays 8:00j p.m. Main Hall. Klrby Unted Church- Worship Service - 9:45 ar. Churchi School - 11:00 a.m. Dial-A-Tliought 983-9151 MOTO-SKI SALES and SERVICE New Models on Display Cail In at PONTYPOOL GAR- AGE. for SPECIAL PRICES Now Don Chullice, Telephone 983-5161 mrille',Chtterton ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ANI) SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO JACK 99 King St, E. BOWMAN VILLE When Buying or Scfling cali VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Miember of Oshawa And Dis- trict Real Estate Board ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday WorshiP Service - 9:30 a.ini. Hoîy Communion- Flrst and, Third Sundays ,Morning Prayer- Seecond and Fourth Sundays Hoîy Baptismn by appointment 1 itRector 987-4745 fThe Bey. H., Robert Ilayne,, J B.A., L.Th. El me r's Goarge TEXACO SERVICE Mil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 DX SERVICE STATION llig-hw;ay 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuiring: Premiium Quality Produets - AtThe Most Reasonable Prices Anay quantity per gal. Ou a'ur 21.9 'îove l station L. EDUÙCAlTION BOARD SEEKS ROLE ;N PLANNING (Continucd from page 1) single residential building lots, but may bc rezoned-for high-rise apartm ents xithout the Board' of Education having beeu giveni no- tice. This wou'dl greatly che.nge tlw cx.pected population, he ro id, thus aftectiing projected enrolnients and five-year forecats of the Board of Edueation. The Kent County board is re- qiuesting ail Boards of Education ini Ontario to support its petition in order to try to rectify what it describes as "inacequate legis- lation." The local board in its resolu- tion points out that it woulj be beneficiai to effective: planning, keepjng in mind that the board is required to, provide accommoda-, tion for the education of resi- dent pupils,, that if there were close liaison, bet ween the boards ani the Planning Boards. A.A.H. Strike, board mamber for 13owmanviile, 'pointed, out that the members would be- "spread- ing themaselves thin" 1if they at- tended every Planning Board meeting in the tWo counties. Hie agrecd in principle -that it, would be advantageous to the board if it knew- what was hap- pening in the field of planning but said it would be much casier if and when area boards arc es- tablished. D. W. Patterson, superinterid- enV of planniing, told the board that the, municipal consultants re-, sponsibl e for the Utited Counties niter draft. plan had recom- mcnded that the board of educa- tion be involved with the Plan- ning Boards. -There is a lot of menit in having bthe area trustees aware of the significance of any plan- ning activîiws in. their pàrticular lHRICKLAY ERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCH!VAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORIC and FIREI'LACES We also do chimnev Repairs ONTARIO >UNABLE TO PRE VENT TWO WTLD-BOAR P1U3ESERVES The Provinc-ial lands and for- ests department says it is virtu- aIly powerlcss to prevent creatioln of two wild-boar huntîng pre.serv- es described by the Ontario Ili-" niane Society as "loutdoor !ilauigli- ter-houses. In a letter to Tom IHughe, 0115 general manager, F. A. Wa- den, director of the department's wildlife branch, says there is "no' suitable legisiation" to govern es- tablishment of the preserves, be- cause the boars aren't indigenous to Ontario. The pre'scrves arei Paul Rapai, lu Northumbýeri.4 Idý1 County. 35 miles northcast of Belleville, and Walter Litz, a Bolton, Ont. businessman who hopes to_ start one on a farm near Proton Station, 35 miles southeast of Owen Sound. "«The society finds the,,whole proposai entirely repugnant,'" said Mr. Hughes. "It has no justi- fication-as a, sport and can best be comparcd with an outdoor slaughterhouse.'" Mr. Rayai, a 69-yer-old tobacco farmer from Delhi, Ont., said the OHS accusations arce eaggerated. H1e said he regards_ himnseif as "1both a sportsman and an an- imal lover" and added that the OUS, shouid, spend -more ,time looking after neglected animais. Mr.- Litiz said he bot the idea from similar, preserves in the Unitedt States and that his pro- posai bas the approval of local fish and wildlife officiais. Don Mansell, fish and wildlîfe officer for the Lakçe Huron dist- rict, said Mr. Litz's proposaI has ati-cas," lie said. Bob' Eakins, board chairman, iaid that even if schooi board inmiers wcrc flot, "active" on on planning boards, it would be valuable to have an interchange of information and a continuing dialogue. W. Frank Thomn, director 'of educationi added that Mr. Eak- ins idea foi- the board represent- atives to act in an advisory cap- acity to the planning boards would bc the alternative to hav- ing active miembers. Mr. Bapai sidtlhe brdn tion of 1hi , Ucihi fai mpolds sheiter for, Ilceboars and lent of food. bý en ref îs ed to the departnients legal branch "for authorization." - W' feei this is thc bpe ýof ventur-e necded," said Air. Man- cilA. 'There are a number of J unting tireasoperated by tlic du- atimentd anîd this iead of Mr. fai:hunt"rs in the arca." IlowEcvcr, NrWalden ýaid i 1 ii lettet- to Mn. iHughes, that fthc wildlife branch is "apprehen-ive about the' pos-ibility of esetplpe' Mr. Papal nocently relea- '(I about 40) of tf'lic animais - Eunopean wîld grey boars 'and M-xican razor-lacks - on bis 400-acre fene- ed preserve in Northumberland's Seymour Township. The animais wven obtained lu the tUnited a. u.. i~ t'Ine n o bis uo he preserve. H1e said lie is not yet certain, how much he will charge for a day's liunting, though tlic OHS said it lias lcarned that the go- ing rate wili ho betwecn $200 and GIv E. so wmore wiII live HEARI FUND The.wcek of February Zlst has becu chosen by your Local Heart Fund Committee for the annuai tea nvas. If you are not at home when the canvasser cails, ain en- velope will be'lcft and you can drop your donation inte the local Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, NewRay o Hoe or l e arts Sism Bootnd.he Men's Werk Boots A shipment of mcn's Work Boots by Sisman has arrived. Be ready for Spring and séec the different styles in 6" boots. Ail are in good quality icather withi soles lu double leather, cork or foam. Goodyear welt construction, c ushion unsole, plain or moccasin tue. A choice of black, brown or golden tan. Sizes 6% to 12. PRICED FROM $14.95 to $17.95 Miens Scianpers Men's casual Shocs in leather and suede. Brown leather oxfords,. plain toc, notched sole edge, foam sole. Tacos reverse suede oxford, plain toe, imitation pieced quarter, cuchion heel pad, guru unit sole, tan colour.. Sizes 7 to 11. PRICED FROM $10.95 to $11.95 Boy's GScanipers Boys' Tacos reverse sucde oxford, plain toe, imitation pieced quar- ter, cushion heel pad, tan colour. Full and haif sizes 3 ta 51/2. PRICE PER PAIR - $9.95 ï A RST R GSýý CARMAN PLUMBING AND JIEAflNG'

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